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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Did the Bible 'Borrow' the Noah's Ark Story From the Epic of Gilgamesh?

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A story remarkably similar to the Noah's Ark flood account in Genesis was discovered in the Epic of Gilgamesh, a text 1,000 years older. Does that confirm the account or make it more of myth?

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Saturday, October 30, 2021

Has the Dragon's Triangle Been Swallowing Up Ships for Centuries?

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The Bermuda Triangle's Eastern counterpoint — the Dragon's Triangle — is located in the Philippine Sea and has supposedly been swallowing up ships for centuries.

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Friday, October 29, 2021

Which Works Best: Dishwasher Pods or Powders?

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Your dishwasher is a lifesaver that probably comes in handy every night. But are you using the best detergent so your dishes are as clean as they possibly can be?

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How the Catholic Church Decides What's a 'Miracle'

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The process requires a rigorous examination of the life and holiness of a candidate and involves several stages that can last years or even centuries.

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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Animal-Themed Crossword

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Play our brainy animal-themed crossword by HowStuffWorks!

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Plastics Will Outpace Coal in U.S. Carbon Emissions, Study Shows

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A new report released by Beyond Plastics suggests that plastics will release more greenhouse gas emissions than coal plants in the U.S. by 2030.

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The Coiling Dragon Cliff Skywalk Clings to a Mountain on a Sliver of Glass

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Made of glass, the harrowing Coiling Dragon Cliff Skywalk will test the mettle of anyone brave enough to challenge its heights.

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Crossing the Darién Gap, a Lawless Jungle Dividing the Pan American Highway

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All roads on the Pan American Highway end in the Darién Gap, a dense jungle that separates Panama and Colombia. What makes trekking this area so dangerous?

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Play Sudoku (Easy Difficulty)

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Are you a numbers whiz? Try our online and interactive sudoku puzzle!

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Can You Guess the Answer to This Riddle?

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See if you can figure out this fun riddle at HowStuffWorks!

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How to Unlock Your iPhone

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The ability to unlock your iPhone means that you can use it with different carriers. To unlock your iPhone, use these steps.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

How a Frisky Feline Made Aviation History

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Kiddo was his name and not only was he the first cat to attempt to cross the Atlantic in an airship, but he also did it as a stowaway.

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Why Are Black Cats Considered Unlucky?

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Black cats were associated witches and paganism in the Middle Ages. Even today, black cats wind up in shelters more than any other color cat. So why are black cats considered so unlucky?

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How Ben Franklin Helped Ignite the Jersey Devil Hysteria

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You read that right. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin is partially to blame for the legend of the Jersey Devil. Here's the strange story.

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What Billions in U.S. Aid Accomplished in Afghanistan: 5 Questions Answered

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Some $150 billion in nonmilitary U.S. aid flowed into Afghanistan from 2001 to 2020, but what exactly was accomplished in that time with that amount of money?

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Play Sudoku (Hard Difficulty)

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Play Our Interactive Crossword

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Play our fun and brainy crossword by HowStuffWorks!

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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Lawsuit Alleges Lack of Strawberries in Strawberry Pop-Tarts

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So, how many strawberries does it take to make strawberry Pop-Tarts? Way more than Kellogg's uses, according to a class action lawsuit.

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Odysseus and His Not-always Heroic Odyssey

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Odysseus is the hero of the epic Greek poem "The Odyssey." But by today's standards, he might not be considered a hero at all.

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Drought Caused These 6 Famous Waterfalls to Dry Up

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Waterfalls are mainly reliant on precipitation to keep flowing. Here are six famous waterfalls that slowed to a trickle when drought set in.

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Play Sudoku Puzzles by HowStuffWorks

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Play our fun and brainy Sudoku puzzles by HowStuffWorks!

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Play Our Mini Crossword

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'Disheveled,' 'Disgruntled': Why Are Some Word Only Used in Negative Form?

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No one ever says "heveled" or "gruntled." Do these words even exist? Not every word needs an opposite to prop it up. Here's why.

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Monday, October 25, 2021

The Misrepresentation of 'Nosferatu' in Vampire Lore    

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Popularized in the 1897 novel "Dracula" by Bram Stoker, and the film "Nosferatu" in 1922, the word "nosferatu" is largely considered to be an archaic Romanian word, synonymous with "vampire," though the true origin story is long and complicated.

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Riddle: What Has Hands but Cannot Clap?

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Riddle: What Has an Eye but Cannot See?

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Can You Guess What Paul Weighs?

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How Many Triangles Can You Count?

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How Many Circles Contain White Dots?

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How Wireless Mesh Networks Work

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Wireless mesh networks promise to deliver high-speed Internet connectivity anywhere, anytime. Find out when you would use them.

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What Are Atmospheric River Storms?

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Atmospheric rivers, also known as "Pineapple Express" storms, are key to the global water cycle, particularly in the western United States. But with a warming climate, their intensity could get much worse, and that's not good.

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How Much Money Do You Need to Retire at 50?

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Retiring at 50 might sound great, but there's a lot of saving, preparation and hard work you'd need to do to accomplish such a goal. Here's how to make sure you've saved enough.

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Sunday, October 24, 2021

You Need It Like a Hole in the Head: The Ancient Medical Art of Trepanation

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Drilling a hole in somebody's skull was all the rage 4,000 to 12,000 years ago. In fact, 5 to 10 percent of skulls from this period have a hole in them, made while the person was still alive. The question is, why?

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Saturday, October 23, 2021

How Do You Survive Getting Lost in a Cave?

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If you went cave exploring and lost your way, would you how to get out? We talked with the experts for real-world advice.

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If You Hear a Scream in a Movie, It's Probably the Wilhelm Scream

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You may not know it, but you've probably heard it hundreds of times. It's the same scream of agony that's been used over and over in films since 1977.

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Friday, October 22, 2021

Ed Gein Was the Real-life 'Psycho'

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Ed Gein was known as the "The Butcher of Plainfield" for killing two women in the late 1950s. But he was also the inspiration for iconic horror movie characters, including Psycho's Norman Bates and Texas Chainsaw Massacre's Leatherface.

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Why Do People Find Leaf Blowers So Irritating?

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Does the sound of a leaf blower make you mad? There might be a physical reason for it.

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How 'Pretty Boy' Floyd Became the FBI's Public Enemy No. 1

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Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd lived a life of crime robbing banks, stealing cars and killing his rivals. Then J. Edgar Hoover named him Public Enemy No. 1 and a massive manhunt was on.

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Think You Don't Get Enough Protein? That May Just Be Hype

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Global retail sales of protein supplement products reached a staggering $18.9 billion in 2020, but is all this extra protein in our diets really necessary?

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Thursday, October 21, 2021

Hyper-violent 'Squid Game' Creeping Into Kids' Digital Content

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The "Squid Game" series is Netflix's most popular ever. But content from the super-violent show, which is rated TV-MA, is popping up on platforms targeting kids.

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Nutty Putty Cave Before and After the 2009 Tragedy

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Nutty Putty Cave, near Salt Lake City, Utah, was discovered in 1960 and sealed up forever in 2009. This is the story.

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Ivory Poaching Led Only Female Elephants to Evolve Tuskless

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Scientists have determined that years of ivory poaching to fund Mozambique's civil war altered the genetics of the country's elephants. But it only affected the females. A new study tells why.

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From Van Gogh to Meow Wolf: Get Lost in 6 Immersive Art Experiences

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They seem to be all around us — immersive exhibits that enfold the viewer, moving us into the art instead of keeping us at viewing distance. So, why are they suddenly so popular?

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How Bluetooth Surveillance Works

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Is anyone watching you now? If you have Bluetooth enabled on your smartphone, someone might know exactly where you are.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Porbeagle Shark Hunts With Dogged Determination

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Porbeagles are related to great whites, but while they're also athletic killers, they're smaller and far less ferocious. And what's with the funny dog name?

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Flyting Words: The Medieval Origins of the Insult Rap Battle

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Flyting, which was essentially a verbal contest of poetic abuse, was public entertainment in the 15th and 16th centuries. Think of it as the rap battle of medieval times.

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Sensor Under Your Office Desk? Welcome to Property Technology in Smart Buildings

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Smart buildings have technology embedded inside them, allowing unprecedented levels of interaction between a building and its occupants. Some would call it "unprecedented levels of snooping."

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What's the Difference Between Socialism and Communism?

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They're often mentioned in the same breath, but not every socialist is a communist, and not every communist or socialist country operates in the same way.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

12 'Magical' Hacks for the Magic Eraser

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The Magic Eraser seems like it can take on just about any cleaning job. But can it? And what is this sponge-like thing anyway?

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Holy Lepidoptera! The Hongshui River Walkway Floats Like a Butterfly

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The Hongshui River Scenic Park walkway is shaped like a super- colossal, brightly colored butterfly and is twice as long as the island of Manhattan.

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Should We Sequence the Genome of Every Baby?

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Whole genome sequencing can analyze a baby's DNA and search for mutations that may cause health issues now or later in life. But how prepared are we for this knowledge and should it be used on all babies?

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The Republic of Nirivia: A Magical Micronation That Semi-exists on Lake Superior

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The Republic of Nirivia, an imaginary micronation comprising a group of islands in Lake Superior, was founded in the mid-1970s mostly in jest, by a small group of Canadians who wanted to see a pristine natural area preserved.

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The Orionid Meteor Shower Is Back — Here's What You Need to Know

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Every autumn, Earth passes through a stream of debris left by Halley's comet, resulting in nighttime meteor showers in mid-October. The best time this year is Oct. 20-21.

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Monday, October 18, 2021

Why Do British Lawyers Still Wear Wigs?

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Known as a peruke, the formal wig has been a tradition for centuries. But why did barristers start wearing wigs? And why does it persist into modernity?

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Remembering Colin Powell's American Journey

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The distinguished American general was the first Black man to become Secretary of State and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff. He died Oct. 18 at age 84 after breaking down many barriers for African Americans.

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How Dreams Work

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Dreams combine verbal, visual and emotional stimuli into mystifying storylines. Should we bother to interpret them? Are they random brain impulses, or do they offer insight into our waking lives?

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What's the Difference Between Redistricting and Gerrymandering?

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It's that time of decade, when congressional maps get redrawn to reflect population growth — and often to improve one party's chances at the polls. So, when does redistricting become gerrymandering? The line is blurry.

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Sunday, October 17, 2021

Scary Prehistoric 'Hell Pigs' Once Roamed the Earth

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These super-frightening entelodonts (aka hell pigs) once patrolled throughout Eurasia, North America and Africa.

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How to Carve a Pumpkin

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Whether your taste runs spooky or silly, if you're willing to get your hands dirty, a pumpkin can be the perfect canvas to express your Halloween style. It's pretty simple, but the more you prepare, the better your results.

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Saturday, October 16, 2021

Groom of the Stool: A Crappy Job With Royal Benefits

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It may sound degrading to modern ears, but the groom of the stool, the person who helped the British king with his toilet duties, held an extremely prestigious position and was a close confidant of the monarch.

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What Is Candy Corn and How Is It Made?

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Every Halloween, bags of triangle-shaped, yellow, orange and white candies fill trick-or-treat bags all over the U.S. But what exactly is candy corn?

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Friday, October 15, 2021

What Happens if Someone Is Murdered in Space?

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As far as we know, it has never happened, but a murder in space would most definitely create numerous jurisdictional, legal and investigative complications.

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Our Brains Have 'Fingerprints' — And We Can Find Them Fast

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Research shows no two brains are put together quite the same way. And we can find out the patterns in under two minutes.

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Do Unbiased Jurors Exist in the Age of Social Media?

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About seven in 10 Americans log on to social media, the Pew Research Center reported in April 2021. By the time a high-profile court case rolls around for jury selection, there's a good chance they've heard something about it. Can the impartial jury system survive the digital age?

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Do Horses With Broken Legs Have to Be Shot?

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Never wish a jockey good luck by saying "break a leg." Horses with broken legs might face a grim future, but does that mean they must be euthanized?

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Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Tiny Blue-ringed Octopus Is the Ocean's Deadliest

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Looks can be deceiving. That's definitely true for the blue-ringed octopus. It's tiny, stunningly beautiful and looks harmless. Yet its venom could kill 26 men in minutes.

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Car Safety Systems Don't Always 'See' in Bad Weather, AAA Says

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A new study out from AAA found that advanced vehicle safety systems struggled when weather conditions weren't optimal. Some test runs even ended in collisions.

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How Napoleon's Arc de Triomphe Became a Symbol of Paris

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The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most iconic and enduring symbols of the city of Paris, France. But why did Napoleon commission it?

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Putting Planes in Hibernation Is Complicated; Waking Them Up Is Even Harder

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Many airlines around the world put planes in hibernation during the pandemic because of reduced demand for air travel. What does it take to wake them up?

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These 6 U.S. States Once Declared Themselves Independent Nations

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Many states (or territories) that are now part of the U.S.A. were once independent, even if not recognized as such by other countries. We'll look at some of them.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Alligator Gar: 100 Million Years Old and Still Kicking

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The prehistoric looking alligator gar is sometimes referred to as a "living fossil" and, while it may look threatening, it's harmless to anything larger than itself.

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Audubon Mural Project Artists Paint Birds on the Brink

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Nearly 400 bird species are in danger of extinction by the end of this century and The Audubon Mural Project intends to depict every one of them.

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Self-navigating Cane Could Better Lives for Visually Impaired

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Stanford researchers have developed a new white cane, incorporating sensing and wayfinding approaches from robotics and self-driving vehicles. Could this new white cane reshape life for the visually impaired?

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Can the President Control Gas Prices?

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Gas prices are notoriously volatile. Does the president have any control over how much you pay at the pump?

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Study Says Solar Panels on Half of Roofs Could Meet World's Electricity Needs

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Rooftop solar panels are nearly 80 percent cheaper than they were just 10 years ago. A new paper says that if we installed them on 50 percent of roofs, we could meet all the world's yearly electric needs.

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How to Move Pictures From a Memory Card to a PC or Laptop

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Memory card storage is a handy way to transfer images and video from a phone or camera to your main computer. Here's how to use it.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Indigenous Women Keep Vanishing on Canada's Highway of Tears

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Indigenous women have been going missing and been murdered along an infamous stretch of highway in British Columbia since the 1960s. But not much is being done to find them — or who killed them.

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The Invasive 'Fortune-teller' Joro Spider Is Getting Cozy in the U.S.

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Native to East Asia, the Joro spider has adapted to life in the southern U.S. and, as far as we know, is a beneficial addition to the ecosystem.

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Can You Guess What Makes This Number Unique?

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Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Wants More Results, Less Politics

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In the lead-up to U.N. Climate Change Conference, the Swedish activist talked about Biden's climate plan, the media's responsibility and what gives her hope.

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Chia Seeds Could Be the Nutritional Nuggets You Need

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They can be stored for up to five years before they lose their potency, and they are a versatile nutritional powerhouse.

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How False Positives Work (and What They Could Mean for Your Health)

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Depending on the test and other factors, false positives can be extremely high for certain tests. Why is that, and what can be done about it?

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Monday, October 11, 2021

The Ridiculous History of the Chastity Belt

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Chastity belts were supposedly worn by women in the Middle Ages to keep them from having sex. A literal lock for a woman's nether regions. But how much truth is there to this torture device?

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How to Delete Snapchat

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It's simple to deactivate your Snapchat account or delete it for good. We'll show you how.

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Space Architects Will Help Us Live and Work Among the Stars

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If our living space is to become outer space, we have a lot of challenges to address. And our first line of defense will be space architects.

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Goodbye Columbus — Hello Indigenous Peoples Day

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More states are replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day. What's prompted the switch and how you do celebrate it?

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How RAM Works

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Random access memory (RAM) is as important to your computer's operation as the CPU, because it determines how quickly and efficiently your computer performs tasks. So how does it do that and can you upgrade it?

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Sunday, October 10, 2021

7 'Facts' They Got Wrong in School About Christopher Columbus

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Did Christopher Columbus did he really prove the world was round? Did he think he had found a new continent? And how was he perceived back home?

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Saturday, October 9, 2021

The History of the Grilled Cheese Sandwich

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Where did that melty combination of toasted cheese and bread come from?

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Vaccine Hesitancy Is Nothing New But It Can Be Overcome

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Vaccine hesitancy has a long history in the world. Why is that and what can be done to change it?

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Friday, October 8, 2021

Can You Solve This Math Equation?

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See if you can find the missing number with our fun math game at HowStuffWorks!

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5 Facts About Marie Curie and the Winningest Nobel Prize Family in History

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Having one Nobel Prize winner in the family is a huge accomplishment. But the extended Curie family had five winners – and one was even awarded twice. How did they get so smart?

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Why the U.S. Monthly Jobs Report Matters

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Every month, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics releases a report that looks at the unemployment rate, among other job-related data in the country. But who counts as "unemployed" can be tricky.

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Chaos Is Not Randomness: A Complex Systems Scientist Explains

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The world often seems chaotic and events appear to occur randomly, but what's the difference between chaos and randomness?

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What's It Like in Slab City, the 'Last Free Place' in the U.S.?

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Some call it an artists colony, others a squatters' paradise. Either way, it attracts lots of visitors, billing itself as the last free place in America. So, what's it really like?

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Thursday, October 7, 2021

How to Set up Wi-Fi on Your PC or Laptop

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You want to set up Wi-Fi on your laptop, but you're not sure how to do it. We break down the steps required to set up a wireless router and connect to a Wi-Fi network on Windows PCs and laptops.

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How Liquid-cooled PCs Work

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Most PCs use simple electrical fans to keep them cool. But upgrading to a liquid-cooling system can keep high-end gaming PCs running faster for longer.

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Nine Months On Mars: Perseverance Makes Major Milestones

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Two mission scientists working with the Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter give us the breakdown of the historic achievements the two Martian ships have made in the months on the Red Planet.

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From Bigfoot to Nessie: 7 Legendary Cryptids That'll Keep You up at Night

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"Cryptids" are animals whose existence is unproven, but we sure do love to believe in them.

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What Are Those Squiggles of Tar on the Road?

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Those irregular black tar drizzles that seem to scar the surfaces of roads aren't the result of haphazard work by a paving crew.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Crazy Common Things People Swallow (That They Shouldn’t)

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Ever had that sinking feeling when you bite down on a sandwich and accidentally encounter a foreign object like a toothpick or a piece of plastic? If you spot it in time, you can spit it out. But what if you don't?

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Could Thorium Power the Next Generation of Nuclear Reactors?

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Thorium is in many ways safer than uranium for nuclear power production. But is it safe enough to bet on for our energy future?

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Why Do Mass Shootings Keep Happening in U.S. Schools?

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Is there something about American suburban high school culture that makes it fertile ground for school shootings? One researcher says 'yes.'

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How Electric Motors Work

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Electric motors power almost everything in your kitchen, bathroom and office. But how do they perform their magic?

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How Do You Thicken Homemade Tomato Sauce?

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You've picked tomatoes from your garden and made a scrumptious homemade sauce on your stove. But the consistency just isn't right. Don't worry; there are a ton of ways to thicken up your sauce.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Squirrels Actually Organize Their Nut Hoard — Here's Why

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Fall is in full swing and that means squirrels are busy hoarding nuts for winter. So how do they remember where they buried them? Research suggests they use mnemonic strategies.

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Honey Ryder, Octopussy and 23 Other Iconic Bond Girls

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In honor of the 25th 007 film, "No Time to Die," we're celebrating these 25 Bond Girls, whose looks all but gave them a license to kill.

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Trypanophobia: When the Fear of Needles Has You Stuck

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Even though most people don't like getting shots, we can do it without much hesitation. But what if you have a debilitating fear of needles? How do you push past that to get critical medical care like the COVID-19 vaccine?

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Can You Nominate Yourself for a Nobel Prize?

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Nobel prizes offer lots of prestige and big payouts. But how do you become eligible for one? And can you lobby for yourself?

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How Brainwashing Works

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While most psychologists believe that brainwashing is possible under the right conditions, some see it as improbable or at least as a less severe form of influence than the media portrays it to be. So how does someone get brainwashed?

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Monday, October 4, 2021

How Do You Clean Up an Oil Spill?

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Crews have to race to contain the damage from major oil spills to prevent damage to beaches, death to marine life and birds, and devastation to local wetlands. So how do they clean them up?

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How Diesel Engines Work

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Diesel engines are often more efficient and less expensive to operate than their gasoline alternatives. So why aren't there more diesels on the roads? Well, they have their own issues, too.

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What Is the Difference Between a Pentium and a Celeron Processor?

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Celeron and Pentium chips have a lot in common, but there are some features that separate them. Which one is right for you?

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5 Sweet and Healthy Uses for Honey

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Honey has been used as medicine for millennia and, in this century, the old remedies seem to be holding up to science.

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5 Sharp Quotes from Diogenes, the Funniest Ancient Greek Philosopher

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Plato called him a "Socrates gone mad." Others nicknamed him "the Dog." Yet there was a method to his madness as he barked hilarious takedowns at passersby. Here are a few of them.

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Sunday, October 3, 2021

Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia! You Know the Jingle, Now Hear the Chia Pet Story

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These quirky clay figurines sprout "hair" seemingly overnight. But what is it that has made the Chia Pet an international sensation for 40 years?

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Saturday, October 2, 2021

Hispanic or Latino? It’s Complicated

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Although many people use the two terms interchangeably, they don't mean the same thing.

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5 Things We've Always Wondered About Andy Gibb

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With his good looks and appealing voice, this youngest member of the Gibb brothers seemed destined for a long music career. But it was not to be. What went wrong for Andy Gibb?

from HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!

Friday, October 1, 2021

How Dishwashers Work

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Dishwashers are not very mechanically complex. We'll show you how they work from the inside out, plus tell you how to get the most out of yours.

from HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!

Why Italian Is the International Language of Coffee

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Espresso, latte, macchiato. The coffee bean didn't even originate in Italy, so why do so many coffee drinks have Italian names?

from HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!

1 in 3 Who Had COVID-19 Have Long COVID Symptoms, Says Oxford Study

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Who gets long COVID and why still remains a mystery, but several new studies are showing it's much more widespread than we initially thought. So what is long COVID and how can it be treated?

from HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!

A Portrait of Jimmy Carter, America's Oldest Living President Ever

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Jimmy Carter, who turns 97 this year, isn't necessarily considered one of America's greatest presidents. But the legacy he's built in the 40-plus years after leaving the White House is one that will be hard to top.

from HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!