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Friday, October 30, 2020

People's Bodies Now Run Cooler Than 'Normal' – Even in the Bolivian Amazon

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In the U.S., normal body temperature has been dropping over the past 150 years. People run cooler today than they did two centuries ago. Why is that?

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Yes, Female Praying Mantises Do Eat Their Mates

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The praying mantis is a powerful predator, and not as robotic (or as romantic!) as it seems.

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How to Care for a Japanese Maple Tree

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Japanese maples grow slowly, but they are beautiful and colorful in the fall. They're also easy to care for.

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Thursday, October 29, 2020

How to Clean a Keurig

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If you want to keep your convenient caffeine coming, you need to clean your Keurig. We'll tell you how to do it speedily and simply.

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Why Do Americans Vote on a Tuesday?

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Voting for president on a Tuesday has been a U.S. tradition since the 1840s, but the timing makes it difficult for many people to exercise their right to vote. So, should it change?

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How a Frisky Feline Made Aviation History

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Kiddo was his name and not only was he the first cat to attempt to cross the Atlantic in an airship, but he also did it as a stowaway.

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Why Is Ambergris (Whale Poop) So Valuable?

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If you're wandering on the beach and happen upon a large mass of some sort of waxy substance, take a closer look. It could be the rare "floating gold" of the sea: ambergris. Find out whether this whale poop can help you retire rich.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

One Seriously Funny List of Oxymorons

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We use oxymorons without ever thinking about it. They're typically two words that, when combined, make contrary or antithetical phrases, and some are downright funny.

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The Tragic Life of Joseph Merrick, the 'Elephant Man'

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Over 130 years after his passing, the story of Joseph Merrick, the "Elephant Man" can still teach us important lessons about acceptance and love.

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How to Poach an Egg

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Poaching eggs is easy if you know a few tricks.

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Paranoia Will Destroya: When Does Healthy Fear Cross the Line Into Paranoia?

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Ever feel like others are out to get you, or that you're in danger even though there's no clear threat? Is this normal in today's crazy world or is paranoia creeping in?

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What Is Universal Basic Income, and Should Everyone Get It?

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UBI is 'basic' in that it meets your basic needs, and it's 'guaranteed income' in that you know that it's coming. Pilot programs want to test whether having UBI can change your life for better. And can we afford it?

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Squirrels Actually Organize Their Nut Hoard — Here's Why

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Research suggests that squirrels use mnemonic strategies to remember where they put the good nuts.

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Super Cute Leopard Geckos Make Great Pets

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If you're thinking about entering the wonderful world of gecko ownership, check out the advice from our leopard gecko expert and see if this is the right lizard for you.

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4G on the Moon? Does That Mean Cell Towers, Too?

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NASA is sending astronauts to the moon as soon as 2024. And they'll have 4G cell service when they get there.

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Meet John Cage, the Innovative Composer Behind the 639-year-long Concert

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On Sept. 5, 2020, a small crowd gathered in the St. Burchardi church in Halberstadt, Germany, to hear the first sound change in almost seven years to an organ piece by composer John Cage that will go on until the year 2640.

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6 Sweet Spots Every Chocolate-lover Should Visit

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Serious chocoholics can't get enough of their favorite treat and are always looking for ways to get more of it. These chocolate-themed attractions should help satisfy their sweet teeth.

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Monday, October 26, 2020

There Are 5 Types of Haunted House Visitors. Which One Are You?

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Haunted houses have an arsenal of scare tactics they deploy depending on who darkens their doors.

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How to Back Up Your iPhone

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You can replace your iPhone easily but what about its contents? That's why it's good to back them up. Here's how.

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Free Land: How the Homestead Act Helped America Expand Westward

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President Abraham Lincoln signed into law that any person in the U.S. could have free land — 160 acres in fact. But there was a catch.

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Why Is the Goldendoodle So Popular, and Do They Make Good Pets?

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What do you get when you mix a poodle and a golden retriever? An oodleriever? Nope — you get a goldendoodle. They're great pets, but have a ton of rambunctious energy and need a lot of play time and attention.

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How COBRA Insurance Works

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Most Americans are covered by their employers' group health insurance. But what happens if they lose their jobs? COBRA health insurance allows people to continue their coverage, but on their own dime.

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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Male Breast Cancer Is Rare, But Real

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Although it's far more common in women, men get breast cancer too. And they have a much higher fatality rate. Why is this and what can be done?

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Saturday, October 24, 2020

Why Do People Eat Dirt?

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It's called geophagy and it's a relatively common practice all over the world, but nobody's completely sure why.

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Why Is It So Hard for the Innocent to Be Freed From Prison?

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It takes a lot of legal maneuvering to free an innocent person from prison. And that takes a lot of money. That's why the Innocence Project is so critical to help free the wrongly convicted.

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How Do Pandemics End?

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How long does it take for a pandemic to end? History suggests the disease itself will fade but will almost never be truly gone.

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The Blue-footed Booby Dance Gets the Girl Every Time

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The blue-footed booby is known as much for its comical mating dance as for its intensely colored blue feet.

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7 Eye-catching Facts About the Bright Star Vega

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Even if you've never looked through a telescope, you've probably seen Vega, one of the brightest stars in our galaxy. In fact, thousands of years ago, Vega was our North Pole star, and will be again in the future.

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Thursday, October 22, 2020

At-whay Is-way Ig-pay Atin-lay?(What Is Pig Latin)?

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At-thay epends-day on-way at-whay ou-yay ean-may y-bay eal-ray.

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Centrioles: You Can't Divide Cells Without Them

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Centrioles are spindles that create the pathways for chromosomes to follow during cell division.

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Pimento Cheese: The Southern Staple With Northern Roots

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You probably equate pimento cheese with the South. And you're right. It's a popular Southern treat that started in the North. We'll tell you all about that, and how to make it.

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What Is Transcendentalism and How Did It Change America?

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Transcendentalism was a 19th century philosophical movement with adherents like Thoreau, Emerson and Fuller, based on principles of freedom, feminism, abolition and the idea that people had divine truth within them.

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What Is Probate and Can You Avoid It?

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A lot of people don't like to think about death, which is why many estates go unplanned. But if someone dies without a will, their survivors may end up in a long expensive fight in probate court.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What Version of Windows Do I Have?

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What operating system are you running these days? Windows 7? Windows 8? Windows 10? We'll show you how to quickly find out.

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Earth: A Primer on the Third Rock From the Sun

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Even though it's tiny compared to the rest of the universe, Earth is a complex planet that, so far, is the only one we know of that sustains life.

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The Caracal's Got Super Jumping Game and Satellite Dish Ears

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Caracals have really cool ears and can also jump 10 feet in the air from a seated position.

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Is All That Shines Really Sterling Silver?

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The Brits standardized what it means for an item to be sterling silver way back in 14th century. But how can you tell if something is sterling or not?

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From Plant Pots to Ancient Armies, Terracotta Is Universal

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One of the oldest and most widely used materials in the world, baked clay or terracotta, can be found on roofs, in museums and in gardens all over the world.

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When Does Belief in a Conspiracy Theory Like QAnon Tip Into Addiction?

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About half of all Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory. But what's the difference between believing a theory and being addicted to it? And how can you help someone you think might be in too deep?

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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

How to Factory Reset Windows 10

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Is your computer achingly inept these days? Doing a factory reset of Windows 10 might get it humming smoothly again if you can set aside a few hours.

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How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds

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Forget candy corn. Nothing says fall quite like freshly roasted pumpkin seeds. They're super simple to make and you can give them a sweet or salty kick.

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Everything Really Does Taste Like Chicken, Including This Mushroom

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The Chicken of the Woods mushroom is jam-packed with protein and easy to spot with its bright orange color and ruffled edges.

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Sundown Towns: 'Hiding' Racism Right in the Open

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These towns, with all-white populations, may not be as blatant about their racism as they once were. But they're still here and being forced to face their ugly truth.

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What's the Difference Between a Brown Bear and a Black Bear?

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Yes, the obvious fur color seems like a dead giveaway, but you can't always judge a bear by the color of its fur.

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The Journey of 'Uncle Tom': From Abolitionist Hero to Ultimate Sellout

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'Uncle Tom's Cabin' was a wildly popular 19th-century novel about a heroic enslaved man in the American South. But along the way, 'Uncle Tom' became shorthand for a Black man who's subservient to whites. What caused the switch?

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Monday, October 19, 2020

How to Bake Bacon in the Oven

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Frying isn't the only (or necessarily the best) way to cook bacon. We'll show you another way that's even better.

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5 Pieces of Trail Advice to Keep You From Looking Like a Newbie

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Hiking is wildly popular today, thanks in part to the coronavirus spurring more people into the outdoors. But before you head out on that trail, there are some 'trail etiquette' guidelines you need to be aware of.

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The Martingale Collar Is Man — and Dog's — Best Friend

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If you have a tough time harnessing your dog's boundless energy, the martingale collar could be the answer. Well, on walks anyway.

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How the U.S. Department of Justice Works

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The Department of Justice claims to be the world's biggest law office, but it does everything from operating prisons to conducting counterespionage operations.

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How Do I Know if There's a Lien on My Property?

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If you buy anything via a loan, like a house or car, the bank puts a lien on that property until it is paid off. But liens can also be placed on your property by other folks and without your consent, depending on circumstances.

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Sunday, October 18, 2020

How a Flea Circus Works

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Tiny but mighty, fleas are capable of some pretty amazing feats. How is insectoid strength harnessed for human entertainment?

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Saturday, October 17, 2020

What Happens if Someone Is Murdered in Space?

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As far as we know, it has never happened, but a murder in space would most definitely create numerous jurisdictional, legal and investigative complications.

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Friday, October 16, 2020

10 Countries Besides the U.S. That Have Electoral Colleges

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A handful of other countries have electoral colleges, but they're very different in function and purpose from the one that decides U.S. presidential elections.

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The Orionid Meteor Shower Is Back — Here's What You Need to Know

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Every autumn, Earth passes through a stream of debris left by Halley's comet, resulting in nighttime meteor showers in mid-October. Best time this year is Oct. 21-22.

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The Big Dinosaur Debate: Is It an Apatosaurus or Brontosaurus?

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Apatosaurus was a huge sauropod from the Jurassic period. And there's a debate that's been raging for decades about whether its genus should cancel out the Brontosaurus entirely.

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The Danes Are So Happy, They Opened a Happiness Museum

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The Happiness Museum in Copenhagen explores happiness across the globe, including how it varies across regions, and why some countries, such as Denmark, are happier than others.

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Thursday, October 15, 2020

How Do Originalists Interpret the U.S. Constitution?

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Judge Amy Coney Barrett says her judicial philosophy is originalism, following in the footsteps of her mentor, Justice Antonin Scalia. What does that even mean?

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The Late Ram Dass, Renowned Spiritual Leader, Lives on Through His Teachings

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By the time Richard Alpert died in 2019, he was better known as Baba Ram Dass and had become a spiritual teacher, psychedelic research pioneer, best-selling author and New Age guru to millions of followers.

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Could Breadfruit Be the Next Superfood?

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This starchy, staple fruit that grows in the tropics has the potential to provide food security to millions. So what exactly is it and who's eating it?

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Did the Bible 'Borrow' the Noah's Ark Story from the Epic of Gilgamesh?

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A story remarkably similar to the Noah's Ark flood account in Genesis was discovered in the Epic of Gilgamesh, a text 1,000 years older. Does that confirm the account or make it more of myth?

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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Before Halloween, There Was Samhain

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This centuries-old Pagan holiday isn't necessarily scary. But those who celebrate are honoring the dead, believing their spirits have easy access to the world of the living during Samhain.

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Do You Have to Tell Buyers Your House Is Haunted?

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When it comes to buying that spooky-ish-looking Victorian mansion, the word is "buyer beware." No states mandate disclosure that a house is haunted and only a few require disclosure if the seller is asked directly.

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Monday, October 12, 2020

Is Ophiuchus the 13th Zodiac Sign?

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Thousands of years ago, the Babylonians created the zodiac and dropped a constellation when it didn't quite fit into their schematic. Its name? Ophiuchus. Should it be part of our horoscope?

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Messy Legacy of Columbus Threatens Columbus Day Holiday

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As more states are swapping Columbus Day celebrations for Indigenous Peoples' Day observances, does Columbus Day still have any relevancy?

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Why Porcelain Has Been the Most Prized Ceramic for Centuries

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The Chinese have been making porcelain as far back as perhaps the first century. Why did it take hundreds of years for the process to be duplicated anywhere else?

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The Misrepresentation of 'Nosferatu' in Vampire Lore    

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Popularized in the 1897 novel "Dracula" by Bram Stoker, and the film "Nosferatu" in 1922, the word "nosferatu" is largely considered to be an archaic Romanian word, synonymous with "vampire," though the true origin story is long and complicated.

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How Miranda Rights Work

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Any viewer of a TV cop show has heard of the Miranda rights. They include the rights to remain silent, to have an attorney and so on. Why are they called the Miranda rights, and why must U.S. police recite them to arrestees?

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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Surgeon Robert Liston Was the 'Fastest Knife in the West End'

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In the era before anesthesia, a surgeon with quick hands was highly sought-after.

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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Is There a Scientific Strategy for Finding a Good Parking Spot?

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Seems like just when you've settled on a parking spot far out, some joker cruises by and gets a space in the front row. What do scientists think is the best way to score a good parking space?

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All 'Aboot' Canadian Holidays

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Canadian Thanksgiving is on Oct. 12 this year. How does it differ from the American version? And what other Canadian holidays do we need to get up to speed on?

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Friday, October 9, 2020

Isolation and Monotony Stress the Brain. Here's How to Cope

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Social isolation, boredom and monotony in these days of COVID-19 may seem like passive problems, but they actually trigger the brain's stress reactions. Luckily, there's help.

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What's the Difference Between a Cyclone and Hurricane?

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Both are destructive storms that can pack powerful winds and devastating storm surge. So how are they different? Or are they?

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You Already Use Heuristics Every Day. Here's What They Are

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Heuristics are rule-of-thumb strategies that help us shorten decision-making time and solve problems quickly and effortlessly.

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Goodbye Columbus — Hello Indigenous Peoples Day

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More states are replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day. What's prompted the switch and how you do celebrate it?

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Thursday, October 8, 2020

The 25th Amendment: The Other Constitutional Way to Remove a President

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It's been invoked in the past, but never to remove a U.S. president from office.

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How Did Constantinople Become Istanbul?

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The modern city of Istanbul, Turkey, has a long and tumultuous history. Once known as Constantinople, it was the capital of the Ottoman Empire, the center of cultural and religious activity and a hub for trade in Eurasia.

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Top Ramen's First 'Chief Noodle Officer' Pays in, Well, Ramen

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What does it take to be a chief noodle officer? Top Ramen is hiring its first ever in honor of its 50th anniversary.

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Why Anti-anxiety Drug Phenibut Is So Controversial

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Phenibut is sold in Russia as an anti-anxiety drug and online as a brain booster. But it's not licensed as medication in many countries because of its side effects.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Yes, Macaws Can Talk (and Say Bad Words!)

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Macaws mate for life, can speak human words and have even been known to blush when delighted.

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Why Is Populism So Popular Again?

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Populism is a political philosophy that divides society by splitting it into two opposing factions: the people and the elite. So who benefits from that?

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How CRISPR Gene Editing Works

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Two female scientists behind CRISPR technology won the 2020 Nobel prize in chemistry. What exactly is CRISPR and what does it mean for the future of disease?

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4 Facts About Phosphate, the Chemical Compound That's Everywhere

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You might wonder what phosphates do, but they are so intrinsic to our daily lives that the question really is: What don't phosphates do?

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How Campaign Finance Works

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The 2020 presidential election is expected to be the most expensive ever, with President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden having raised $3.2 billion by October 2020. Where does this money come from, and where does it all go?

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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

What's the Best Way to Stop a Nosebleed?

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Getting a bloody nose is nasty and can be also be pretty scary if you can't stop it. So what's the fastest — and safest — way to get your nose to stop bleeding?

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What Rumi, the World's Most Popular Poet, Wants to Teach Us, 800 Years Later 

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Born in 1207 as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, the Sufi mystic and Persian poet wrote a staggering amount of verse, and is still beloved and widely influential to this day.

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How the Truman Doctrine Changed American Foreign Policy Forever

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The Truman Doctrine was an American foreign policy created to counter Soviet geopolitical expansion. But some consider it as the official beginning of the Cold War.

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Why Was Phrenology All the Rage in Victorian Times?

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Phrenology, the belief that you could determine personality from the shape of someone's skull, was so popular in the Victorian era that phrenology parlors sprung up all over Europe and America. But the trend was soon debunked.

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Gobekli Tepe: The Temple That Hints at What Humans Were Up to 11,000 Years Ago

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Göbekli Tepe is thought to be a possible archaeological bridge between nomadic hunter-gatherer societies and stable, settled agricultural communities that built temples and produced art.

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Monday, October 5, 2020

5 Facts About Marie Curie and the Winningest Nobel Prize Family in History

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Having one Nobel Prize winner in the family is a huge accomplishment. But the extended Curie family had five winners – and one was even awarded twice. How did they get so smart?

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Why Do People Carve Jack-O'-Lanterns at Halloween?

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What do a man named Stingy Jack, the devil and a cross have to do with carving Halloween pumpkins? Everything, it turns out. This long-standing tradition is steeped in folklore and superstition.

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What's the Difference Between a Dugong and a Manatee?

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Their mamas may be the only ones who can tell them apart, but there are major differences between these cousins, one being the type of water in which they can survive.

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Pi Can Help You Determine the Age of Your Trees

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Curious to know how old those big trees are in your yard? We'll tell you how to use geometry to figure out their ages without risking their health.

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What Is Mortgage Forbearance and How Do You Qualify?

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Forbearance plans are typically offered as a way to keep borrowers in their homes during a period of unemployment or recovery from a natural disaster. The CARES Act makes it easier to qualify.

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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Ridiculous History: Soviet Hipsters Bootlegged 'Bone Music' on Human X-rays

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Under repressive regimes, teens still need their rock 'n' roll. What drastic measures did Soviets go to to create an underground vinyl record market?

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Get to Know Proprioception, Your Silent Sixth Sense

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Proprioception refers to our ability to perceive our body's position and how we move through space. It's often considered our sixth sense because we do it without thinking about it.

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Friday, October 2, 2020

The Greyhound-like Borzoi Can Take Down a Wolf. What Can Your Dog Do?

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A popular companion dog for European royalty for centuries, this elegant breed is still sought after worldwide, though somewhat difficult to find in the U.S.

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What Happens if a Presidential Candidate Dies?

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It's happened before, and it'll likely happen again. The tricky part, though, is when it happens.

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5 Reasons Why the Bay of Pigs Invasion Failed

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It's been called one of American's biggest foreign policy failures. But why was it such a disaster? Let's count the ways.

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Thursday, October 1, 2020

A Portrait of Jimmy Carter, America's Oldest Living President Ever

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Jimmy Carter isn't considered one of America's greatest presidents. But the legacy he's built in the 40-plus years after leaving the White House is one that will be hard for other presidents to top.

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Irish Supreme Court Says Subway's Bread, Well, Isn't

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If Subway's bread is legally not bread, then what in the heck is it?

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The Nebra Sky Disc: Early Calendar, Ancient Astronomical Art or Simply a Fake?

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Since its discovery, the Nebra Sky Disc has been known as the oldest artifact in the world depicting cosmic phenomena. But is the 3,600-year-old disc actually 1,000 years younger than previously thought or is it a fake altogether?

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What's the Meaning Behind the Latin Phrase 'Caveat Emptor'?

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The Latin language may be dead, but this phrase, which originated 2,000 years ago, is still used in legal and financial docs. So what does it mean?

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How Hitler's Blitzkrieg Tactic Shocked the Allies in WWII

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The Blitzkrieg shocked the world: How could an army defeat its enemy so quickly and no one could counter it? Luckily the Allies cracked the code.

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