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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Yours, Mine or Ours? Leaf Blowing and the Law

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Whether you like to pile them up and jump in with abandon or rue the time of year when they fall, leaves are at the center of a heated debate.

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How to Block Unwanted Phone Calls

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Nobody wants to be annoyed by telemarketers or spam calls. You can stop those calls from ever coming in if you know how.

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Why Air Fryers Are the Hottest Must-have Small Appliance

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You don't have to fry your food when they can get the same crispy results with hot air.

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How Cesar Chavez United Thousands of Farmworkers and Became a Civil Rights Icon

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Cesar Chavez was able to do something nobody before him could — organize abused farmworkers through nonviolent resistance. His work transformed their lives forever.

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How Long Does the Once-dimming Star Betelgeuse Have Left?

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Star-gazers gasped when they saw how much Betelgeuse dimmed in 2019 and the reason wasn't clear. Even though it's back up to full strength, how long will it be before it explodes? We haven't seen a supernova in over 400 years.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

How Vladimir Lenin Took Russia From Romanov Rule to Communist U.S.S.R.

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In a quest to build a socialist country that morphed into a communist society, Vladamir Lenin and the Bolsheviks executed and imprisoned hundreds of thousands, and starved millions more.

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How to Download YouTube Videos

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We get it. You want to watch your favorite videos even when you're not connected to the internet. We'll walk you through the YouTube-sanctioned way to do it.

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Is French Press Coffee the Best Coffee?

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Coffee is one of the world's most popular drinks. But what's the best way to brew the stuff? That depends on who you ask.

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Cyanosis: Why Your Fingers Turn Blue

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It might be OK for a Smurf to have blue fingers, but for the rest of us, it's something you don't want to see. Cyanosis is usually a sign of a bigger health problem.

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Monday, September 28, 2020

How to Cancel Amazon Prime

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Ready to ditch your Amazon Prime membership? We'll walk you through the easy steps to get rid of it.

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From the Rhino to the Corn: 10 Facts From the Wide World of Rat Snakes

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Despite their name, rat snakes don't eat just rodents. This huge family of snakes, which lives on every continent except Antarctica, also eats lizards and amphibians.

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How Nomorobo Helps Stop Unwanted Spam Calls

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Tired of getting spam calls on your phone? You may wish to install an app like Nomorobo that says it can stop unwanted calls. But how does it work?

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Monk Fruit Is Nature's Zero-calorie Sweetener

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China banned export of the fruit in 2004, so you'll likely never try it fresh. But you've probably already had versions of its extract and didn't even know it.

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Crafty Wartime Spies Put Codes Right Into Their Knitting

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Knitting socks and hats for 'our troops' was a time-honored tradition during wartime. But spies found a way to use that innocent pastime to transmit vital information.

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Sunday, September 27, 2020

How Yom Kippur Works

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Yom Kippur is marks the end of a 10-day period during which Jews seek forgiveness for their sins so they can make a fresh start. It's considered to be the holiest day of the Jewish year.

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The Dyatlov Pass Mystery: Were the Hikers Murdered?

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In 1959, a group of nine Russian hikers disappeared and were later found dead in circumstances that, to this day, have mystified authorities and armchair sleuths alike.

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Saturday, September 26, 2020

How to Escape a Sinking Car

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The impossible happens. You're trapped in your car and it's sinking. Could you break a window to get out?

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Friday, September 25, 2020

This Woman's Job Is to Figure Out Why People Don't Buy Electric Cars

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The next part of Kelly Helfrich's job? Changing their thinking.

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The Halifax Donair Is Canada's Kitschiest Sandwich You've Never Heard Of

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Canada isn't a country known for its cuisine. But there is one sandwich from Halifax with a cultlike following that you just have to try to believe.

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The Unusual Connection Between Beavers, Permafrost and Climate Change

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Beavers have long had a bad rap for building dams that wreak havoc on the environment. But now those dams are linked to warming temperatures in the tundra, and that's bad news.

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Thursday, September 24, 2020

When Should You Refinance Your Mortgage?

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Refinancing your mortgage may be a great way to lower your monthly bills, but you need to keep these points in mind.

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NYC ClimateClock Counts Down Deadline to Climate Doomsday

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Every minute, the time to do something about global warming gets shorter. In move reminiscent of the Doomsday Clock, a new art installation, ClimateClock, aims to show this crisis visually.

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Why the 2020 Fire Season Has Been So Hellish

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Dozens of wildfires have scorched millions of acres in the western U.S. this year. One Oregonian tells what it's like living through the record season and if it's a preview of what's to come.

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Is It Unlawful to Remove the Tag From Your Mattress?

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Most of us have heard that we're not supposed to remove the tags from our mattresses or pillows because it violates some kind of law. But what's the real story?

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Do Nootropics ('Smart Drugs') Actually Work?

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Nootropics (also known as smart drugs or cognitive enhancers) are pills, supplements or beverages that are thought to enhance brain function. But experts caution on whether they really do anything.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Do Blue Light Glasses Even Work?

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Blue light glasses are super popular these days. But do they work the way marketers promise?

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Who Was Viking Warrior Ivar the Boneless?

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History says Ivar the Boneless was a ruthless Viking warrior. But why the name boneless? Was he truly disabled, or was there a another more sinister reason for the nickname?

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Who Decides Which Americans Lie in State?

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Lying in state beneath the U.S. Capitol Rotunda is an honor that has been bestowed on only a few people. Who decides which Americans are so honored?

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Why Solar Geoengineering Should be Part of the Climate Crisis Solution

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The controversial technology of reflecting sunlight away from the planet could help blunt the worst impacts of climate change. Harvard University climate scientist David Keith weighs in.

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Who Qualifies for Alimony These Days?

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Alimony is on the decline in the U.S. but can still bring out a highly emotional response during divorce. Here's what you need to know about alimony.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Are Chewbacca and Bigfoot Related?

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Does everyone's favorite Wookiee call Bigfoot family?

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Drones Help Bridge the Gaps in Assessing Global Change

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Drones are helping researchers bolster scientific understanding of the ecology of a greening Arctic.

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5 Things You Didn't Know About the Autumnal Equinox

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The autumnal equinox is the day Earth is perfectly angled to the sun, so the day and night are of equal length. Well, almost.

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1 Billion People May Become Climate Refugees By 2050

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Experts expect more than 1 billion climate refugees by the year 2050. Where will they go and how will the world feed, clothe and shelter them?

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Tungsten's Boiling Point Is 10,030 F and Other Crazy Facts

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Tungsten's hardness and heat resistance make it a must for products like rocket engine nozzles, armor-piercing bullets and even the humble light bulb filament. In fact, pure tungsten boils at 10,030 F, the same as the photosphere of the sun.

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Monday, September 21, 2020

RBG's Iconic Collars Spoke Volumes

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Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wore her heart on her sleeve — or her decision on her neck, to be more precise.

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5 Students Talk Voting for POTUS for the Very First Time

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Young voters in the U.S. have a historically low turnout, which means the democracy fails to represent the youth generation. But we talked to five college students voting for POTUS this year who are determined to make a change.

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What Is a Fiduciary Financial Adviser?

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Not all investment professionals are fiduciaries — we've got four questions that smart investors need to ask a financial adviser before putting him or her in charge of their investments.

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How Many Butts in a Buttload?

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If you've ever expressed the charming idea that you have a buttload of something – a buttload of laundry to do, a buttload of tacos to eat – you may have wondered what the measure of a buttload actually is and where the phrase came from.

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Why Do Leaves Change Color in the Fall?

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Autumn rolls out its very own red carpet to make a fashionable arrival. So why do falling leaves change colors to vibrant hues of crimson, yellow and orange?

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Saturday, September 19, 2020

How to Buy the Best Trundle Bed

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Trundle beds are great for kid sleepovers and temporary adult guests. They're also good space savers, but you need to keep a few things in mind before selecting one.

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Friday, September 18, 2020

How Rosh Hashanah Works

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Rosh Hashanah is one of the most important holidays in the Jewish religion, celebrating the Jewish New Year and three other important themes.

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6 Cheesy Facts About Cheeseburgers

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On National Cheeseburger Day, we're celebrating — what else? — the all-American cheeseburger.

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How to Restore Your Car's Faded Black Trim

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Is your car's deep black trim now a dingy gray? You can change that with a little elbow grease and a few hours of your time.

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Jacques Cousteau: The Man Who Brought the Ocean Into Our Homes

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Jacques-Yves Cousteau inspired an entire generation to take an interest in the deep sea and was one of the first to warn of the peril of its destruction.

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How Presidential Debates Work

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This American institution began with Abraham Lincoln following Stephen Douglas on the campaign trail and heckling him from the crowd. Today, the presidential debate is one of the most informative and anticipated markers of candidates' campaigns.

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Thursday, September 17, 2020

What Is a Low FODMAP Diet and Who Should Try It?

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The low FODMAP diet was created by a team of researchers in Australia to help those with digestive issues like IBS. This is one diet that's not about losing weight.

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What Are Terpenes and Can They Benefit Your Health?

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Terpenes are the aromatic organic compounds found in nature that give us many of our favorite fragrances. They are also known to have surprising health benefits.

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Explorer Daniel Boone Blazed a Trail to the American West

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Forget the coonskin cap. Daniel Boone didn't wear one. But he did inspire a TV show, live with (and fight) Indians and help establish Kentucky as the 14th colony.

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The Echidna Is One of the World's Strangest Mammals

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From the four-headed male reproductive organ to hosting the world's largest flea and sporting a body covered in spiny hairs, this cute little creature takes the cake for mammalian weirdness.

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Embracing Ennui: How Boredom Can Be Good for You

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Everyone experiences boredom at some point and maybe even ennui, a chronic type of boredom. But surprisingly, ennui does have some benefits.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

How (and Why) Hurricanes Get Their Names

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You probably recognize these right off the bat: Andrew, Katrina, Sandy and Sally. But when and why did we start giving hurricanes names?

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Find a Gold Ticket, Win a Candy Factory. For Real

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If you've ever dreamt of living out 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' now's your chance — golden ticket hunt, winning a candy factory and all.

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Can Dogs Lose Their Ability to Smell?

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It's not uncommon for older dogs to lose their site or even their hearing as they age. But can they lose their ability to smell, too?

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The Deep-ocean Anglerfish Catches Prey With the Lure on Its Head

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Most species of the rarely seen anglerfish live up to a mile beneath the ocean, where the females lure prey with a head-dangling hook appendage and permanently fuse with male suitors. It doesn't get much stranger than that.

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Can a Black Widow Spider Kill You?

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Black widow spider venom can be deadly but how likely are you to be bitten? It might surprise you that these arachnids are on the shy side.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Is It Bad to Drive Without a Gas Cap?

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We've all done it — forgotten to put the gas cap back on after fueling up and then driven off from the gas station. So is it bad for our cars?

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Why Do We Say We're 'In a Pickle'?

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Ever found yourself in a pickle and wondered, "Hey, why the heck do we call it a pickle?" Let's see if we can swim through the brine and find out.

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5 Events in Hispanic History You Never Learned in School

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Hispanics have contributed to American history since Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus stepped foot in the New World. These five events were turning points in Hispanic and American history.

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Africa's Great Green Wall Is a Conservation — and World — Wonder

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Africa's Great Green Wall, which will be Earth's largest living structure once complete, has been designed to save the continent from desertification and encroachment by the Sahara.

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Racketeering Isn't Just a Crime for Mobsters

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Racketeering didn't exist as a crime before 1970. So what is it and why was the Mafia instrumental in its creation?

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Monday, September 14, 2020

How the Queen Fell in Love With Corgis

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Since Queen Elizabeth received her first corgi at age 7, it's been an 80-plus-year love affair. But not everyone appreciates the breed's "barkiness."

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Are Wolverines Dangerous?

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These berserker weasels are the ultimate cold weather survivors — cagey, smart and omnivorous.

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What Is an APR (Annual Percentage Rate)?

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Comparing home loans can be confusing, but there is a method to the madness. We'll explain why the annual percentage rate is the figure you should be paying attention to.

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Why You — and Your Dog — Should Be Taking Glucosamine

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As both human and animal bodies age, the cushioning connective tissue known as cartilage begins to wear down. That's where glucosamine comes in.

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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Maine Coon Cats: Gentle Giants of the Feline World

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Known as the dogs of the cat world, Maine Coons are intelligent, eager to please and love water.

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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Don't Mess With the Black Mamba, One of the Deadliest Snakes Alive

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One of the most venomous snakes alive, the black mamba warns off encroachment with a fearsome hiss and the ominous flaring of its two cobra-like neck flaps.

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Friday, September 11, 2020

You'll Never Guess What Company Makes the World's Most Tires

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There are a ton manufactured every year across the world. So what company makes the most? You'll probably be shocked to find out.

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How the National September 11 Memorial and Museum Works

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Sixteen acres of land surrounding the site of the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center have been rebuilt. Eight are devoted to honoring the victims.

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Never Heard of the Slightly Boozy Old-time Drink Cronk? You Will

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Cronk was a mildly alcoholic beverage, popular from about 1840 to 1910, that's once more being brewed and just might become a sensation again.

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How Your Lungs Work

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You couldn't breathe without your lungs and you do it without even thinking about it. So, how do your lungs manage this amazing feat?

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Were U.S. Interstates Really Designed as Runways?

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Is 1 mile out of 5 on U.S. interstates really supposed to be straight so that planes can land on them in an emergency? Find out the truth about this long-held urban legend.

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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Is Running Every Single Day Good for Your Body?

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Some experts argue it's not good to run every single day without letting the body rest. But others take running streaks to another level, and their bodies and minds are better for it.

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Tapir: The Ancient Fruitarian With the Tiny Trunk

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The protection of these strange looking, ancient animals, and creatures like them, may be a key component in helping a planet in climate catastrophe.

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The Pomodoro Technique: You Can Tackle Any Task 25 Minutes at a Time

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Whether you're a procrastinator or a workaholic, you can improve your time management. How? With a timer, scheduled breaks and some serious discipline.

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How to Choose the Best Trellis for Your Garden

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If you don't already have a trellis working for you in your garden, you probably need one.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Mob Boss John Gotti Never Lived Up to His 'Teflon Don' Nickname

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Gambino crime boss John Gotti is remembered as the Teflon Don for beating the legal system. But Gotti died in prison, so did he really live up to that name?

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The Fast and Furious Peregrine Falcon Is a Midair Hunting Machine

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While the cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, the peregrine falcon, a large predatory raptor, is by far the fastest bird on planet Earth.

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Prunes: They're Not Just For Pooping

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Sure, eating prunes can help you have regular bowel movements, but these sweet dried plums can also help you build — and maintain — strong bones.

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The Amazing Mantis Shrimp Punches Its Prey, Plus More Colorful Facts

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These brightly colored crustaceans can smash aquarium glass or quickly cut through a human finger, so whatever you do, keep your distance.

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How Political Polling Works

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Almost every day it seems like there is a new poll out tracking the president's performance or some political issue. But who selects the people who respond to these polls? And can you trust the numbers?

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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

What's the Difference Between Pyrite and Gold?

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Don't know your fool's gold from the real deal? We'll tell you how to tell what's pyrite (aka fool's gold) and the good ol' 24 karat stuff you want.

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Star Trek's Kobayashi Maru Exercise Explores No-win Situations

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The Kobayashi Maru simulation puts future Starfleet commanders in a classic "no-win" scenario. It's so accurate, even the U.S. military uses the exercise to test the measure of a good leader.

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7 Wild and Scenic Rivers You Should Totally Check Out

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President Lyndon Johnson signed the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act into law in 1968 to protect U.S. rivers for future generations. Here are seven fabulous rivers you should check out.

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How Can I Tell Whether I Have Flu or COVID-19?

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The symptoms for both are similar though there are a few differences. Treatment is also similar for mild cases of either. But severe cases of COVID are much more deadly, so how do you know what you have?

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Monday, September 7, 2020

5 Things You Didn't Know About Fried Chicken

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How did this dish become so associated with the American South and yet so beloved all over the world?

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Saturday, September 5, 2020

6 Times a Single Vote Really Did Change an Election

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Sorry, democracy grinches: A single voter's decision can make a difference. American citizens have cast rare, but possible, pivotal votes throughout history.

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Why the Mint Julep Is the Official Drink of the Kentucky Derby

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The mint julep is as synonymous with the Kentucky Derby as big hats and seersucker suits. But how did this simple drink from the 1700s wind up at the world's most famous horse race?

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Friday, September 4, 2020

How Geronimo Went From Guerilla Warrior to POW

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The life and legacy of Apache warrior Geronimo is a tale that has been twisted over time. One thing that is certain is he spent much of his life avenging the death of his wife and children.

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Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?

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Americans typically view Labor Day as the official end of summer and a free day off from work. But have you ever stopped to think about who was behind it? And why is it celebrated in early September?

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Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?

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Americans typically view Labor Day as the official end of summer and a free day off from work. But have you ever stopped to think about who was behind it? And why is it celebrated in early September?

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Deciphering the History, Symbols and Sounds of Egyptian Hieroglyphics

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About 25 symbols in the Egyptian hieroglyphic "alphabet" denote specific sounds. But very few words were written purely alphabetically.

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The Phrase 'Riding Shotgun' Came Way After the West Was Won

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The phrase (which means to ride in the front passenger seat of the car) seems like it might have come about during the Wild West. But it actually took a detour through Hollywood.

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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Who Is In Charge of Policing Mask Mandates?

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You've probably seen at least one video of someone berating a store employee about why they don't have to wear a mask. So how much can retail stores do to police the mask mandates?

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Esters Give Your Beer That Weird, Tangy Taste You Like

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There's some serious chemistry behind the flavor in your favorite brew and esters are the compounds responsible for it.

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Cheerios: 8 Fun Facts About Making Oats Into O's

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This iconic cereal has a long and fun history. For instance, its original name wasn't even Cheerios.

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Fallingwater Is Considered Frank Lloyd Wright's Masterpiece. Here's Why

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Set over Bear Run, a tributary of the Youghiogheny River in the mountains of southwestern Pennsylvania, Fallingwater is perhaps the architect's best-known work.

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Bullet Journal Ideas for People Who Hate To-do Lists

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Bullet journals can be as plain or as fancy as you want them to be. They're just a way to organize your thoughts and plans. And it's easy to get started.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Why You Need More Lentils in Your Life

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These colorful legumes pack a powerful punch when it comes to nutrition. Plus they're versatile, easy to cook and taste great.

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Why Jim Thorpe Is Often Considered the Greatest Athlete of All Time

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Jim Thorpe overcame almost insurmountable obstacles, from a rough childhood to racial discrimination, to become one of the world's greatest athletes of all time.

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The Venn Diagram: How Overlapping Figures Can Illustrate Relationships

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Venn diagrams are an easy way to simplify information and visualize relationships between concepts or sets of data.

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Does the Real Element 115 Have a Connection With UFOs?

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For decades Bob Lazar talked about a mysterious element 115 that supposedly could power alien spacecraft. People thought he was a nut but scientists discovered element 115 in 2003. Was there any connection?

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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

How Cash App Works

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Our beginner's guide to how Cash App works will have you sending and receiving money from your digital wallet like a pro in no time.

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Calamity Jane Rode Hard, Drank Even Harder and Became a Wild West Legend

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Martha Jane Canary was a woman trying to make it in a man's world at a time when societal strictures held women tightly bound to norms of femininity. They called her Calamity Jane and here is her story.

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Inside Death Valley, the Hottest Place on Earth

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Death Valley recorded a temperature of 130 degrees Fahrenheit, the hottest in history. Why is it so hot here and how can anything survive in such brutal conditions?

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How the Swing States Work

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Candidates in U.S. elections spend an enormous amount of their time on swing states. But what exactly are these states and why are they so important?

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The Now-extinct Castoroides Was a Bear-sized Beaver

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The giant castoroides thrived in the Great Plains, the Great Lakes region, the American South and Alaska. So why did this massive beaver die out?

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When to Cook With Tamari Instead of Soy Sauce

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Is the difference between soy sauce and tamari like the difference between ketchup and catsup – in name only? Not at all, and we'll tell you why.

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What's the Difference Between a Cave and a Cavern?

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One term might give you the impression of something grand and mysterious, while the other makes you think of claustrophobia-inducing environs that threaten human life. But what's the real difference?

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