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Thursday, September 30, 2021

The First CT Scan Was 50 Years Ago, Changing Medicine Forever

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The first CT scan let doctors see inside a woman's skull and confirm her cystic brain mass. That scanner? It was developed by an eccentric engineer who worked at the Beatles' record company.

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Are UFOs Real? Close Encounters of the First, Second and Third Kinds

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Astronomer and defense researcher J. Allen Hynek is behind the UFO sighting classification system based on "close encounters." So what is a close encounter and have you had one?

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The McRib Is Turning 40 (and Y'all Are Still Eating It)

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Not selling the cult-favorite sandwich year-round is all part of the "McPlan." And it must be working because the McRib is coming back and it just turned 40.

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How Microprocessors Work

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The microprocessor determines the processing power available for any application you run. Without it, there is no computer. Learn all about this amazing, ever-shrinking technology that makes your computer compute.

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Meet the Woman Who Made Van Gogh Famous

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How did Vincent van Gogh escape mainstream attention during his lifetime and what changed after his death? Meet the intrepid woman who made van Gogh a household name.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Why Are Airplane Windows Round?

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The first commercial jetliners had square windows. So why did engineers change the design to the rounded windows we know today?

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EPCOT Was Walt Disney's Radical Vision for a New Kind of City

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EPCOT was Walt Disney's "Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow." But it didn't actually turn out the way he had envisioned it.

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Inside Unit 731, Japan's Gruesome WWII Human Experiment Program

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Unit 731 was a covert biological warfare research unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during WWII. Some of the most heinous war crimes ever were committed there. Why is it still so shrouded in secrecy?

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Feel Like David Against Goliath? You May Need an Ombudsman

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Have you got a complaint to lodge against a large business, or a government agency or university, but feel like you're going up against a giant? Then you may just need an ombudsman on your side.

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Honey Can Help If Your Child Swallows a Button Battery

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If your child swallows a button battery, you need to take them to hospital immediately. But on the way, grab your honey bear. Here's why.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

How the Debt Ceiling Works

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Since World War II, Congress has voted to modify the debt ceiling 98 times — 21 of those since 2001. It used to be a routine adjustment to pay for the government's spending, but not anymore. What is it and why is it so controversial?

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Opus 40: Harvey Fite's Bluestone Sculpture Park in Upstate NY

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Opus 40 is a 6.5-acre (2.6-hectare) earthwork sculpture that was hand-cut and created by artist Harvey Fite over a 37-year period. So how did he do it?

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Prehab Could Make Your Recovery From Surgery a Bit Easier

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Recovering from any surgery is never as easy as you hope. But putting in some time to get fit before it could make healing a lot easier. Here's how.

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Could 'Early' Dark Energy Explain the Mystery of the Universe's Expansion?

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Early dark energy, a form of dark energy that may have existed a few hundred thousand years after the big bang, could help clarify the universe's rate of expansion. But its existence hasn't been proven.

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What Is the Difference Between Static RAM and Dynamic RAM?

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Your computer probably uses both static RAM and dynamic RAM at the same time, but for different reasons. See what both types of RAM do in your computer.

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Monday, September 27, 2021

AI Completed Beethoven's Unfinished 10th Symphony. Here's How It Sounds

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Famed composer Ludwig von Beethoven died leaving just a few notes for his 10th Symphony. More than 200 years later, scientists use artificial intelligence to finish the job.

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Wildfire Smoke Is Affecting Photosynthesis. Here's How

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Wildfires burning across the Western United States don't just destroy crops. The smoke can also impact the way vegetation photosynthesizes. But it's not all bad news.

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Christo Was His Name, Wrapping Was His Game

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From early wrapped objects to monumental outdoor projects, the work of the late artist Christo transcended the traditional bounds of painting, sculpture and architecture.

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Peat Bogs Are Freakishly Good at Preserving Human Remains

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What makes these spongy, waterlogged areas of decaying plant matter so perfect at preservation? In a word: science.

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Sunday, September 26, 2021

What's the Difference Between the Pantheon and the Parthenon?

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It's easy to confuse the Parthenon and the Pantheon. The names are so similar, and they're both ancient ruins. But despite those similarities, the two structures are very different.

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5 U.S. Presidents and Their Beloved Cars

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One super-cool perk to being POTUS? You get to be driven around in the heavily armored presidential limousine. One downside? You have to hand over your car keys — for life.

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Saturday, September 25, 2021

6 Facts About Andorra, Europe's Best-kept Secret in the Pyrenees

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It's only 180 square miles, but it packs a lot of personality. In fact Andorra is the only country in the world that's ruled by co-princes from different countries.

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How Obituaries Went From Dry Death Notices to Tributes to Truth

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Obituaries do more than just let the world know someone died. They're a chance to pay tribute to someone, advocate for a cause or even settle a score.

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Friday, September 24, 2021

Is It Scratchy? 5 Things to Know About Bamboo Toilet Paper

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We've all become hyperaware of the importance of toilet paper during our lives in the world of COVID-19. But there are some Earth-friendly options that exist as well. Have you tried them?

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How Uranium Glass Got Its Glow On

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Glass that glows? You bet. And that glow comes from a source you wouldn't believe. Uranium, the same radioactive ore now used to power commercial nuclear reactors.

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The Proof Is in the Footprints: Humans Came to Americas Earlier Than Thought

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Footprints unearthed at White Sands National Park in New Mexico were made some 23,000 years ago. That's much earlier than scientists have previously placed humans in the Americas.

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Thursday, September 23, 2021

How the James Webb Space Telescope Works

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NASA plans to launch the James Webb Space Telescope into orbit Dec. 18, 2021, to serve as the premier deep space observatory for the next decade. Ready to meet the mighty Webb?

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How to Change Your Name on Facebook

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Want to change your name on Facebook? It's easy to do in just a few simple steps.

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7,000 Steps Is the New 10,000 Steps

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If you're always falling short of that arbitrary 10,000-step daily goal, we have good news. Your health can benefit just as much if you hit fewer steps, too.

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The Elephant Hawk Moth Is the 'Ugly Duckling' of Moths

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The elephant hawk moth is breathtakingly beautiful as an adult, but as a baby ... not so much.

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Here's What's Really in Your Pumpkin Spice Latte

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Fall's official beverage, as some call it, is seriously lacking in pumpkin and spices.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Why Can't You Pump Your Own Gas in New Jersey?

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The Garden State is the only state in the U.S. where it's illegal to pump your own gas. What gives?

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Your Chances of Hitting a Deer Rise in the Fall

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And by the way, driving at dusk and during full moons aren't doing you any favors either.

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Is Your Hospital Diverting Ambulances Because of COVID-19?

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In the latest COVID-19 surge, many hospitals across the country are on diversion, meaning they're asking ambulances to take patients elsewhere. Here's how that could affect you.

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Elizabeth MacDonough Is the Senate Parliamentarian. What in the World Does She Do?

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The office of the Senate parliamentarian provides access to nonpartisan and confidential legislative expertise to help develop new legislation and understanding of the rules that govern the Senate.

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5 Things You Didn't Know About the Autumnal Equinox

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The autumnal equinox is the day Earth is perfectly angled to the sun, so the day and night are of equal length. Well, almost.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Say What? Over-the-counter Hearing Aids Could Be Coming Soon to Local Pharmacies

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And that's huge, because they'll be more accessible AND affordable.

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Do Kangaroos Really Box?

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The boxing kangaroo as a symbol of the Australian fighting spirit dates back to the 1890s, but what's the truth? Do kangaroos actually box?

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Why Is Pancreatic Cancer So Deadly?

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Just 10 percent of Americans with pancreatic cancer survive for at least five years. Why is the outlook so grim and what can be done about it?

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Can 'Stay Interviews' Help Companies Avoid Exit Interviews?

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Most of us know how an exit interview works, but what is a stay interview? And can talking to employees about job satisfaction keep them from walking out the door?

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5 Events in Hispanic History You Never Learned in School

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Hispanics have contributed to American history since Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus stepped foot in the New World. These five events were turning points in Hispanic and American history.

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Monday, September 20, 2021

Worm, Harvest, Blue: Every Full Moon Has a Name

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Everyone's heard of the blue moon and the harvest moon, but every other full moon of the year has a name, too. What are their names and when do theses moons occur?

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Want to Shake Your Virtual Colleague's Hand? Holograms Could Help

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That would make working remotely a tad cozier wouldn't it?

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NASA Will Go Silent During the Mars Solar Conjunction

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The Mars solar conjunction occurs every two years and forces NASA to stop communicating with assets on the Red Planet. So what's the deal?

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The French and Indian War Was the First 'Real' World War

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The French and Indian War, also called the Seven Years' War, was not the French against the 'Indians,' but a massive French and British land grab that indirectly led to the American Revolution.

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Why Can't You Work From Anywhere if You Work From Home?

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Your permanent work from home gig may have you thinking of permanently relocating to a beach house or a foreign country. But before you do that, check with your employer. Some may not be cool with you making this move.

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Sunday, September 19, 2021

This One Guy Is Responsible for What We Think a Pirate Sounds Like

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And his name Is Robert Newton.

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Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Debaucherous History of Bachelor Parties

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These testosterone-filled parties date back to the time of the Spartans if you can believe it.

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6 Cheesy Facts About Cheeseburgers

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On National Cheeseburger Day, we're celebrating — what else? — the all-American cheeseburger.

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Friday, September 17, 2021

Pareidolia: Why We See Faces in Almost Everything

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We see faces in clouds, on buildings — heck, in grilled cheese sandwiches. But why is that? And how is this a help to our survival?

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Why Is Shabbat So Central to Jewish Tradition?

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Shabbat is the holiday that is central to Jewish life, occurring every Friday at sunset to Saturday night. But what is it and how is it observed?

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Who Was the Youngest U.S. President?

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You have to be at least 35 years old to be President of the United States. So, has anyone come close to that?

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10 Wild Facts About the Aye-Aye, a Most Improbable Animal

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This long-fingered primate with the perpetually startled golden eyes is considered one of the most distinctive animals on Earth.

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Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Strange Story of 'Killdozer' and the Man Behind It

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The 2004 incident in Granby, Colorado, left half the town destroyed. Now 17 years later, Marvin Heemeyer, the man who piloted the tank that crushed the library and town hall, has become a hero to antigovernment extremists.

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U.S. Capitol Police on High Alert to Protect Congress and Democracy

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The 2,300 officers and staffers of the U.S. Capitol Police are charged with keeping order in and around the U.S. Capitol, safeguarding Congress and, yes, defending democracy.

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What's Next for Roe v. Wade in the Courts?

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Texas just passed the most restrictive ban on abortion since Roe v. Wade became law in 1973. And the Supreme Court will hear a case challenging a Mississippi ban this fall. Could Roe be overturned?

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Food Fermentation: How Microorganisms Make Food Delicious

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Our ancestors survived long winters because of fermented foods, but what health benefits do they have for modern humans?

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Regrets, We’ve Had a Few — But Why?

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Ever had a "woulda, shoulda, coulda" feeling about something? It's called regret. What really triggers this emotion — and can we trust it?

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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

How to Export Bookmarks From Chrome

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You love your Chrome browser bookmarks but your computer is on the verge of dying. Is there any way you can save them so they appear on your new computer?

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5 Characteristics of a Great Science Teacher

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Science education methods are changing as a result of the Next Generation Science Standards, which aim to define a uniform vision for K-12 science education across the U.S.

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How High-tech Fabrics Cool You Down When You Heat Up

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Researchers are constantly developing fabrics that can help keep you cool, whether you're working out or trying to get a good night's sleep. But how do they work, and which are the best ones?

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9 Heavy-hitting Facts About the Greatest, Muhammad Ali

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He was cocky when it came to his boxing career but charitable when it came to his heart. We're talking of course about Muhammad Ali, whose legacy shines as brightly today as his left jab once stung opponents in the ring.

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How Yom Kippur Works

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Yom Kippur is marks the end of a 10-day period during which Jews seek forgiveness for their sins so they can make a fresh start. It's considered to be the holiest day of the Jewish year.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

When It's Best to Administer a COVID-19 Test at Home

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Over-the-counter rapid antigen tests can help slow the spread of coronavirus, but only if you use them properly. We'll tell you when and how to use them.

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Armyworms Are Chomping Through Lawns Across the U.S.

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They love your lawn and, in 2021, they're everywhere. Here's what to do about armyworms and how to spot the little critters.

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Siberia's Wildfires Dwarf All Others on the Globe Combined

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Wildfires burning in Russia, particularly Siberia, have been unprecedented in 2021. What is sparking the outbreaks, and why are they so bad this year?

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How to Replace a Circuit Breaker

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If one of your home's circuit breakers keeps tripping under normal use, it may be a sign of a faulty part. In this article, we'll tell you how to diagnose and replace an old breaker and keep your home running smoothly.

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Why Do We Say 'Bless You' or 'Gesundheit' When People Sneeze?

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Many of us offer a blessing when someone sneezes, and we don't even know why. Why does a sneeze get a "bless you" when a cough goes unanswered?"

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Monday, September 13, 2021

Getting to Know the Didge, the 'World's Healthiest Instrument'

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The droning didgeridoo, or didge, is an ancient wind instrument created by the aboriginal people of northern Australia, but still widely played today.

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Frances Kelsey Stopped Thalidomide in Its Tracks, and Changed the FDA Forever

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Frances Kelsey saved countless lives when she made decided not to approve a drug for morning sickness in the 1960s. Her instinct was spot-on and has had lasting effects on FDA drug approval ever since.

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The Simple Difference Between Ballistic Missiles and Cruise Missiles

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Despite the phrase "going ballistic," the term "ballistic" refers to how a missile travels through the air, not its explosive capability.

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Spicy Tomatoes, Hangover-proof Wine: Is There Anything CRISPR Can't Do?

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CRISPR is the genius behind innovations that seemed impossible a decade ago. Could you grow tomatoes with the kick of hot sauce or ferment wine that doesn't cause a hangover? That's just two of the things scientists are looking into.

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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Why Are Planets Almost Spherical?

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Why do planets in the solar system all seem to be round? Why not cylindrical? Or even cube-shaped?

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Why Are Legal Pads Yellow?

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They're instantly recognizable — mostly for their color. We're talking about yellow legal pads. So who decided they'd be yellow, anyway?

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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Does a Wet Summer Mean a Brilliant Fall?

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One of the best things about autumn is watching the leaves change color – fiery hues lining the landscape, ushering in cooler weather. Some say a rainy summer leads to an extra-vivid leaf show. Is that true?

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How the National September 11 Memorial and Museum Works

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Sixteen acres of land surrounding the site of the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center have been rebuilt. Eight are devoted to honoring the victims.

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Friday, September 10, 2021

10 of the Most Expensive Pokémon Cards Ever Sold

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Think of those Pokémon cards like baseball cards. Most of them aren't worth more than a few dollars. But some of the rarest can be worth six figures if they're in mint condition.

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U.S. Needs to Have an Ongoing Conversation About Suicide

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Suicide is a major challenge to public health in the United States. But like most public health problems, it can be prevented.

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20 Years Later, 9/11 Survivors Are Still Experiencing Fallout from Toxic Dust

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The World Trade Center dust consisted of a dangerous mixture of particles, asbestos and a class of chemicals called persistent organic pollutants, and it's still causing health problems for survivors.

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Thursday, September 9, 2021

5 Spiritual Lessons From the Dalai Lama

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The Dalai Lama stresses practical wisdom in his words about finding joy and peace, and spreading kindness. These are ideas we can all get behind.

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Is Elon Musk's New Tesla Bot the Stuff of Sci-fi Nightmares?

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Elon Musk's Tesla Bot raises serious concerns, but probably not the ones you think.

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What Are Real Numbers?

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Real numbers are the opposite of imaginary numbers and include every number you can think of.

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5 Things to Know Before You Try the Driving Experience of a Lifetime

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If you've always wanted to drive a high-end sports car for a day, there is no shortage of options and experiences open to you. But how do you pick the right one?

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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Why You Want Your Kid's School Bus to Be Electric

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Electric school buses are a very, very good idea. They cut greenhouse emissions, for one, but there are several more reasons the U.S. should transition its massive diesel-fueled school bus fleet to electric.

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Annoyed by Other Peoples' Fidgeting? Study Says You're Not Alone

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Does it bug you when people around you fidget? If it does, you have something called misokinesia and you are not alone because one-third of those studied felt the same way.

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Why Some Cultures Require Women to Wear Veils

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Burqas are commonly associated with repression and religious extremism. But to many people, the veil is a sign of modesty and piety, as well as a badge of honor. What is the true meaning of the veil?

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The Saguaro Cactus Is an Iconic Symbol of the American Southwest

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Even if you've never seen a saguaro in person, when you think "cactus," you're probably thinking "saguaro."

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Alfa, Bravo, Charlie: Where Did the Phonetic Alphabet Come From?

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You've surely heard it in the movies even if you've never used it. So who came up with the phonetic alphabet and why is it used?

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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Saving the Ozone in the '80s Slowed Unchecked Climate Change, Too

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The Montreal Protocol treaty signed in the '80s halted the destruction of the ozone layer. In the process, it prevented Earth from becoming nearly 1 degree hotter.

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How Electromagnets Work

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Whether they're sorting out scrap metal or helping us unlock the secrets of the universe, electromagnets are pretty nifty devices. What's so great about magnetism on demand? We'll electrify you with the details.

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Are Chewbacca and Bigfoot Related?

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Does everyone's favorite Wookiee call Bigfoot family?

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Monday, September 6, 2021

How Rosh Hashanah Works

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Rosh Hashanah is one of the most important holidays in the Jewish religion, celebrating the Jewish New Year and three other important themes.

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Where Have All the Seashells Gone?

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All that seashell collecting you've been doing actually hurts the environment.

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Sunday, September 5, 2021

A Monumental Tribute to Crazy Horse Has Been Taking Shape for Decades

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More than 70 years ago, Oglala Lakota Chief Henry Standing Bear dedicated Thunderhead Mountain as the site of the Crazy Horse Memorial. The monument to honor North American Indians is still under construction.

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The Best, the Worst and the Weirdest College Mascots (and Why We Love Them)

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College sports just wouldn't be the same without those silly costumed humans (and live animals) parading around the sidelines pumping up the fans.

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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Why Marcus Aurelius Matters, in 5 of His Classic Quotes

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Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius is remembered today, not so much for his conquests and governance but for a short, profound book he wrote called 'Meditations.' We give you a peek inside this ancient wisdom.

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Friday, September 3, 2021

Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?

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Americans typically view Labor Day as the official end of summer and a free day off from work. But have you ever stopped to think who was behind it? And why is it celebrated in early September?

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How 'Bat' Masterson Became a Wild West Icon

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He palled around with Wyatt Earp in Dodge City, then later with President Teddy Roosevelt in New York City. He was a lawman, gambler and gunfighter who also was a sports writer, newspaper man and big fan of boxing.

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Flying Pre-9/11 Was, Well, a Breeze

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Although certain security measures were in place due to high profile hijackings during previous decades, U.S. airports were fairly easily and quickly navigated in the past. Then 9/11 happened, and flying would never be the same.

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6 Reasons Your WiFi Keeps Disconnecting and How to Fix It

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A dropped or stalled WiFi connection that occurs repeatedly can really mess up your day. If this keeps happening to you, read on for some explanations and solutions.

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Thursday, September 2, 2021

If You're Not Baking With Mayonnaise, You Should Be

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Mayonnaise is the best baker's secret ingredient. Why? Because its simple emulsion of egg, oil and acid is vital to most baking recipes.

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How the Adirondack Chair Became the Comfiest One You Can Own

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The comfort of the wide armrests, high back and slanted seat of the Adirondack chair have made it legendary since its invention in the early 1900s.

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Coastal Wetlands Are Nature's 'Free' Solution to Storm-driven Flooding

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A July study found that every coastal estuary could prevent $38 million of damage from major storms like Hurricane Ida. But that means wetlands need protecting, too.

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Why E.O. Wilson Is Called the 'Darwin of the 21st Century'

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Edward Osborne "E.O." Wilson never grew out of his "bug period" as a child and, as a result, became one of the world's foremost experts on the subject of ants.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

What Are the Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?

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The Jewish High Holy Days commemorate concepts such as renewal, forgiveness, freedom and joy.

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How to Put Water In a Car Radiator

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When your car overheats, the best thing you can do is head to a garage for coolant. But in a pinch, you can add water to the radiator if you're careful. We'll tell you how.

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Sticks, Stones and Knucklebones: The History of Dice

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Whether bone or stone, plastic or fuzz, dice have been rolled by people looking for a little luck in civilizations throughout recorded history.

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Who Invented the First Gun?

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The first gun was created more than 1,000 years ago, effectively changing warfare — and society — in incomprehensible ways. But do we know who actually made the first firearm?

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How Are Fibonacci Numbers Expressed in Nature?

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Is there a magic equation to the universe? Probably not. But thanks to one man's obsession with rabbits, we have a sequence of numbers that reflect various patterns found in nature.

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