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Saturday, July 31, 2021

How to Answer the Dreaded Question 'What Are Your Salary Requirements?'

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How can you answer the salary requirements question without selling yourself short? One expert says, "Just say no."

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Friday, July 30, 2021

Scientists Spot Light From Behind a Black Hole for the First Time Ever

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Scientists have observed flashes of X-rays coming from behind a supermassive black hole, consistent with Albert Einstein's prediction that extremely large objects can bend light.

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Masks Are Back and 'War on COVID-19 Has Changed,' CDC Says

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New data released today from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is behind the agency's updated mask guidelines. What so alarmed the CDC that it's telling even the vaccinated to wear masks again?

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What Is Your City's Tree Equity Score?

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The number of trees we are surrounded by in our daily lives affects our health, economic welfare and mental wellbeing. The fairness of their distribution is known as tree equity.

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When You Smell Poop Are You Actually Inhaling Poop Molecules?

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Smelling fecal matter is gross enough, so the possibility that tiny bits of poop are actually getting into your nose is outright disgusting. But should you be worried?

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Can You Really Escape an Alligator if You Run in a Zigzag?

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You've heard this advice a million times, and perhaps it even brings you comfort when you're in gator territory. But is it really true?

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The Voracious Spotted Lanternfly Is Invading the Eastern U.S.

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The invasive spotted lanternfly is spreading across the Eastern U.S. Here's what you need to know about this voracious pest.

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What Happened to Palm Jumeirah and Dubai's Other Manmade Islands?

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You can see them from space. They span Dubai's coastline, providing prime real estate to interested millionaires. They're the Palm Islands of Dubai — the largest artificial islands in the world.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

What the 1919 Anti-Mask League Can Teach Us About Public Health

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Despite strict closing and mask orders, San Francisco was hit hard by the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic. But some residents balked at the rules and that meant more people died.

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Here's How the Climate Crisis Is Impacting the Water Cycle

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The climate crisis is messing with the water cycle. Some places are getting way too much, while others aren't getting any water at all. We'll explain.

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How Chromecast Works

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Chromecast is a tiny TV dongle that promises to bring you streaming media controlled via your mobile device. Can it compete with the rest of the streaming media market?

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How Do Television Ratings Work?

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A show that has several million viewers may seem popular to us, but a network may need millions more watching that program to make it a financial success. How do they figure out how many people are watching a show?

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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

How Graphics Cards Work

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For high-end gaming and video editing, an upgradeable graphics card is a must. Cutting edge video processors allow users to render complex visual effects, blisteringly fast frame rates, and multiscreen displays, with resolutions up to 4K and beyond.

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What Kind of Bird Is That? The Merlin Bird ID App Can Tell You

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Birding is a lot easier with the Merlin app, which can coach you though your first bird identification adventure. From there, it's simple.

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Water 'Witches' Pit Science Against Folklore in Search of Groundwater

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Mystical water witches are in high demand during these dry times. But are they better at finding groundwater than a science-driven geohydrologist?

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Is It Safe to Travel With Unvaccinated Kids? 6 Questions Answered

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When thinking about traveling with unvaccinated children, two types of risk should be considered – the direct risk for the child and the risk of transmission to others.

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Why Did Cars Have 'Suicide Doors' and Do They Still Exist?

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A 'suicide door' was the popular name for car door that opened from the rear rather than the front. Why were they called that, and do any cars have this feature?

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Monday, July 26, 2021

Utah's Fabled Great Salt Lake Is Shrinking

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Utah's Great Salt Lake has been in the news in 2021, but for all the wrong reasons. It's at its lowest level ever, and some say it could eventually dry up.

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What Are the Various Triathlon Distances?

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Most of us have heard of the Ironman Triathlon, but that's not the only version of the sport. There are several types of triathlons encompassing various distances and even sports beyond swimming, running and biking.

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U.S. Sees First Case of Rare Monkeypox in 18 Years

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What in the world is monkeypox, and should Americans be worried about another contagious virus spreading across the country?

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How Swamp Coolers Work

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If your air conditioner is causing your energy bills to rise, you might want to consider an alternative — a swamp cooler. That's if you live in a dry environment like the southwestern U.S. So, how do swamp coolers help you beat the heat?

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Sunday, July 25, 2021

Why Emmett Till's Murder Shook the Conscience of the U.S.

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Emmett Till would have turned 80 today. Instead his vicious kidnapping and lynching still stands out among the thousands of lynchings in the U.S. after the Civil War. What was it about his murder that made the world stand up and take notice?

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How Do You Get Rid of Ads on Facebook?

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Facebook is more than just a social network; it is also an advertising platform. How can you get rids of all those ads on Facebook?

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Why Does Hydrogen Peroxide Come in a Brown Bottle?

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You probably have a bottle of the stuff at your house. Have you ever seen it come in any color bottle besides brown?

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Saturday, July 24, 2021

How to Write a Bill of Sale

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Even if you're in a state that doesn't require it, it's a good idea to write a bill of sale when selling something privately to prevent misunderstandings down the line. Here's how to do it.

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Friday, July 23, 2021

Surfing Makes Its Olympic Debut and the Waves Should Be Epic

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Weather models are predicting that a tropical cyclone or typhoon will develop to the southeast of Japan, sending powerful swells to the Olympics. This should make ideal waves for the first surfing event ever.

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When Roses Smell Like Rotting Fish, That's Parosmia

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Parosmia is a post-COVID-19 side effect that distorts your sense of taste and smell. But smell training (you read that right) can help most people get things back on track.

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What Happens if the Olympic Torch Accidentally Goes Out?

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The Olympic flame is supposed to never go out until the games have ended. But hey, accidents happen. So how is the torch relit?

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So That's Where Baby Veggies Come From!

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Little tiny vegetables seem to pop up everywhere these days, but where do they come from?

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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Why Flash Floods Are So Dangerous

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Both dry and over-saturated soil can contribute to flash flooding. Can anything be done to prevent them from becoming catastrophic?

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Chernobyl's Elephant's Foot Is a Toxic Mass of Corium

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The lava-like material that formed after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is a deadly example of corium, a hazardous material created only after core meltdowns. Five minutes next to it can kill a human.

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The Middle Lanes Are the Fastest in Track and Field ... Right?

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It makes sense, until you look at the data from 8,000 racers.

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The Ambush and Death of Gangster John Dillinger

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Eighty-seven years ago today, the FBI took down America's first true celebrity criminal and the country's Public Enemy No. 1.

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6 Mysterious Numbers In the Bible and What They Mean

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In both Hebrew and Greek, letters have numerical values, so many people, both in the past and today, saw hidden meanings in words as well as numbers found in the Bible. Here are just a few examples.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Who Owns the Beach? It Depends

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On most U.S. shorelines, the public has had a time-honored right to "lateral" access to beaches. That sandy space, however, is being hotly contested.

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Delta Variant and Unvaccinated Are Threats to Eliminating COVID-19

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The wildly contagious delta coronavirus variant now accounts for more than 80 percent of cases in the United States. Does it pose a threat to eliminating COVID-19 across the globe?

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What Are Hot Dogs Made Of?

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Hot dogs are about as American as baseball and apple pie. You know you love them, but do you know what's actually in them?

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

How Superchargers Work

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Superchargers add power to make a normal-sized engine more efficient. Here's how they do it.

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Tokyo 2020 Will Be an Olympics Like No Other

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Between a yearlong delay and a still-ongoing global pandemic, Tokyo 2020 (or 2021 if you prefer) is not the Olympics anyone expected. But it's sure to be one we will never forget.

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Fire, Deforestation Have 'Flipped' the Amazon to Be Emitter of Carbon

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An unprecedented 10-year-long study published in the journal Nature found that deforestation and fires have drastically reduced the Amazon rainforest's ability to absorb carbon emissions from the atmosphere.

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How Long Does It Take to Get to the Moon?

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Humans have made it to the moon a number of times so we know how long the journey should take. But sometimes it may be much faster than that.

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Is Space Tourism Worth It?

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Today, Blue Origin is scheduled to fly its billionaire founder Jeff Bezos and three others into space, a week after Virgin Galactic flew its billionaire founder Richard Branson on the same mission. Will space tourism be more than a millionaire's hobby?

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Monday, July 19, 2021

What Is the Rarest Personality Type?

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Myers-Briggs has established 16 personality types and says that everyone fits into one of them. But some types are more common than others. Which is the rarest of all?

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Saipan Is the Most Beautiful U.S. Island You May Not Know

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It's located in the Pacific and part of the Northern Mariana Islands, and played a major role in WWII. Here are seven things you need to know about stunning Saipan.

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Drivers Who Merge at the Last Minute May Be Annoying, But They're Right

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The "zipper system" of merging lanes of traffic cuts back on congestion and car crashes, but it also seems a lot like cheating to American drivers.

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Noncompete Agreements Target Janitors as Well as VPs, But Why?

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It's not just people on the top. Even janitors and home health aides are often asked to sign noncompete agreements. Why's that? And will a company really sue you if you break one?

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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Snake Island: A Viper-infested Hellscape

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The island of Ilha da Queimada Grande off the coast of Brazil is home to an estimated 2,000 to 4,000 venomous snakes, which translates to about one snake every 3 feet. Watch where you step.

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Saturday, July 17, 2021

What 'Percentage' Is Whole Milk?

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Have you been thinking all wrong about the difference in fat content between milk varieties?

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Friday, July 16, 2021

What Is a Conservatorship and Why Is Britney Spears In One?

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Pop princess Britney Spears has been locked in a conservatorship since 2008. Hers isn't a typical conservatorship for many reasons. We'll explain.

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After 60 Years, Wally Funk, 82, Is Finally Going to Space

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On July 20, 2021, Wally Funk will blast off. Her trip to space has been delayed since 1961, when the 'Mercury 13' Woman in Space Program was cancelled.

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How Human Are Humans? New Study Suggests About 7 Percent

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Researchers from the University of California, Santa Cruz determined that only about 1.5 to 7 percent of the modern human genome is unique to humans. The rest we share with our relatives the Neanderthals and the Denisovans.

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What Does the Battery Light on the Dashboard Mean?

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If the battery light stays on when you're driving your car, does that mean you need a new battery?

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Thursday, July 15, 2021

How Dangerous Is Wildfire Smoke? A Toxicologist Is Raising Red Flags

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The effects of wildfire smoke are different than those of other types of air pollution. But just how harmful to humans is it?

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Coke Zero's Formula Is Changing. What Could Go Wrong?

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Coca-Cola decided to change the recipe of its popular Coke Zero to make it taste more like the regular version. But fans are already up in arms. Dare we say another New Coke?

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Can Lettuce Water Really Help You Sleep?

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A TikTok trend is pretty harmless, but let's be clear that lettuce leaves steeped in hot water probably won't help your insomnia.

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How the Mason-Dixon Line Became the Divider Between the North and the South

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The Mason-Dixon Line has ties to slavery, which often overshadows its otherwise fascinating story about one of the most significant surveying achievements in North America.

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Is it OK to Kiss Your Pets on the Mouth?

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Some love to do it; others find it gross. But is there a health reason not to kiss your furry friends?

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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

What Is Critical Race Theory Anyway?

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Critical race theory (CRT) is a hot button issue in the United States. School boards and state legislatures in seven states have passed regulations banning it from being taught in the classroom. How did we get here and why is everyone freaking out?

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It's a Manatee's Life: Swim, Eat, Rest, Repeat

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Manatees are so gentle and sweet they'll break your heart, but in 2021, there have been more manatee deaths than in any year in previously recorded history. Why are these gentle giants dying in such unprecedented numbers?

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Cubans Protest to Demand End of Dictatorship. What Led Up to This?

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Thousands of Cubans protested in the streets in rare demonstrations against the government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic and limits on civil liberties. But what other events got the citizens to this breaking point?

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How the U.S. Coast Guard Works

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Unique among the U.S. armed forces, the Coast Guard is perpetually on active duty, entrusted with lots of responsibilities, including saving lives at sea and enforcing maritime laws. It's also the oldest of the armed forces.

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Bastille Day: The French Holiday Celebrating Peace and Revolution

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The July 14 holiday celebrated by the French is way more complicated than the term "Bastille Day" might suggest.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

WWII Sparked America's Shark Obsession, Not 'Jaws' or Shark Week

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Decades before Discovery started its wildly successful Shark Week, Americans were transfixed by stories of shark-infested waters.

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Inside Death Valley, the Hottest Place on Earth

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Death Valley hit 130 degrees Fahrenheit again Sunday July 11, 2021. That is only the fifth time in recorded history temperatures have reached 130 degrees on Earth. Why is it so hot here and how can anything survive in such brutal conditions?

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Is It Scratchy? 5 Things to Know About Bamboo Toilet Paper

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We all became hyperaware of the utter importance of toilet paper in our lives during the COVID-19 lockdowns of the past year, but some earth-friendly options exist as well.

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How Centuries of Inbreeding Led to the Distinctive 'Habsburg Jaw'

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Many of the kings and queens of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty had a distinctive facial malady known as the Habsburg jaw. What caused it?

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What if I Put Sugar in Someone's Gas Tank?

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Putting sugar in someone's gas tank has long been rumored to ruin someone's car. But does it really work?

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Monday, July 12, 2021

Will a Shark Drown if It Stops Moving?

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Even the most maniacally energetic people can appreciate crashing on the couch occasionally. Can sharks take the same break without dying?

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How Far Can a Plane Glide if Its Engines Fail?

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It can definitely be done — we saw Capt. Sully Sullenberger successfully land an Airbus A320 without any engines, in the Hudson River no less. But just how far a plane can fly without its engines depends on a few different factors.

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Was There a Real Paul Bunyan?

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The story of Paul Bunyan, the giant lumberjack, is one of the most enduring tall tales in North America. Most of us assume that the character is a fictional creation, but was he actually based on a real person?

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Why We Love Henry David Thoreau, in 5 Quotes

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We may think of Thoreau as the Walden Pond hermit who penned profound books on nature and philosophy. But he was also funny and sociable and valued his friends deeply. What can we learn from some of his best quotes?

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Is It Bad if Your Brake Pedal Goes to the Floor?

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Have you ever hit your brakes and had the pedal go all the way to the floor? It shouldn't happen, and you should get it checked out as soon as possible if it does.

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How Bad Is America's Infrastructure, Really?

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Infrastructure is a term covering the roads, bridges and other installations that a country needs to function. As Congress once again tries to pass a big infrastructure bill, we ask how is the U.S. doing in this area and why is it so hard to fund it?

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Sunday, July 11, 2021

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Belly Button

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Whether you have an innie, an outie, or none at all (you'll have to read the article to find out how that's possible), we've got you covered.

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Saturday, July 10, 2021

How to Avoid Bubbles in Your Nail Polish Finish

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A buried bubble trapped in your nail polish finish can really mess it up. So how can you fix it?

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Friday, July 9, 2021

Pfizer Says It's Time for Booster Shots. What Do Experts Think?

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Pfizer says COVID-19 booster shots are necessary, but the CDC and FDA say they're not. Are these mixed messages only going to confuse those who are still not vaccinated? We asked some expert vaccinologists for their opinion.

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Right to Repair Fight Just Got Big Boost From Biden

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President Joe Biden just signed a sweeping executive order that will create right-to-repair rules for cellphone companies, as well as big ag companies like John Deere. Who would be against that? We'll explain.

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How to Remove Air From Power Steering

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If you suddenly hear a grinding or whining noise coming from under your hood, it may be time to learn how to remove air from the power steering pump.

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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Haitian President Was Besieged by Protests Before Assassination

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Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated in the early morning hours of July 7, 2021, but prior to that, his tenure was anything but peaceful.

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What's the Longest Word in the English Language?

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You might think it's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. But you're wrong. And anyway, that's a song, not a word.

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Rose Quartz Is the Real Love Stone, Not the Diamond

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This beautiful pink quartz is found in numerous places throughout the world and is thought to be associated with unconditional love.

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8 'Secrets' You Didn't Know About the Secret Service

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When you think of the Secret Service, you probably think of the people in black guarding the president of the United States. But that's just a small part of the job. What else does this agency do?

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It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a ... Flying Spider?

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Spiders don't have wings, so technically can't fly. But some arachnids can soar through the air with the greatest of ease.

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How Streaming Video and Audio Work

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Streaming video and audio have come a very long way since it was first introduced in the 1990s. In fact, millions of people have gotten rid of cable and rely on streaming only for entertainment.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

How Carbon Capture Works

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We know that humans are largely responsible for fueling global warming with our carbon emissions. So what if we could seize all that carbon and squirrel it away in a safe place? Well, we can. It's just hard and really expensive.

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How Much Air Pollution Comes from Cars?

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You see it every time smoke billows from your car's exhaust pipe. There's no denying that vehicles are major contributors to air pollution. But how much are they responsible for?

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Athletes Put In Olympic Effort to Make It to Delayed Tokyo Games

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The Tokyo Olympics are happening a year late, but what was the delay like for the athletes who've trained their entire lives just to get there? For some, it was a huge physical and mental struggle. For others, it was just too much.

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Ghostly White Squirrels Haunt a Town in Transylvania County, North Carolina

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Leucistic squirrels are rare, but Brevard, North Carolina has a thriving population.

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What's the Fastest Car in the World?

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If your car is built like a supersonic plane, you can sure reach blazing fast speeds. But what about a car you can actually buy?

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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Who Is the Oldest Person to Ever Live?

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You think you're old? We're pretty certain you've got nothing on these two Guinness World Record holders who lived seriously long lives. And we mean long!

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What's a Birth Caul, and Why Are People Superstitious About it?

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Perhaps because it is such a rare occurrence, when a baby is born with a piece of the amniotic sac still attached to its head or face, it's seen as a sign of good luck in many cultures.

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Who Will Be Crowned Winner of the Fried Chicken Sandwich Wars?

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The already heated chicken sandwich wars just keeps getting hotter. Will a winner ever emerge in this fast food fight?

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Was Humpty Dumpty Really an Egg?

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And why couldn't all the king's horses and all the king's men put him back together again?

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Monday, July 5, 2021

Why Do Songs Get Stuck in My Head?

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Whether it's "Happy," "Baby Shark," or "Call Me Maybe," some tunes just get stuck in your brain. But why?

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Pickleball! It's the Fast-growing Sport With the Funny Name

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Pickleball is a paddle sport attracting thousands of players across the U.S. and around the world. Do you play?

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Amerigo Vespucci, a Lurid Pamphlet and the Naming of America

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It pays to promote. That's how Amerigo Vespucci got a new continent named in his honor. That and a little historical misunderstanding.

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Sunday, July 4, 2021

Why Was the American Revolution So Revolutionary?

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What makes the American Revolution stand out in world history? Was it the introduction of guerrilla warfare or its stage outside the borders of its parent nation? All those were noteworthy, but the real revolution was what the Revolution created.

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14 Fantastic Facts About the Fourth of July

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Which three presidents died on July 4? What's the Horribles Parade? And, should America be celebrating on July 2 instead?

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Saturday, July 3, 2021

How American Exceptionalism Works

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'American Exceptionalism' is a slippery term that has been used both positively and negatively. What does it really mean and how did it come to be embraced by both American Democrats and Republicans?

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How to Comfort Your Dog During Fireworks

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Dogs and fireworks just don't mix. And in the United States, the Fourth of July is a dog's worst nightmare.

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How Barbecue Works

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Almost every country in the world has some dish involving meat cooked over the fire. In the U.S., it's called barbecue. Come with us on a mouthwatering-journey through the history, politics and techniques of barbecue.

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Friday, July 2, 2021

How Hurricanes Work

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How often have you watched a weather forecaster point to a spiral-shaped cloudy mass with a sense of dread and fascination? What fuels these ferocious storms?

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Why Is There a Crack in the Liberty Bell?

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Older than the founding of the United States, the Liberty Bell has endured as a symbol of freedom for many Americans, even though that was not its original role. It wasn't even called the Liberty Bell for some 80 years after its creation.

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Thursday, July 1, 2021

19 Amazing Facts About the Canadian Provinces

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O Canada ... the country where you can order a cocktail with a human toe in it (and other quirky things about those Canucks up North).

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Turns Out Earth's Pulse 'Beats' Every 27.5 Million Years, But Why?

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Researchers have been asking this question for almost a century and now we're a little closer to the answer. Something else to ponder: Every 27.5 million years there is usually a mass extinction.

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5 Things You Didn't Know About Princess Diana

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It may seem like there are no secrets left about the Princess of Wales, but we've uncovered some little-known facts.

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