Childhelp, one of the largest and oldest national, non-profit organizations dedicated to the treatment, prevention and research of child abuse and neglect, provides a broad continuum of programs that directly serve abused children and their families.
Childhelp has many resources available to help you learn more about child abuse, including in-depth information and statistics on child abuse, helpful links, tips and articles, and special interest areas for parents, children and professionals.
Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD is a confidential and anonymous Hotline offering crisis intervention, information, literature, and referrals to thousands of emergency, social service, and support resources. – Domestic Abuse Resources seeks to help those affected by domestic violence no matter the form. Learn more about the different types of abuse, and empower yourself to stop or prevent it and make a difference in your own life or someone else’s.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
“The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation whose mission is to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation, and prevent child victimization. NCMEC works with families, victims, private industry, law enforcement, and the public to assist with preventing child abductions, recovering missing children, and providing services to deter and combat child sexual exploitation.”
National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome
The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome is intended for professionals and parents looking for information, ideas, and answers to questions about shaken baby syndrome, a tragic form of child abuse. There is an abundance of helpful articles including ways of understanding babies crying, ways to de-stress situations and much more.
RA – Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime and Healing
“Resources for ritual abuse survivors, mind control survivors, their therapists, ministers, families, friends, and researchers. We have been collecting these resources since 1995, so many books are now out of print and many websites are no longer on the Internet.
Although the page is divided into sections for survivors, therapists, and researchers, you will find interesting material in all three sections.”
Abuse Support Groups
Facebook Groups – Mental Health and Abuse Support
This Facebook group is a peer to peer support group for individuals suffering from mental health issues or PTSD as a result of Abuse or Trauma.
Facebook Groups – You Are Not Alone <3 Support To Child Abuse Survivors
This Facebook group was created in April 2010 to raise awareness of child abuse and create a place for survivors to talk and express their feelings.
Fort Refuge
Chat and Forums community with resources for abuse survivors.
Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse (UK)
Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse (HAVOCA) provides support, friendship and advice for any adult whose life has been affected by childhood abuse.
Psych Central Forums – Childhood Emotional Neglect
A place to discuss childhood emotional neglect (CEN).
Psych Central Forums – Self Injury
A safe place to support one another in dealing with and helping each other to reduce self injury behaviors.
Psych Central Forums – Survivors of Abuse
A place for people being abused and the survivors of abuse, whether it be childhood, adult, emotional, psychological , sexual, or physical abuse or assault (like sexual assault).
Safe Horizon
Although oriented toward victims in New York, Safe Horizon offers a great deal of helpful information and links to resources for victims anywhere within the U.S.
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), an independent and confidential organization, with no connections to the church or church officials, is the nation’s largest, oldest and most active support group for women and men wounded by religious authority figures (priests, ministers, bishops, deacons, nuns and others). SNAP offers a Discussion Board, link to SNAP Community on, a place to publish your essays, a catalog of clergy abuse editorials to newspapers, help articles and more.
For survivors of ritual abuse, mind control, torture and pro-survivors. Membership in Survivorship is a powerful way to break the isolation and silence and to come together in community. It is a way for people to connect with each other, to validate each other’s feelings and experiences, to share information, and to offer each other support and understanding.
Please be mindful of your reactions as you explore these pages. Reading about ritual abuse can act as triggers for very powerful feelings, both positive and negative, especially if you are new to the memory of your past or new to information about ritualized abuse.
from Psych Central
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