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Sunday, February 28, 2021

Ridiculous History: A Nation Sacrifices Its Sausage to Fight a War

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They may not seem stealthy to us, but back in World War I, zeppelins were airborne war machines. And some of them were made from cow intestines.

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Friday, February 26, 2021

4 Questions About Johnson & Johnson's Vaccine Answered

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The FDA found the single-dose COVID-19 vaccine safe and effective. So how does it differ from the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, and is one better than the others?

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How Often Should You Replace Your Hairbrush?

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When was the last time you cleaned your hairbrush? Or bought a new one? Maybe it's time.

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Can You Dig It? If You're a Badger, You Can

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Badgers love to dig — one den, or "sett," in southern England is thought to cover a territory of over a square mile and have up to 100 entrances.

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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Does the Beale Ciphers' Code of Numbers Detail Hidden Treasure?

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According to an 1885 pamphlet, a man named Thomas J. Beale buried a treasure somewhere in Virginia, and left behind what appeared to be coded messages about its location. But was it all just a hoax?

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Pancake Ice: The Ice Formation That's Not About Breakfast

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Pancake ice is fun and rare in some places, but it might be speeding up the warming of the ocean in the Arctic.

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What's the Difference Between Clarified Butter and Ghee?

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You can up your culinary prowess by using either of these fats in your cooking. But is one better than the other?

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Can a TV Actor Live Off Royalties Forever?

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Ah, the charmed life of a TV actor: have one big hit TV show and then live like a king for years once all of those royalty checks start rolling in. Is that how royalties really work?

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How to Grow and Care for Crocuses, Spring's Early Bloomers

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Crocuses are a cheery sign of spring, and the tiny, colorful flowers are easy to grow. Here's how to do it.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

How Do You Evict Your Freeloading Friend?

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That friend or relative who said they only needed somewhere to stay for a few days is still on your couch a few months later. Getting them out legally might be harder than you think.

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13 of the Hypest Hypercars Ever

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Some of the most insane hypercars have hit the market in the last few years. Whether you have a few million bucks to drop on a new set of sick wheels or not, you definitely want to check out the cars on this list.

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What If Earth Stopped Spinning?

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You can say goodbye to the seven continents and hello to days that seem infernally long. What else awaits you on a spin-free Earth?

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5 Reasons You Should Grow a Butterfly Bush

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Providing a great backdrop for any sunny garden, the butterfly bush comes in many colors and attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and bees galore.

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Bass Reeves: Baddest Marshal in the Old West, Original 'Lone Ranger'

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Bass Reeves was no ordinary officer of the law. Over his three-decade career, this African American arrested more than 3,000 individuals and survived countless skirmishes with armed outlaws. In short, he was a real frontier hero.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

How Cakes Work

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Whether it's a sheet cake from the grocery store or an elaborate chocolate gateau, cakes are the go-to treat when there's a celebration going on. But how did that start — and what's the chemistry behind your favorite creation?

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How the Jaws of Life Work

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The "Jaws of Life" is a huge tool used to free people from mangled cars and burning or collapsed buildings. Learn about this amazingly powerful machine and how it saves lives.

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How a Low-cost Electricity Market Left Texas in the Cold

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A combination of energy deregulation, competitive power markets and the push for low prices are all to blame for taking down the Texas power grid. But what's being done to prevent it from happening again?

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When Medieval Pilgrims Wore Badges to Ward Off Plague

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The tin or lead pins medieval pilgrims wore on their hats or cloaks, some playfully risqué, were meant to protect against plague.

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How Do You Buy a Private Island?

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Maybe you've recently won the lottery and are in the market for a private island. But you have no idea where to begin. We'll tell you everything you need to know about buying your own island getaway.

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Monday, February 22, 2021

How the Shamrock Shake Became McDonald's Mintiest Legend

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The Shamrock Shake is back at McDonald's. We're breaking down all the quirks that make it so legendary.

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Planting Milkweed Will Help Save the Monarch Butterfly

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Milkweed is the only thing a monarch butterfly eats. Their numbers are dwindling, but this common backyard weed could save them.

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How Do You Survive Getting Lost in a Cave?

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If you went cave exploring and lost your way, would you how to get out? We talked with the experts for real-world advice.

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Green Screens and the Art of Filming Crazy Cool Effects

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They've become commonplace in Hollywood moviemaking, but green screens aren't just for big-budget films. They're popular with vloggers and YouTubers now, too.

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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Who Created the First Macaroni and Cheese?

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Macaroni and cheese may be the ultimate comfort food. But how did this Italian dish become one of the world's favorites?

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Friday, February 19, 2021

Biophilic Design: How Bringing the Outside Inside Makes You Happy

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Biophilia is the idea that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature, and it can help us to transform the way we live.

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Does Canned Food Really Deserve a Bad Rap?

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Canned foods are super convenient, but there's often a stigma attached to serving them. Is that warranted?

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Where Does the U.S. Vice President Live?

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Since the mid-1970s, vice presidents have had use of a mansion on the grounds of the U.S. Naval Observatory, a short distance from the White House.

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Many Animals Have a Cloaca, But Humans Should Not

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It's the organ commonly found in animals where multiple body systems come together into one opening for both defecation and reproduction. But in humans, having a cloaca causes huge problems.

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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Bessie Coleman: America's First Black Female Aviatrix

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You've heard all about the exploits of Amelia Earhart, but do you know the story of Bessie Coleman, the first Black American woman to receive a pilot's license?

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Scientists Unlock Secrets of H-bomb Element Einsteinium

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Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory just made history with einsteinium. They held a sample of the short-lived element long enough to measure some of its chemical properties.

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Perseverance Rover to Search for Signs of Ancient Martian Life

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The Perseverance rover will explore Mars' Jezero Crater, gathering rock samples which may prove that life once existed on the red planet.

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5 Things You Didn't Know About Jim Morrison

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Which other famous rock star inspired the Lizard King's persona?

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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Koi Fish: Shining Jewels of the Water Garden

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The colorful superstars of backyard water gardens are actually ornamental varietals of domesticated carp.

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Peat Bogs Are Freakishly Good at Preserving Human Remains

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What makes these spongy, waterlogged areas of decaying plant matter so perfect at preservation? In a word: science.

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Green or Blue? The Best Turquoise Is More Valuable Than Diamonds

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Cultures all over the world have treasured turquoise for its color and rarity for thousands of years — from Native American jewelry and Aztec and Mesoamerican art to King Tutankhamun's death mask.

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What Is Lent, and Why Do Christians Give Up Something for It?

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Christians often "give up something for Lent" but why? What is the real reason behind the season?

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What 'Bridgerton' Gets Wrong – and Right – About Regency England

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The mega-hit Netflix show 'Bridgerton' has struck a chord with viewers who love the costumes and the sexy storylines, as well as the diverse casting choices for dukes and duchesses. But is the series just fantasy?

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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Cash for Teeth: The Legend of the Tooth Fairy

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If you have kids, you may have noticed that the price for a lost tooth has skyrocketed. But do all you tooth fairies out there know where the idea of exchanging money for teeth came from?

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Will a Coyote Kill My Dog or Cat?

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Urban coyotes have a fierce and formidable reputation as midnight predators, but coexistence with humans is possible.

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It's Fat Tuesday! Eat a Polish Pączki

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This warm, fluffy, donut-like treat, stuffed with cream or fruit-based filling and savory flowers, is a pre-Lent staple in Poland and a Fat Tuesday tradition in the U.S.

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Just in Time for Pancake Day, Scientists Develop Pancake Calculator

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Some Polish scientists created a calculator that can give you the perfect proportions for 14 different international types of pancakes.

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Monday, February 15, 2021

America's Past Presidents Had Some Really Weird Habits

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Guess which president liked to skinny dip and which one liked petroleum jelly rubbed all over his head every morning.

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Susan B. Anthony: Suffragist, Abolitionist, Teetotaler and Renegade

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Susan B. Anthony's enduring legacy is for her tireless work for women's voting rights in the United States. But there's so much more to her story than just as a suffragette.

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Was George Washington Really Offered a Chance to Be King of the U.S.?

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There's a popular story that George Washington was offered the chance to be crowned king of the U.S. but turned it down in favor of a truly republican government. But what really happened?

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Sunday, February 14, 2021

How Love Works

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If you've ever been in love, you've probably at least considered classifying the feeling as an addiction. And guess what? You're right — it's the same chemical process taking place.

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Why Frederick Douglass Was the Father of the Civil Rights Movement

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Frederick Douglass spent the first 15 years of his life as a slave but rose to become a famous orator and abolitionist – as well as the most photographed American of the 19th century.

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Saturday, February 13, 2021

How Valentine's Day Works

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When did the Valentine's Day frenzy begin? Was there really a saint named "Valentine"? Why the flowers and chocolate? Learn all about the origins and symbols of Valentine's Day.

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Friday, February 12, 2021

6 Stone-cold Facts About the Arctic Circle

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The Arctic Circle is a region marked by frigid temperatures, strange sunlight and glaciers galore. And for hundreds of thousands of people, it's also home sweet home.

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Search for Dark Matter Gets Speed Boost From Quantum Technology

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Scientists at Yale are using "quantum squeezing" to reduce "noise" in their search for dark matter.

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9 Little-known Nuggets About Honest Abe

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Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and is known for many accomplishments, including ending the Civil War and slavery, and his famous speech at Gettysburg.

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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Skipping Stones on Ice Makes Crazy Sci-fi Sounds

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You know that sound synonymous with a certain laser blaster from a galaxy far, far away? Yeah. It sounds like that.

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How in the World Does a Waterfall Freeze?

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It might seem that the constant rushing of water over a falls would keep it from freezing, but that isn't always the case. Check out the science behind the phenomenon of the frozen waterfall.

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Why Do People Give Money Trees at Lunar New Year?

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The money tree has long been a symbol of good fortune in Asia. But how did the plant get its name?

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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Mongoose vs. Cobra: Who'd Win in a Grudge Match? 

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The grudge match that was popularized in Rudyard Kipling's short story "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" is a mystifying one, but a few specialized traits allow mongooses to add venomous snakes to their list of entrées.

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How to Make Oobleck

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Get ready to make everyone's favorite Non-Newtonian fluid. We think it's even better than homemade slime.

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Why Do Dogs (and Cats) Shed So Much?

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There's no question you love your cats and dogs like family. What you don't love is their shedding.

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How to Access the Dark Web

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Are there legitimate reasons to seek out the dark web? Sure. We explain what's on the dark web, how to access it and why you'll want to proceed with a healthy dose of caution.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Goats Really Like it When You Smile at Them

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Domesticated animals like dogs and horses are known to respond to human facial expressions, but another study finds that goats also like it when we smile.

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Centralia: The Ghost Town That Sits Atop an Inferno

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The fire under the tiny town of Centralia, Pennsylvania, has been burning since at least 1962 and, to this day, nobody knows how to put it out.

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Does One Dripping Faucet Really Prevent Frozen Pipes?

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When temperatures drop below freezing, homeowners are advised to leave one tap dripping overnight. But does this advice hold up, or is it kind of leaky?

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Goatees: Cool and Progressive or Outdated and Passe?

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Goatees have been growing on faces for, well, a long time. So has their time come and gone, or are they more popular than ever?

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Do You Have to Pay Income Tax on Stuff Sold on eBay?

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Whether you pay taxes on eBay sales depends on whether this is a casual hobby or a serious money-maker for you.

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Monday, February 8, 2021

Who Put the Baby in the King Cake?

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King cake is as much a staple of Mardi Gras as the parades and beads. But what's the story of this brightly colored cake? And why is there a plastic baby baked inside?

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Ridiculous History: What's for Dinner? Meat Jell-O

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Aspics and gelatin salads used to be more common foods on Western menus, but they have largely vanished from the table. Could savory gelatin make a comeback?

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Surprise, Your Pinky Toe Does Serve a Purpose

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No. 5 may seem like it's just hanging out there, but if you've ever injured it, you may have discovered how important it is for walking.

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The Ouroboros Is More Than Just a Cool Tattoo

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It may seem that the ouroboros came into existence with the flowering of tattoo culture, but in truth, this symbol is centuries-old and has a fascinating history.

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Slavery Under Another Name: What Were the Black Codes?

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The Emancipation Proclamation may have signified the formal end of slavery. But almost immediately afterward, Southern states enacted Black Codes that effectively re-enslaved thousands of newly freed Black people.

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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Lox, Gravlax and Nova: What's the Difference?

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The three salmon preparation methods all have similarities, but they're are intensely different.

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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Aaron Burr: Yes, He Killed Hamilton, But What Else Did He Do?

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Aaron Burr is perhaps best known as the man who killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel, but he also served as an aide to George Washington, vice president to Thomas Jefferson and as U.S. senator from New York.

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5 Things You Didn't Know About Bob Marley

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Emancipate yourself from mental slavery by learning more about this reggae superstar.

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Friday, February 5, 2021

The Stories Behind the Electric Slide, the Moonwalk and Other Epic Dance Moves

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If the creator of the electric slide had his way, we'd all be sued for doing the dance wrong.

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Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other's Butts?

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To a human it's unimaginable — sniffing another's derriere. But to our canine companions, it's totally normal. But why? Why?

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Should We Be Wearing Two Face Masks?

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We should know by now to wear a mask in public. But with more variants of coronavirus, should we wear two masks to stop the spread?

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Vietnam's Rong Dragon Bridge Actually Breathes Fire

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This dragon is illuminated every night, spitting out both fire and water on weekends and holidays, as it sways its way over the Han River in Da Nang.

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Thursday, February 4, 2021

You'll Never Guess What Company Makes the World's Most Tires

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There are a ton manufactured every year across the world. So what company makes the most? You'll probably be shocked to find out.

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How Sarah Forbes Bonetta Was 'Gifted' to Queen Victoria

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Though the story has become a bit mischaracterized over the years, Sarah Forbes Bonetta, a West African princess, was indeed liberated from slavery to become an intimate of Queen Victoria of England.

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Brace Yourself: Bananas Are Berries, Strawberries Aren't

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If bananas are berries and strawberries and raspberries are not, what in the world is a berry anyway?

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The Super-cute Axolotl Is Also a Ruthless Carnivore

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The axolotl can regenerate virtually any of its limbs or organs and has a face that's totally irresistible.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Pygmy Goats Angling to Take Dog's Place as 'Man's Best Friend'

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Sure, they're adorable. And they're apparently into yoga. But could they really edge out the dog as our favorite pet?

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Why Don't the North and South Poles Have Time Zones?

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The Earth is split up into 24 time zones based on longitudinal lines. But those lines all converge at the North and South poles, so what's the time there?

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How Cloud Antivirus Software Works

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Cloud computing has opened a whole new world of storage and Web interaction options for users, but is it the best way to protect your computer?

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The Secrets and Science Behind Starling Murmurations

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Starlings are short and thick, with dark feathers and long, pointy bills. Collectively, however, they transform into something else entirely.

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How the Freedom House Ambulance Service Became the First EMTs in America

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From 1967 to 1975, an ambulance crew recruited from a poverty-stricken black neighborhood in Pittsburgh became the first-ever set of trained EMTs in America. Here is their untold story.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

5 Things to Consider When Buying Antivirus Software

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When choosing an antivirus program for your computer or other electronic devices, there's no one-size-fits-all solution, but here are five things you need to consider.

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How 'Savant Syndrome' Makes Some People, and Their Brains, Extraordinary

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Savant syndrome is a rare condition in which someone with significant mental disabilities demonstrates certain unexplained extraordinary abilities, such as playing music or remembering prodigious amounts of information.

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What Is Defamation, and How Do You Prove It in Court?

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What's the difference between defamation, libel and slander? And what legal standards must be met to prove one in a court of law?

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How Accurate Is Punxsutawney Phil?

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Every year a bunch of guys in top hats pull a wriggling rodent out of a hole and allow him to predict the weather. And we all take this seriously. Is Phil the groundhog really accurate or is he secretly giggling at us?

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Before Christianity, Judaism and Islam, There Was Zoroastrianism

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It's the oldest (and probably most obscure) monotheistic religion. So, how did it influence so many of the better-known ones? And will Zoroastrianism survive?

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Monday, February 1, 2021

Hidden History on Two Wheels: The Story of Bessie Stringfield

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She was the first woman to ride solo on a motorcycle across the United States, and was known as the 'Motorcycle Queen of Miami.' And that's just the beginning of her story.

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How Executive Orders Work

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Executive orders are directives handed down from the president without input from the legislative or judiciary branches of government. Presidents often use them when Congress won't approve a favored regulation. But should they?

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Why GameStop Shares Stopped Trading

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Shares of the video game retailer GameStop soared after investors teamed up to run up the price. Then several online brokers halted the sale of the stock. But why?

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Did the Bicameral Mind Evolve to Create Modern Human Consciousness?

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The question of exactly what is human consciousness and how it came to be in the human mind has raged forever between philosophers, religious scholars and scientists, but does the theory of the bicameral mind explain it?

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The Story of the Cecil, One of the Creepiest Hotels in the World

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Perhaps best known as the last home of Elisa Lam before her mysterious death, the Cecil Hotel has a sordid past full of murders and mayhem. Care to make a reservation to learn more?

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