You might think your car is fine for your upcoming summer road trip. But if it's more than 10 years old, you might want to think again.
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Wednesday, June 30, 2021
How to End an Email
The perfect email deserves the perfect ending. But what is the right way to close an email? Well, that depends on who will be reading it.
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Bitters Are the 'Spice Rack' of the Bar
Bitters are high-proof alcohol infused with spices, fruits and herbs, and they're key ingredients in cocktails like the Manhattan, Old-Fashioned and whiskey sour. So if you want to mix great drinks at home, you need to know your angostura from your Campari.
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Muons: The Subatomic Particles Shaking up the World of Physics
First discovered in the late 1930s, muons are passing through you and everything around you at a speed close to light, as cosmic rays strike particles in our planet's atmosphere. So what are muons and how are they informing the new physics?
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Tuesday, June 29, 2021
BTS Syllabus Is Crowdsourced With an 'ARMY' of Experts
The crowd-sourced syllabus, which is typically circulated through hashtags on social media, has grown popular over the past several years. And of course there's one for the K-pop phenom BTS.
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How Podcasting Works
Now almost anyone can be a disc jockey, talk show host or recording artist. Find out what tools you need to record and receive podcasts and see what industry analysts have to say about the future of podcasting.
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Fight or Flight: Unruly Passengers Have Made Flying Downright Scary
Investigations into unruly-passenger incidents by the FAA have soared 168 percent through June over 2020's numbers. What's going on in the unfriendly skies? And what is the TSA doing to protect flight crews?
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Ground-nesting Bees Are Solitary and Often Stingless
Most of us think all bees live in colonies, or hives, but there are far more species that don't produce honey, don't sting and live mostly solitary lives underground.
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The 'Hanged, Drawn and Quartered' Execution Was Even Worse than You Think
This was no mere execution. In addition to being hanged until "almost" dead, body parts were taken out and burned before the head was cut off. And we haven't got to the quartering yet.
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Monday, June 28, 2021
Scientists Warn Western U.S. Drought Could Be 'New Normal'
Nearly 90 percent of the Western U.S. is gripped by an "apocalyptical" drought that only continues to worsen. Even if you don't live in the area, it affects you — and what you do affects it.
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Why Is Gas More Expensive in the Summer Than in the Winter?
Fuel prices tend to be higher in the summer thanks to consumer demand and the type of gasoline mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency. Did you know that more than 14 different "boutique fuel blends" are sold from June to September?
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5 Tips to Stay Safe During a Heat Wave
Scientists say the world can expect more grueling heat waves in the future like the one the Pacific Northwest is experiencing. And the one thing we can't do is take these hot temperatures for granted.
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How Car Suspensions Work
Your car's suspension maximizes friction between the tires and road and provides steering stability. But how have suspensions evolved over the years and where is the design headed in the future?
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Why Have Airbnb, VRBO Prices Suddenly Skyrocketed?
If you've priced out a vacation rental home on one of the popular booking sites, you might be wondering why they seem as expensive as hotels. What's behind the price increase and is it really out of line?
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Sunday, June 27, 2021
Why Were the Pharisees the 'Bad Guys' in the Bible?
The New Testament is full of tense exchanges between Jesus and the Pharisees, who often tried to trip him up in legalistic debates. But who were the Pharisees really and what did they believe?
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Saturday, June 26, 2021
What's It Like Traveling the World's Most Dangerous Road?
North Yungas Road in Bolivia was dubbed the "World's Most Dangerous Road" in the 1990s, thanks to the hundreds of people who lost their lives each year on its twisting narrow path with a 2,000-foot drop. But what's it like today?
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Friday, June 25, 2021
How Search-and-rescue Dogs Work
Search-and-rescue dogs are called upon to work after natural disasters, mass casualty events and other incidents to locate missing people. They're smart, agile and obedient, and search-and-rescue work is like "play" for them.
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What Does China's New 'Heavenly Palace' in Space Mean for the ISS?
The Chinese space station Tiangong, now with its first crew of astronauts, is scheduled for completion in 2022. What does that mean for the future of the aging International Space Station and multinational space cooperation?
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Why Did the Miami Apartment High Rise Collapse?
A 12-story building in Surfside, Florida, just outside Miami collapsed, with residents inside. Why would a 40-year-old structure fall from the sky seemingly out of nowhere, and are there other buildings in danger of falling?
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Thursday, June 24, 2021
How Many Calories Will the Tour de France Winner Burn?
The winner of the Tour de France has to eat constantly to generate enough energy to complete all 21 stages of the grueling race. But just how many calories will the winner burn in the end?
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Chawanmushi, Haggis, Filmjölk: It's What's for Breakfast Around the World
Ah, food. It's different all over the world, and what's strange to you is totally mundane to someone else. Come along as we discover some interesting breakfast options from around the globe.
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Why Jack Ruby Killed JFK's Assassin
He is famous for assassinating Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV. But what was his motive, other than to rid the world of the man who killed President John F. Kennedy days before?
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The Time Two Russian Space Tortoises Beat Apollo to the Moon
Yep, two small-bodied Russian tortoises made it to the moon and back before man did.
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'God Is Dead' and 4 Other Quotes from Nietzsche, Explained
Nietzsche's prose is playful, but its meaning is often opaque. Though perhaps we should expect nothing less from a philosopher who wrote, "I am not a man. I am dynamite."
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Wednesday, June 23, 2021
"Massive" Drop in U.S. Life Expectancy Partly From COVID-19
A study published by the British Medical Association found average life expectancy in the U.S. dropped between 2018 and 2020 by almost two years, the largest ever since WWII.
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How to Enable Google Chrome Dark Mode on All Your Devices
Dark mode makes Googling at bedtime easier on the eyes, among other things. Here's how to enable it on all your devices.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2021
What's the Difference Between a Modem and a Router?
In order to understand, and fix, your glitchy home WiFi, it's helpful to know what makes it work. So what's the difference between your modem and your router?
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Will mRNA Technology Transform Medicine Beyond COVID-19?
We have mRNA technology to thank for remarkably successful COVID-19 vaccines. Can that same mRNA technology be used to help prevent or even eradicate other diseases as well?
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A Greenland Shark Living Today Could Have Been Alive in 1620
This denizen of the frigid deep not only lives a crazy long life, it also can grow up to 24 feet in length and eating its flesh can make humans "shark drunk."
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Are There Diamonds in the Ocean?
Not all diamonds are found on dry land. Many turn up in sediments below the ocean's surface. You just have to know where to look.
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Stop Hand-washing Your Dishes!
The dishwasher uses much less water and energy than washing by hand. Here's why.
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Monday, June 21, 2021
Can U.S. Cities Avert Gridlock as Life Returns to 'Normal'?
As the U.S. returns to some semblance of normalcy post-COVID-19, can cities keep commuters off the roads long enough to prevent the freeways from becoming gridlocked once again?
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How Ranked-choice Voting Works
Are there alternatives to the winner-take-all voting system? Ranked-choice voting is one, which supporters say would elect more centrist candidates. But critics worry about the downsides.
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Yoga Makes People Super Emotional. But Why?
The U.N. has proclaimed June 21, 2021, the International Day of Yoga. With that in mind, we look at how emotions can get the best of you when you're in corpse pose.
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What Is FUTA and How Does It Work?
FUTA, the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, was written into law in 1939 in response to the Great Depression and, as we discovered during the COVID-19 pandemic, it still has great relevance today.
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How Does My Phone Company Know a Call Is From a Scammer?
You've probably seen the calls from your buds "Scam Likely" or "Fraud Alert." So, what's the giveaway to your carrier that these callers are not legit?
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Sunday, June 20, 2021
What Is the Origin of Father's Day?
On the third Sunday of every June, sons and daughters across the U.S. honor their fathers with cards and gifts. It was started by a woman to honor the single father who raised her.
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Saturday, June 19, 2021
5 Things You Didn't Know About the Summer Solstice
June 20 marks the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Here are five cool facts about it.
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Friday, June 18, 2021
How Juneteenth Became Black Independence Day
Though it's been around for more than 150 years, Juneteeth was still a mystery to many. But now, it's become the newest federal holiday in the U.S.A.
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Thursday, June 17, 2021
A 100-year Flood Doesn't Mean You Won't See One Again for 99 Years
The truth is your chances of having one of these mega-floods hit are the same every year: 1 percent.
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How Lab-grown Meat Could Change the Pet Food World
A new era of pet foods created in the lab, sustainably and with reduced environmental impact, is coming. But will pets — and their humans — like it?
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How Much Butter Is in Peanut Butter?
Aaaah ... peanut butter. For some, it's a staple food. But how much butter is there in a tablespoon of the stuff?
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Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Want a Perfect Cuppa Joe? Roast Your Own Coffee Beans
Been searching the world for that perfect cup of coffee? Maybe learning the fine art and science of roasting your own coffee beans is the way to go.
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Why Is 'Mayday' the International Distress Call?
The words aren't arbitrary, so why do pilots and sailors call out 'Mayday!' rather than something else?
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How Dry Cleaning Works
Want to know what happens to your clothes after you give them to the dry cleaner? Do they actually stay dry? Take a behind-the-scenes look at the dry-cleaning process.
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Why Do We Get So Much Pleasure From Symmetry?
Why do we love looking at a perfectly stacked display of soup cans or six flower petals around a stamen? Our brains seem wired for it -- but why?
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Who Was the Mysterious Melchizedek in the Bible?
He makes just one brief appearance in Genesis, yet he's been seen as a precursor of Jesus Christ. What was he really and how did he become associated with Jesus?
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Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Fannie Lou Hamer: From Sharecropper to Civil and Voting Rights Icon
Born into a family of poor sharecroppers in Mississippi, Fannie Lou Hamer became field secretary for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and an indefatigable fighter for civil and voting rights.
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A Perfect Storm of Worldwide Catastrophes Is Causing the Global Semiconductor Shortage
Modern civilization is increasingly dependent upon semiconductors, but the supply chain has been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, droughts and other problems just as demand is surging.
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At 8'11," Robert Wadlow Was the World's Tallest Man
And he was still growing at the time of his death. But there was a lot more to Robert Wadlow than just his extraordinary height.
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Voltaire Was an Enlightenment Celebrity Who Would've Loved Social Media
Before there was a Madonna, Bono or Beyoncé, the one-named Voltaire was Europe's first truly modern celebrity. And he didn't need the help of Twitter to keep his name in the public eye.
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Crafty Wartime Spies Put Codes Right Into Their Knitting
Knitting socks and hats for 'our troops' was a time-honored tradition during wartime. But spies found a way to use that innocent pastime to transmit vital information.
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Monday, June 14, 2021
Electric Heat Pumps: Existing Tech for Energy-efficient Future
How we heat and cool the buildings we live and work in is important to cutting greenhouse gas emissions. The good news is the tech already exists: electric heat pumps that are three to four times more efficient than furnaces.
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What Are Imaginary Numbers?
An imaginary number is a value that's the square root of a negative number. It can't exist on a one-dimensional number line. We'll explain.
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What Is the Delta Variant of Coronavirus?
Could a rise in cases of the delta coronavirus variant, first identified in India, pose a threat to reopening plans in Europe and the U.S.?
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Do People and Bananas Really Share 50 Percent of the Same DNA?
You probably feel like you have very little in common with that banana lying on your kitchen counter. But science says you do! So, how is this possible? And is that stat accurate? We talk to the scientist who did the research.
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5 of Earth's Highest Deserts
Not all deserts have sand and they're certainly not all hot. They're just extremely dry and have little vegetation. That means deserts are located all over the planet, including at super-high elevations.
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Friday, June 11, 2021
Banned in the U.S.A: 8 Foods You Can't Eat in America
These eight foods are banned in at least some, if not all, of the states in America. Have you tried any of them?
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5 Things You Should Know About the 'New' Southern Ocean
The Southern Ocean has finally been officially recognized, though scientists have known about it for over a century.
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Incredible History: When WWII POWs Held an Olympics in a Nazi Camp
For the Polish military officers allowed to participate, the games were a celebration of humanity during a time of death and destruction. But these games demonstrate — to this day — the awesome healing power of sports.
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Thursday, June 10, 2021
France Is Sending Lady Liberty's 'Mini Me' to New York
A 9-foot bronze Statue of Liberty cast from the original plaster model is coming to America. It's in honor of the long friendship between France and America, and will be a highlight of New York City's Independence Day celebration.
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5 Pieces of Trail Advice to Keep You From Looking Like a Newbie
Hiking is growing in popularity, thanks in part to COVID-19 spurring more people into the outdoors. But before you head out on that trail, there are some 'trail etiquette' guidelines to be aware of.
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Wednesday, June 9, 2021
How the Mohs Scale Ranks Hardness
The Mohs hardness scale is used by geologists and gemologists as a way to help identify minerals using a hardness test. How does it work?
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Puppies, Rats, Kittens, Corpses: Stinky French Glutton Tarrare Ate It All
The brief and disturbing life of Tarrare is a fascinating study of perhaps the most bizarre and disgusting eating disorder ever known, and one that remains a medical mystery some 250 years later.
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What Is a Coup D'Etat, and Is the U.S. 'Coup-proof'?
Experts say the U.S. government is designed so a coup d'état would be highly unlikely ever to occur. But deep political polarization can precipitate one, so does that mean a coup is marginally more possible?
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Dolores Huerta, the Labor Activist Behind the Slogan '¡Sí, Se Puede!'
At 91, Dolores Huerta, the activist who inspired Barack Obama's "Yes, we can" campaign, continues to work tirelessly developing leaders and advocating for the working poor, women and children.
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Going Micro: Tiny Weddings on the Rise
Wedding guest lists are getting smaller — and not just because weddings are getting more expensive. Brides and grooms have different expectations for weddings, especially post-pandemic.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Scientists Think Humans Could Live to Be 150!
Does we really know the limit of the human life span? So far, the longest a person has lived is 122 years. Can we push it even longer?
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Surge in Ransomware Attacks Exposes U.S. Cyber Vulnerabilities
In the first half of 2021, the number of organizations impacted by ransomware across the globe has more than doubled compared with 2020. Why the surge and how vulnerable is the U.S. to a major cyber attack?
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FDA Approves Aduhelm, the First New Alzheimer's Drug in Nearly 20 Years
It's touted as targeting cell-damaging plaque in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, but at $56,000 a year, is Aduhelm a miracle drug or a very expensive experiment?
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8 Pretty Awesome Facts About the Pacific Ocean
In honor of World Oceans Day today, we're paying tribute to the vast and mighty Pacific Ocean, which covers 30 percent of our planet's surface.
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4 Ways to Experience Outer Space Right Here on Earth
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and his brother plan to blast into space next month. But even if you're not related to a billionaire, you can still experience the fun of space at a 'down-to-Earth' price.
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Monday, June 7, 2021
Here's Why NASA Is Returning to Venus After 40 Years
NASA will be sending two new missions to Venus between 2028 and 2030, but why is this so exciting and what do they hope to accomplish?
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The Tangled Line of Succession to the British Throne
Queen Elizabeth II has reigned over England for a record-breaking 69 years. But with Prince Harry and Meghan having a second child, how does the line of succession look now?
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A Kid-friendly Introduction to Impeachment
Impeachment is when Congress decides whether it's possible a president, or another elected official, has failed in their duties to the American people.
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Why You Should Consider Using a Private Browser
Private browsers offer much more protection than using a regular browser's privacy mode. They can shield your sensitive data, ward off third-party ads and trackers, and provide a safer browsing experience.
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What's the Most-disliked Video on YouTube?
Some videos you love to hate. And hate on. The dubious winner of the "most-disliked" title has been in the top spot for three years and counting.
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Sunday, June 6, 2021
7 of the World's Most Intriguing Underwater Ruins
Scattered all over the globe in oceans, lakes and seas, are fascinating underwater ruins that once thrummed with the daily lives of the people who inhabited them. So how did they end up underwater?
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Saturday, June 5, 2021
What It's Like to Stay Silent for 10 Days
Silent meditation retreats abound. What’s it really like to keep quiet for so long?
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Friday, June 4, 2021
Americans Drove Less, but Had More Fatal Crashes in 2020, NHTSA Says
Americans drove billions of miles less in 2020 because of the coronavirus. But despite fewer miles on the road, the U.S. had the biggest spike in fatal car accidents since 2007.
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A Kid-friendly Introduction to Magnets and Magnetism
Magnetism is at work all around you. Even our Earth is a giant magnet!
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5 Things You Didn't Know About Doughnuts
Homer Simpson's favorite snack was once called 'oily cakes.' Find out more about this and other fun facts on doughnuts.
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Thursday, June 3, 2021
Modern Hearing Aids Do Way More Than Help You Hear
Technology for hearing aids has advanced drastically since our grandparents wore those big, bulky ones wrapped around their ears. Now they're Bluetooth-enabled and can even translate foreign languages on the fly.
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Steganography: The Art of Hiding Messages in Plain Sight
The practice of hiding secret messages has existed in many forms for centuries, but the advent of personal computing in the 1980s stepped it up and steganography now exists all around us, invisible right under our noses.
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Malachite Is the Gorgeous Green Gemstone Cleopatra Wore
This ancient rock, which forms above copper deposits, is beloved for its swirling patterns and vibrant green color. It's dazzled humans for millennia as jewelry and even in décor.
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How to Enable Facebook Dark Mode
Facebook dark mode changes your screen to a black background with white lettering, which your eyes will thank you for and your battery won't hate either.
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Why the U.S. Monthly Jobs Report Matters
Every month, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics releases a report that looks at the unemployment rate, among other job-related data in the country. But who counts as "unemployed" can be tricky.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Why Do Tires Blow Out More in Summer?
Ever notice you see more tire debris on the side of the road during the hottest months of the summer? Could the heat have anything to do with it?
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How to Delete Your Twitter Account
Had enough of the Twitterverse? Here's how to delete your account.
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What Does 'GOP' Stand For?
The Republican Party is known as the "GOP," but why? And what does "GOP" even mean?
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The 'Lights Out' Program Kills the Lights to Save the Birds
Migrating birds are dying by the billions as they lose their way and smash into lit buildings at night. Big cities like Philadelphia are turning out the lights to try and help save them.
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Afrofuturism: Where Technology, Culture and the Black Experience Meet
Afrofuturism isn't just about placing a Black person in a futuristic landscape. It takes into account the challenges Black people face and allows them to imagine futures of their own making.
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Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Westminster Dog Show Celebrates 145 Years, But 2021 Will Be Different
The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show has been around longer than basketball. Heck even light bulbs. For the first time, it won't have any human spectators and it will be held outside.
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Why the Mount Nyiragongo Volcano in the Congo Is so Dangerous
The May 22, 2021 eruption of the Mount Nyiragongo volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo killed at least 32 people and caused tens of thousands to flee the area. Why is this volcano so especially dangerous?
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Summer Marks Beginning of '100 Deadliest Days' for Teen Drivers
Studies show the 100 or so days between Memorial and Labor days are especially deadly for teen drivers — but there are things parents can do to keep them safe.
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Pride Month in the U.S. Celebrates LGBTQ+ Progress and Equality
June is Pride Month, when the LGBTQ community comes together to celebrate their struggles and to raise awareness of issues they still face.
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How to Turn on Windows 10 Ransomware Protection
Ransomware and its effects are costing businesses and individuals more than $20 billion a year and the threat is not subsiding as malware agents continue to thrive. So how do you protect yourself and your business?
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