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Monday, November 30, 2020

Without Frank's RedHot There'd Be No Buffalo Wings

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You read that right. Frank's RedHot is the reason we now eat chicken wings. So what's the backstory? We'll tell you.

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How to Boil Corn

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It's so easy to make boiled corn. All you need to make great corn is a pot of water and some salt.

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How 'America's Poet' Walt Whitman Can Both Appeal and Appall

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Walt Whitman's collection of poetry, "Leaves of Grass," is considered a landmark of American literature. But the man himself — and his lasting legacy — is much more complicated.

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Why Do Stars Twinkle?

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And while we're at it, why don't the other planets in our solar system seem to twinkle?

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Why Is Herodotus Called Both the Father of History and the Father of Lies?

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Herodotus was a natural-born storyteller, whom scholars revere as the first historian ever, and critics dismiss as just a teller of tall tales. What's the real story?

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Sunday, November 29, 2020

How to Safely Transport Your Christmas Tree Home

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Plan on buying a live Christmas tree this year? Don't be that guy who loses it on the road between the lot and your house. We've got tips to help you get it home safely.

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Saturday, November 28, 2020

5 Wild and Wacky Takes on the Advent Calendar

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These Advent calendars give new meaning to the phrase "countdown to Christmas." Plus, where did the Advent calendar come from? And what are some of the more unusual takes on it?

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Friday, November 27, 2020

Why Air Fryers Are the Hottest Must-have Small Appliance

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You don't have to fry your food when you can get the same crispy results with hot air.

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Is Black Friday the Biggest Shopping Day of the Year?

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Waiting in endless checkout lines can make Scrooges out of the cheeriest holiday shoppers. Many of us brave the mall mayhem to be part of the Black Friday rush. But to retailers' chagrin, most of us are browsing and not buying on this storied day.

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Thursday, November 26, 2020

How Thanksgiving Works

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Today, many associate the holiday less with pilgrims and American Indians and more with football and turkey. What's the real story of Thanksgivig Day?

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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

7 Puritan Myths We Should Stop Believing

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We often think of Puritans as those pilgrims to America whose twin passions were long church services and burning witches. But the truth is far more interesting.

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Is There a Link Between Gratitude and Happiness?

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Thanksgiving may only come once a year, but you'll thank your lucky stars if you learn to count your blessings every day.

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How VO2 Max Works

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Some athletes try to improve their performance by determining their maximal oxygen consumption, or VO2 max. How do you determine this number, and what does it really mean anyway?

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HowStuffWorks Newsletter Quiz (Nov. 20 & 27, 2020)

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If you took either of our past two newsletter quizzes, you've come to the right place for the answers.

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When Krakatoa Blew: How the 1883 Eruption Changed the World

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The 1883 Krakatoa eruption was gigantic and deadly, but the advent of modern communications and mass media helped to make it one of the earliest and best-known modern natural catastrophes.

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What's So 'Offal' About Haggis and Why's It Banned in the U.S.?

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The national dish of Scotland is banned in America because it contains a certain outlawed ingredient. But whose idea was it to stuff a sheep's stomach bag and boil it? And what does it taste like?

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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

'What Day Is It Again?' The Psychology of Tuesday

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Why does everyone remember Monday and Friday but not the days in between?

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Dik-dik: The Tiny Antelope With the Embarrassing Name

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The name dik-dik comes from the repetitive 'dik' sound the tiny female dik-dik makes when she feels threatened.

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What's the Fastest Way to Thaw a Frozen Turkey?

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What's the fastest way to thaw a frozen turkey on Thanksgiving? There are a few different methods to do it safely.

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Molasses: The Sticky Story of a Dark and Syrupy Sweetener

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The wonderfully thick, dark syrup called molasses has been used in cooking for centuries and is still prized around the world today for its smokey sweetness.

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How Turducken Became the Ultimate Thanksgiving Triple Play

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The turducken is the definitive bird-within-a-bird-within-a-bird (got that?) on the dinner table today. But who first created this mystery meat, and what does it taste like?

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What's the Difference Between a Newt and Salamander?

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These two amphibians look similar and are often confused for each other. So how many traits do they share?

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Perlite: It's Like Popcorn for Your Potting Soil!

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Those white beads you see in potting soil are made of a volcanic glass called perlite. And that's not the only place you'll see this versatile material. So how is it made and what is it used for?

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Monday, November 23, 2020

The Lemon Shark Is a (Relatively) Friendly Shark

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The lemon shark isn't as aggressive as some other sharks and it isn't quite as yellow as its name suggests.

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How to Find Orion's Belt in the Night Sky

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Late November is the perfect time to look for Orion's Belt. If you're new to stargazing, we'll show you how to find it.

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Marzipan Is the Sweet Almond Treat You Need This Holiday

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Some form of marzipan can be dated back to ancient Egypt. But today this sweet confection is as traditional a holiday treat as they get.

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What's an NFC Tag?

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NFC tags are smart little chips that'll allow you to snag digital information with your smartphone at short range. Get the details on this tag technology in this article.

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How to Get Rid of Weevils

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Those tiny critters with a snout may be crawling around your pantry. But how do you get rid of them? And if you find them in your rice or flour, are they harmful?

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Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Portrait of John F. Kennedy, America's Youngest President

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John F. Kennedy was the youngest man ever elected to be president of the United States. But his term was tragically cut short when he was assassinated in Dallas at age 46.

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Why Talking Politics With Your Drunk Uncle Is a Great Idea

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A study looked at the benefits of nonconformity and of standing up for your own beliefs in the face of group opposition. Handy for Thanksgiving dinner?

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Friday, November 20, 2020

Fresher Air Indoors May Lessen the Spread of Coronavirus

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Indoor air quality expert Shelly Miller tells you exactly how to recirculate fresh air through your home so you can add one more tool in your arsenal to protect your family from coronavirus.

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How Fractals Work

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Fractals have been around forever but were only defined in the last quarter of the 20th century. Think you can wrap your brain around how fractals work?

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Can You Get a Flu Shot if You Have an Egg Allergy?

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If you're allergic to eggs, it means your immune system can't handle certain proteins. But does that mean you also can't get a flu shot?

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What Causes Petrichor, the Earthy Smell After Rain?

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There's often a strong earthy smell right after a rain shower. What accounts for petrichor, the 'smell of rain'?

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Thursday, November 19, 2020

Got a Backup Plan? Think About Ditching It

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Just jump already! Your backup plan may be getting in the way of you achieving your dream.

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Is Oat Milk Really the Best Milk?

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There's really no shortage when it comes to milk alternatives. But oat milk seems to stand out. Why is it so hot right now? And how do you make it?

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Two COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Gamechangers

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While the coronavirus still rages across the globe, Moderna and Pfizer both have achieved more than 90 percent efficacy in their mRNA COVID-19 vaccine trials. Does this mean an end to the pandemic is in sight?

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Who Should Buy a Medicare Supplement Plan?

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Buying a Medicare Supplement plan (aka Medigap) can be a smart option for many people, but is it better than a Medicare Advantage plan?

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The Second Coming Has Been 'Imminent' for 2,000 Years

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Many Christians believe Jesus Christ will return to Earth to judge and rule over it; they refer to it as the Second Coming of Christ. For centuries people have hoped it would happen in their lifetimes. So when — if ever — will it take place?

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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dishing It Up: History of the Green Bean Casserole

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Green bean casserole is a staple at many Thanksgiving dinner tables. But who developed this recipe that has become such a holiday classic?

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How to Soften Butter

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Butter is the ultimate ingredient for baked goods. But soft butter is even better. Here's how to get it.

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What Is Micellar Water and Should You Try It?

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This trendy facial product was well-kept secret among the French. But now it's taken the international market by storm. So what in the heck is it?

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The Serval Stands Tall and Jumps Like A Champion

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Servals have long legs and necks, which allow them to spot prey over the tall grasses of the savanna, but their huge ears give them their best weapon — an acute sense of hearing.

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Pork Smackdown: Pancetta vs. Prosciutto vs. Bacon

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You could call pancetta Italian bacon, but it's so much more than that. Think of it as bacon maxed out. So how do you use it? And how does it differ from prosciutto?

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Mary Edwards Walker: Civil War Surgeon and the Only Female Medal of Honor Recipient

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We'll be blunt: Mary Edwards deserves mad respect. She was a feminist and abolitionist; the first female Civil War surgeon in the U.S. Army; and a Civil War POW. Plus she wore pants!

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How to Access the Dark Web

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Are there legitimate reasons to seek out the dark web? Sure. We explain what's on the dark web, how to access it and why you'll want to proceed with a healthy dose of caution.

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You'll Never Guess Why Thomas Jefferson Raised Geese

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The Founding Father was a prolific writer during his day. He wrote so much, in fact, he required a steady supply of quills.

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Pharmacists Explain Why Ingredients in Flu Vaccine Won't Hurt You

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Many people don't trust vaccines. But the more we know about the flu vaccine, the higher our level of trust will be, and the more people will likely accept a coronavirus vaccine.

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What's So Delightful About Turkish Delight?

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A favorite treat in British children's stories of the past, Turkish delight might be an unfamiliar taste to American readers. So, what is it like, and how do you make it? We get insight from the Culinary Institute of America.

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Monday, November 16, 2020

Astronomers Tell You How and Where to Best View Meteor Showers

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Watching meteor showers can be a spectacular sight. We talked to some astronomy experts on how to improve your meteor-viewing experience.

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Socially Distancing When Ill Is Natural; Just Look at Vampire Bats

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Vampire bats do it and so should we: socially distance when ill, that is. That's what a new study found.

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Lychee Is an Underrated — but Seriously Sweet — Fruit

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You might have seen lychees at an international farmers market and not known they were lychees. The dark red tropical fruit looks a little like raspberries and are packed with potassium — and sugar.

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What's the Difference Between a Neoplasm and a Tumor?

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You've probably heard of a tumor, but what about a neoplasm? How similar are they and are they always cancerous?

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Paganism Is the Oldest, Newest Religion

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Originally, 'Pagan' was a putdown for the country folk who continued to worship the old Roman gods, rather than embracing Christianity. Today, paganism is having a resurgence but with a modern twist.

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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Ultimate Guide to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

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Although there will be no crowds of onlookers this year, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade still marches on. Find out more about the beloved holiday tradition.

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Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Secret South Carolina 'Monkey Farm' That Helped Develop the Polio Vaccine

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A little-known research facility in South Carolina housed thousands of monkeys and was key to developing the polio vaccine.

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Celebrate Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights

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This fall festival is about food, faith, lights and gifts. But please don't call it an Indian Hanukkah.

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Friday, November 13, 2020

Pimento Cheese: The Southern Staple With Northern Roots

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We usually equate the Masters golf tournament with azaleas in the South. But this year because of the date change, it got us thinking about that pimento cheese sandwich, which it's famous for.

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Why Did Napoleon Lose the Battle of Waterloo?

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Lots of things contributed to Napoleon's loss at Waterloo — including bad weather, superior British defense tactics and perhaps a bad case of hemorrhoids.

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Talk May be Cheap, but the Larynx Makes it Possible

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The human voice, including both pitch and volume, is created here as air travels through the vocal cords, but it can change based on the position of the tongue, lips, mouth and pharynx.

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The Immigrant Paradox: Why Acculturation Should Not Mean Assimilation

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Studies have shown that for immigrants, assimilation into the new culture can be bad for your health, family relationships and educational attainment. Why's that, and how do you acculturate without assimilating?

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Thursday, November 12, 2020

How to Clean a Dishwasher

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When was the last time you cleaned your dishwasher? Probably never. Well your dishes would get a lot cleaner if your dishwasher was clean, too.

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A Zorse Is a Horse, of Course, But It's Also a Zebra

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A zorse is one strange looking horse. That's because it's the product of a zebra stallion and a female horse.

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Why We Need Artificial Gravity for Long Space Missions

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NASA and other agencies have been studying artificial gravity in hopes they will someday use it to help astronauts combat the effects of weightlessness in space. How close are we to that reality?

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What Are the Steps of the Nitrogen Cycle?

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Nitrogen is essential to living things, but it also plays hard to get.

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Hematite, the Shape-shifting Mineral Used From the Stone Age to Today

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It's found all over Earth — and Mars, too. It's the main source of iron but is also used in jewelry and painting. Get to know the amazing mineral hematite.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

9 Enormous Facts About Sperm Whales, Gigantic Creatures of the Sea

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Sperm whales are one of the largest creatures in the ocean. And they have the biggest brain on the planet. So are they also the smartest? We'll tell you.

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Norse Mythology Is Way More Than Thor

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Many of us may have a passing familiarity with Norse mythology because of the 2011 film Thor, but there's a lot more to it than Chris Hemsworth's abs.

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Leonid Meteor Shower: What You Need to Know

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The annual Leonid meteor shower is back, and peaks in the early-morning hours of November 17. It's made up of tiny bits of debris from the comet Tempel-Tuttle. Here's how to see it.

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How You Can Help Veterans Every Day

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Suicide is the fourth most common cause of death among veterans with PTSD. There are ways we can step in and help make sure these heroes don't become statistics.

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Meet Hestia: The Martha Stewart of Greek Goddesses

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The goddess of the hearth, Hestia set the Greek bar for perfection in domesticity, hospitality, the family, the home and the state.

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Meet Hestia: The Martha Stewart of Greek Godesses

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The goddess of the hearth, Hestia set the Greek bar for perfection in domesticity, hospitality, the family, the home and the state.

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6 Facts About Andorra, Europe's Best-kept Secret in the Pyrenees

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It's only 180 square miles, but it packs a lot of personality. In fact Andorra is the only country in the world that's ruled by co-princes from different countries.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Taco Cat: It's a Palindrome!

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Palindromes are words, phrases or even dates that are spelled the same forward and backward. They don't always make tons of sense, but they're still fun.

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What's the Difference Between a Windmill and a Wind Turbine?

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Windmills and wind turbines work on the same core principle to convert wind into energy, but one creates mechanical energy while the other creates electricity. Here's how they work.

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Vegemite Is the Curious Comfort Food From Down Under

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Men at Work sang about the stuff in their 1981 hit 'Down Under.' But what is this thick, black spread anyway?

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Why Is That Rotating Tray a Lazy Susan, not an Apathetic Amy?

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The lazy Susan is a circular tray that spins to make food service easier, but the origins of the name are a bit murky.

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Monday, November 9, 2020

Can the President Control Gas Prices?

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Gas prices are notoriously volatile. Is there anyone who has any control over how much you'll pay at the pump? Well ... kind of.

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What's Inside Worcestershire Sauce, and How Do You Pronounce It?

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This 180-year-old sauce can be used to add zing to just about any dish. But what's in it? And why is it so effective? And, most of all, how do you pronounce it anyway?

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The Mexican-American War Is the Bloodiest Foreign War the U.S. Has Fought

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This war fought between the U.S. and its neighbor to the south is one of the bloodiest in America's history. So why is it so often forgotten?

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Hognose Snakes Play Dead Like Opossums

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These snakes are some of the best reptilian actors you'll ever meet, but don't let the act fool you.

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What Really Happened to Yuri Gagarin, the First Man in Space?

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He stood just 5 feet, 2 inches. But Gagarin cast an enormously long shadow in space exploration, both for his achievements and his mysterious death.

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Sunday, November 8, 2020

'Baby Shark' and Other Kiddie Tunes That Hit the Billboard Charts

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The addictive kid's song is now the most-downloaded YouTube video of all time. And before that, it accomplished the rare feat of hitting the Billboard charts. It's not the only kiddie song to make it big.

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Saturday, November 7, 2020

How the U.S. President Works

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When the framers of the Constitution considered an executive branch, they were still stinging from the despotic rule of King George III. But, they saw the need for a single person to lead. Enter the president of the United States.

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Friday, November 6, 2020

How to Tell If Eggs Are Bad

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Eggs might just be nature's perfect food. If they're fresh that is. We'll tell you how to know.

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NOAA's Argo Program Has Been Observing the Oceans for Two Decades

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NOAA's Argo program distributes floating observatories across the globe. Why? They collect data about the world's oceans that is critical to understanding the planet.

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Paprika Is Way More Than Just Deviled Egg Dust

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Paprika comes from the dried Capsicum annuum variety of red peppers, and can range in flavor from sweet to very hot.

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Murder! Money! Power! Art! Meet the Medici Family

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This wealthy banking dynasty of Florence rubbed shoulders with Michelangelo, Botticelli and Galileo. They counted two popes and two queens in their clan. How did they get so powerful, and how did they lose it all?

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Thursday, November 5, 2020

Shallots Are Onions' Cute Little Cousins

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Shallots belong to the same family as onions, leeks, scallions and garlic. They look like small, elongated onions but have a sweeter, milder flavor.

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20 Years on the ISS Proves We Can All Get Along

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Humans have now occupied the International Space Station for 20 continuous years. What does this international cooperation say about the future of space exploration?

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It's 2020. Of Course the McRib Is Back

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McDonald's cult-favorite sandwich is back on the menu. But what in the world is it anyway?

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Why Is a Distant Asteroid Worth $10,000,000,000,000,000,000?

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A distant asteroid made mostly of iron is potentially worth $10,000 quadrillion, making it many times more valuable than the global economy.

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Do Diversity Training Programs Work?

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Companies often have their employees undergo anti-bias or diversity training to improve internal relations and hiring practices. But do these programs work?

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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

How to Choose the Best Pergola

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Pergolas add shade, space and panache to your home. Here's what to keep in mind before selecting one.

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How Do Geiger Counters Work?

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First developed in the 1920s, Geiger counters still use the same basic technology to detect radiation, but today can be the size of a smartphone.

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Tiny Capers Pack a Big, Flavorful Punch

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Capers are actually the flower buds of the caper bush. So where does all that flavor come from?

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The Disgusting Food Museum: One Man's Yuck Is Another Man's Yum

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What's nauseating and inedible to one man is ambrosia to another. The cultural differences people have around food are the reason for Sweden's Disgusting Food Museum.

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Is It Rude to Ask Who Someone Voted For?

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Unfortunately, other people's ballots are none of your business. And in some situations, asking about them is not only tacky — it's illegal.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Did Nikita Krushchev Really Bang His Shoe in Defiance at the U.N.?

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Ask many what they remember about the man who succeeded Stalin and ruled the Soviet Union for a decade, and they'll tell you it's the shoe.

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A Greenland Shark Living Today Could Have Been Alive in 1620

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This denizen of the frigid deep not only lives a crazy long life, it also can grow up to 24 feet in length and eating its flesh can make humans "shark drunk."

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How 'I Voted!' Stickers Increase U.S. Voter Turnout

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Apparently kids aren't the only ones influenced by stickers; they work on adults, too.

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The Scoville Scale: How Hot Is That Pepper?

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Is that pepper too hot to handle? See where it falls on the Scoville scale.

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Perpendicular Lines Create All the Right Angles in the World

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Two lines that are perpendicular to the same line are parallel to each other and will never intersect.

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Even Poisonous Sea Creatures Can't Escape the Bobbit Worm's Jaws

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Yes, this terrifying worm was named after the infamous Bobbitt case. And with good reason.

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Monday, November 2, 2020

7 Reasons Bruce Lee Continues to Kick Butt

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He died mysteriously just before the release of the film that would make him a household name. But there's a whole lot more to Bruce Lee than just an unusual death and kung fu magic.

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Anxious About, Well, Everything? That's Zozobra and You're Not Alone

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Feeling disoriented by the election, pandemic and everything else? It's called 'zozobra,' and Mexican philosophers have some advice.

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Tecumseh: The Driving Force Behind the Native American Confederacy

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Some consider Shawnee leader Tecumseh to be one of the most remarkable Native Americans in history. He stood not just for the Shawnee. He stood for all Native Americans.

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Heart of Palm Is Totally Delicious, Underrated and Much Better Fresh

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Heart of palm, with a similar taste and texture to artichoke heart, is a staple in Central and South America and a healthy addition to almost any menu.

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How the Electoral College Works

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The Electoral College is not an Ivy League school. Rather, it's a process for selecting the next U.S. president that actually carries more weight than the popular vote. Why is it there and should it be continued?

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Sunday, November 1, 2020

10 Lively Facts About the Day of the Dead

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Day of the Dead is not a Mexican version of Halloween. It's a celebration of life — both here and beyond — when the souls of the departed come home for feasting and fun. Here's how it started.

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