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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

What Are the Most and Least Popular Birthdays in the U.S.?

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Some months are bursting with popular birthdates and others are stone cold out of the picture. Which are the most and least popular birthdays and why?

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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

How Radio Works

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Radio waves are the backbone of nearly all modern media technology, from TV to smartphones and wireless internet. Yet, they're actually a simple technology.

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What Is an AI Black Box? A Computer Scientist Explains

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AI black boxes refer to AI systems with internal workings that are invisible to the user. Here's what that means.

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Monday, May 29, 2023

Audie Murphy, From World War II Hero to Hollywood Hitmaker

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America's most decorated World War II combat soldier Audie Murphy was considered a hero and Hollywood icon. But those labels came at a price that not even Murphy could pay.

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Memorial Day in the U.S. Means Way More Than Barbecue

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Today Americans mostly celebrate it as the start of summer. But the annual May holiday has a significant history that's worthy of acknowledgment.

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Sunday, May 28, 2023

7 Reasons Bruce Lee Continues to Kick Butt

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He died mysteriously just before the release of the film that would make him a household name. But there's a whole lot more to Bruce Lee than just an unusual death and kung fu magic.

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Saturday, May 27, 2023

If Rainbows Are Circular, Why Do We Only See Arches?

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The simple explanation is you have to be in just the right spot and the conditions have to be perfect for you to see the entire 360 degrees.

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Is the Ramree Island Crocodile Massacre a Myth?

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During World War II, 1,000 Japanese soldiers retreated from fighting with the British into Ramree Island, Burma, where most were eaten by crocodiles. Or so the story goes. But what really happened?

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How to Fake a GPS Location on Your Phone

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Want to throw someone off your tracks? A GPS spoofing app is the best way to do it. Here's how it works for both android and iPhone.

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Friday, May 26, 2023

What's Your Birth Month Flower?

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You know your zodiac sign and maybe your birthstone, but did you know that you also have a birth flower?

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What Are the Cardinal Signs in Astrology?

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The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. What does it mean if you're a cardinal?

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It Takes 9,000 Steps to Reach China's Fanjingshan Temple

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Located on Mount Fanjing in China, the Temple of the Buddha and Maitreya Temple sit impossibly atop a spindly rock formation, more than 7,600 feet (2,336 meters) above sea level.

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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Venomous vs. Poisonous: Is There a Difference?

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Venomous and poisonous mean very different things and are often used incorrectly. We'll clear up the confusion.

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How Venus Flytraps Work

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Plants that eat other creatures? It sounds like a genetic experiment gone awry. But there's actually nothing unnatural about it; carnivorous plants have been around for millions of years.

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How Newton's Laws of Motion Work

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Newton's iconic laws of motion are at work all around you, whether you're watching an Olympic swimmer push off a pool wall or a batter hit a baseball. So what are they?

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What Is the Rarest Blood Type in the World?

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There are eight major blood types and some are more common than others. But what's the rarest of them all?

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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Who Was the First Person to Speak English?

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English may be the most spoken language in the world, but it wasn't always. So who started speaking it first?

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How Can Minus 40 Fahrenheit Equal Minus 40 Celsius?

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There are two different scales of measuring temperature on Earth, but they merge at just one very cold temperature.

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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

What Are the World's Smartest Pets and Animals?

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If you think dog and cats are the world's smartest pets, you're right. But there are others too. Which smart animals top the list?

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Gemini Compatibility in Love, Work and Friendship

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If you're a Gemini, which signs will you connect with best in love, friendship and work? We talk with two astrologers to learn about Gemini compatibility.

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What's the Difference Between a Llama and an Alpaca?

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Llamas and alpacas are very similar animals, but the differences in personality are striking.

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Monday, May 22, 2023

What Is the Most Dangerous Animal in the World?

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It's hard to say what is the most dangerous animal in the world; you're not comparing apples to apples. But when it comes dangerous, these four top the list.

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West Point's 'Goat' Isn't the Greatest, It's the Last in Class

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It's a curious West Point graduation tradition – a special award is presented to the cadet who has the lowest GPA. But West Point graduates are proud to get it. Here's why.

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How to Jump Start a Car Battery

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If you drive, you definitely need to know how to jump start a car battery. We'll tell you how.

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Do We Really Swallow Spiders in our Sleep?

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Worried about creepy-crawlies entering your mouth while you sleep? Relax, spiders have no interest in being eaten. In fact, there's no record of anyone swallowing a spider while sleeping.

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Sunday, May 21, 2023

Why Do Antidepressants Have Warnings About Suicidal Thoughts?

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You've probably seen the ads for drugs to treat depression and the warnings that they may cause suicidal thoughts. But why would that be?

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Why Do We Call It a Piggyback Ride?

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It's a strange phrase when you think about it, as people don't normally ride pigs. So where did it come from?

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Dick Proenneke: 30 Years Alone in the Alaskan Wilderness

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An original survivalist, Dick Proenneke built his home by hand and lived alone in Alaska. But he was also a legendary conservationist and documentarian. Learn more about his remarkable story.

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Saturday, May 20, 2023

Why Do Colleges Hand Out Honorary Degrees?

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The very first honorary degree on record was a brazen attempt to score points with a wealthy and politically connected bishop in 1478. Not much has changed since then.

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How the Cannes Film Festival Works

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In the city of Cannes, May is the "month of the movie." The Cannes Film Festival is the crossroads of international cinema and anybody can submit a film for consideration. But how many are chosen?

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Remembering Israel 'IZ' Kamakawiwo'ole, the Voice of Hawaii

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Known for his lilting cover of 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow,' which he sang while playing the ukulele, IZ was a big part of the Hawaiian Cultural Renaissance.

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Friday, May 19, 2023

Debunking Hollywood's Car Explosion Fantasies

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Cars erupting into fireballs when they crash is a common movie trope, but it doesn't happen in real life.

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How Al Capone's Mobsters Outmuscled Chicago Milkmen

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After Prohibition, Al Capone's mobsters seized control of the milk market, which led to conflict between the mob and unions known as the "Chicago milk wars."

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Stardust and Scandal: The Hollywood Sign Turns 100

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There is no more iconic sign in the world than the huge HoIlywood sign that stands in Griffith Park, beckoning the hopeful with dreams of stardom.

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'By Any Means Necessary': The Life of Malcolm X

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Malcolm X was the leader of the Nation of Islam for more than a decade. His speeches were often militant in tone and he was labeled a firebrand. But was he simply misunderstood?

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Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Bloody Origins of the Phrase 'Caught Red-Handed'

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There are plenty of examples of people being caught red-handed in real life. But what does it really mean?

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How to Safely and Responsibly Feed Hummingbirds

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Hummingbird feeders are a great way to help those little fliers, but to feed them responsibly, you need to keep your feeders clean and fill them correctly.

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Are Burner Phones Really Untraceable?

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Pre-paid cell phones, aka burner phones, are a common way for people to make calls and text anonymously, but can burners really escape detection?

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How Sump Pumps Work

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If your basement feels damp or smells musty, you may need a sump pump. How does a sump pump get the moisture that's inside your basement out?

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6 Facts About How Bees Learn, Think and Make Decisions

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Bees can learn, make decisions and have a sense of smell 100 times more sensitive than ours. And most don't live in hives. Here are some cool facts about bees.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

What Is Universal Basic Income, and Does It Work?

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UBI stands for universal basic income, a guaranteed government cash payment. Pilot programs are testing whether having UBI improves lives. What have they learned so far?

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Moissanite vs. Diamond: Which Is the Best Engagement Ring?

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What's the difference between moissanite and diamonds? And which of these brilliant stones wins out when it comes to the engagement ring competition?

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An Astrologer Explains the Air Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

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The astrological signs are grouped into four elements — fire, water, earth and air. So what does it mean if you're an air sign?

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How Many Countries Are There in the World?

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It's a big old world and the number of countries it contains changes all the time. So, do you know how many there are? It's not an easy question.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

What Are the 8 Beatitudes, and What Do They Mean?

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Some of the most paradoxical, profound words that Jesus spoke can be contained within these eight beatitudes. So what do they really mean?

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How UPC Codes Work

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Nearly every item that you purchase from a grocery store, department store or mass merchandiser has a UPC code on it somewhere. Ever wondered why?

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Who Was Rube Goldberg, and What Are Rube Goldberg Machines?

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A Rube Goldberg machine is intentionally designed to perform a simple task in the most indirect and circuitous fashion possible. Meet the funny man behind these one-of-a-kind contraptions.

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Pickleball! It's the Fast-growing Sport With the Funny Name

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Pickleball is a paddle sport attracting thousands of players across the U.S. and around the world. And it's getting bigger every year. What's the appeal?

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Monday, May 15, 2023

What Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

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It's a chicken-or-egg situation: What came first? Perplexed people need wonder no longer, as we've sussed out the answer to this ancient riddle.

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Siberia's Batagaika Crater Just Keeps Growing, and That's Not Good

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It's known as the "Gateway to Hell" and while it might not actually get you there, what it will unleash if it keeps thawing could truly be hellish.

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Kopi Luwak: The Expensive Coffee Cruelly Made of Civet Poop

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One of the most expensive cups of coffee in the world is made from beans harvested from civet poop. Why would anybody want to drink it?

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What's the Difference Between a Sociopath and a Psychopath?

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The terms sociopath and psychopath are used interchangeably, but they're not the same. So what's the differences between these two antisocial personality disorders?

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Why is Japan's Aokigahara Forest Called the 'Suicide Forest'?

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The dense Aokigahara Forest has acquired another name, the "suicide forest." Why has it acquired that reputation and what is being done about it?

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Sunday, May 14, 2023

5 Smooth Things You Didn't Know About Peanut Butter

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Why was a peanut butter sandwich originally a high-class meal? Do Americans prefer crunchy or smooth? Find out these and other tasty peanut butter facts.

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Chernobyl's Elephant's Foot Is a Toxic Mass of Corium

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The lava-like material that formed after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is a deadly example of corium, a hazardous material created only after core meltdowns. Five minutes next to it can kill a human.

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The Surprisingly Radical History of Mother's Day

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Though Mother's Day seems to be filled with sweetness and light, it had a rather heavy origin, arising as a post-Civil War plea for peace. So how did the holiday change over the years?

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Saturday, May 13, 2023

Wasps Have an Image Problem, But Here's Why We Need Them

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Just like bees, wasps are pollinators that are also endangered. But you rarely hear anyone pleading to save wasps. A study finds out why wasps are despised by the public and researchers alike.

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5 Things About Asian American History They Don't Teach in School

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Asian Americans continue to challenge injustice and a rising tide of hate crimes directed at them, while mainstream narratives fail to address their bravery, history and struggles.

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Friday, May 12, 2023

How Reverse Osmosis Works

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Turning saltwater into tasty, drinkable H20 at desalination plants is probably the biggest-selling point of reverse osmosis, but let's back up a minute. What's osmosis, and why — and how — is reversing it useful to us?

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What Is CNC Machining?

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Nearly everything you use in your life was touched by a CNC machine tool. Don't know what a CNC machine tool is? We'll explain.

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Square Foot Gardening: The Planting Method Created By an Engineer

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Square Foot Gardening is great for people who want to grow their own veggies and who also like very specific instructions.

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Thursday, May 11, 2023

What Were the 32 Bands That Performed at Woodstock?

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Woodstock is possibly the most famous concert of all time and the capstone of an era. See our list of all 32 bands that performed, including Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin and Sly and the Family Stone.

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What Are Prime Numbers, and Why Do They Matter?

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You may remember from math class that a prime number is a number that can only be divided by 1 and itself. But why are they important anyway?

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What Is RGB Color?

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RGB, also known as additive color mixing, represents red, green and blue, the three components essential to any interactive technology we use today.

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Sweden to Build First Electrified Road for En-route EV Charging

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The future of electric cars is changing as Sweden builds the world's first electrified road that will charge vehicles as they drive.

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5 Worst Nuclear Disasters in the World

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Nuclear power plant accidents are rare, but when they happen, there can be lasting effects from the radiation. Here are the five most horrific accidents in history.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Evil Eye's Ancient Power Still Resonates Today

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Belief in the evil eye has existed since at least 3300 B.C.E. and is found in Jewish, Islamic and Christian cultures of the Mediterranean and Middle East. But why has belief persisted for so long?

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Gen Z Is Ditching Smartphones for 'Vintage' Flip Phones

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The younger generation is ditching their smartphones in favor of "dumb phones" in an effort to curb their screen time and digitally detox.

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What Is a PC?

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We've all used one, and most of us are sitting in front of one right now. Curious to know what's going on inside that ever-present PC? Here's your chance to find out — without prying open your own.

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What Is Stamped Concrete?

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Stamped concrete is a form of decorative concrete that looks like other materials like brick, tile and wood. You can do it DIY, but it takes some skill.

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Put Down the Pesticides! Introduce Beneficial Insects Into Your Garden

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Beneficial insects can help keep your garden healthy and beautiful and are far more environmentally friendly than pesticides.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Byford Dolphin Accident: How 5 Deep-Sea Divers Met Grisly Deaths

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In 1983, the worst-ever diving accident occurred. Five people working on an oil rig experienced explosive decompression, which caused them to die in horrific ways.

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How to Rid Your Home of Honeybees Without Killing Them

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Help! Honeybees are invading your home! This happened to our writer and she finds out from the experts why this occurs, what to do about it and whether home remedies work.

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Spring Cleaning Tips and Tricks: Pets Edition

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When you have furry roommates, spring and early summer are the best times to clean your house to keep pests and pet hair at bay.

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The Newton Boys Were the Baddest Bank Robbers You've Never Heard Of

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This band of brothers wreaked havoc on banks and trains throughout the Midwest. One heist netted them $3 million in cash and remains the largest train robbery in U.S. history.

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How to Use Rooting Hormone to Propagate New Plants From Cuttings

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Looking for an easy way to propagate new plants from existing ones? Rooting hormone can help turn one plant into two.

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Monday, May 8, 2023

6 Things Mormons Wish Non-Mormons Knew About Their Church

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, more widely known as the Mormon church, can generate a lot of questions: Is there really special underwear? Is it a cult? We bust some myths.

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The Longest Walk in the World Traverses 16 Countries

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The longest walk in the world is really a hypothetical journey because nobody is ever likely to complete it. We'll tell you why.

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How the Word 'Hack' Became So Hacked

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The word "hack" has evolved so much over time that, instead of suggesting a shadowy criminal act, it now means you've found the very best way to do something.

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What's the Difference Between a Hornet and a Wasp?

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It's a battle of the buzzing insects. We're talking hornets vs. wasps. How do these two differ and which one has the worst sting?

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What's a Scrum Master's Role in Project Management?

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The scrum master has the very important goal of ensuring a team finishes its sprint and ultimately its project. We'll explain all about scrums, sprints and stickers.

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Sunday, May 7, 2023

Beyond the Appalachian: Meet All 11 of America's National Scenic Trails

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For many people, their knowledge of America's National Scenic Trails begins with the Appalachian and ends with the Pacific Crest. But there are nine other fabulous trails that deserve attention, too.

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The Dodleston Messages: Hoax or Ghost From 1546?

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Ken Webster moved into an 18th-century cottage in the tiny town of Dodleston, England and soon found himself cyber-communicating with someone from the year 1546.

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Tiny Group of Samaritans Still Practice Their Ancient Religion

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The word "Samaritan," might have you thinking of a hospital or the Bible story about the Good Samaritan. But "real" Samaritans still exist in Israel, though their numbers are small.

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Saturday, May 6, 2023

How the 'Wow!' Signal Works

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In 1977, SETI volunteer Jerry Ehman saw a transmission so exciting he circled it on paper and wrote the word "Wow!" It seemed to indicate a message from outer space. But what was it really?

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Why the Mint Julep Is the Official Drink of the Kentucky Derby

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The mint julep is as synonymous with the Kentucky Derby as big hats and seersucker suits. But how did this simple drink from the 1700s wind up at the world's most famous horse race?

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Friday, May 5, 2023

10 Largest Deserts in the World

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If you think the largest desert in the world is hot and sandy, think again. These 10 deserts spanning the globe are massive, but they're not all sunbaked.

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The IQ Scale: What Does Your IQ Score Really Mean?

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The term IQ typically refers to a score on a test that measures someone's cognitive ability. What does this test constitute exactly? And does it accurately measure intelligence?

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Who Is the Controversial Green Man on the Royal Coronation Invitation?

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His leafy face can be found in medieval cathedrals and on garden paving stones all over Europe, but what is the story of the Green Man?

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How Cinco de Mayo Works

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Cinco de Mayo is more than margaritas. Learn how the first Cinco de Mayo celebration in the U.S. was in 1863, as a show of solidarity with Mexico against French rule.

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Thursday, May 4, 2023

Harriet Tubman's Life and Impact on the Underground Railroad

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History has taught us that Harriet Tubman was a conductor for slaves on the Underground Railroad to freedom. But she had a second career as a Union spy and was also a champion for the elderly.

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Why do Americans Sell Soda by the Liter but Milk by the Gallon?

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Although it's often said that Americans won't use the metric system, the popularity of the 2-liter soda bottle flies in the face of that logic. So why is soda sold like that, while other products like milk aren't?

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Norland College: Where the Royals Find Their Nannies

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Ever wondered how the British royal family finds nannies fit to change royal nappies? The answer is a nanny college called Norland.

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May's Full Moon Is the Flower Moon

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Native American tribes have called the May moon the flower moon for centuries. The name even inspired a best-selling novel and film.

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Want a Perfect Cuppa Joe? Roast Your Own Coffee Beans

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Been searching the world for that perfect cup of coffee? Maybe learning the fine art and science of roasting your own coffee beans is the way to go.

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Why Exactly Is May 4th a 'Star Wars' Holiday?

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How did a terrible pun turn into an international "Star Wars" holiday? We track the day’s evolution and explain how people are celebrating.

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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

7 Most Populated Countries in the World

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The world's population passed 8 billion in 2022, but which countries contributed the most to the increase? Here are the seven countries with the biggest populations.

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What Caused the Rise – and Fall – of the Ottoman Empire?

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For 600 years, the Ottoman Empire covered a territory stretching across huge swaths of Europe and the Middle East, until it all came down after World War I. What hastened its demise?

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The IQ Scale: What Does Your IQ Score Really Mean?

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The term IQ typically refers to a score on a test that measures someone's cognitive ability. What does this test constitute exactly? And does it accurately measure intelligence?

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Colorful Tibetan Prayer Flags Aim to Convey Blessings Through the Wind

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You've probably seen Tibetan prayer flags fluttering in the breeze, but what do they symbolize and who should hang them?

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Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Water Is Free. Why Do Americans Spend Billions on the Bottled Stuff?

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In 2017, bottled water surpassed soda as America's favorite drink and the trend continues. How did something we get for free become a multi-billion-dollar business?

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8 Pieces of Royal Regalia You'll See at King Charles' Coronation

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No doubt the coronation of King Charles III will be full of pomp and circumstance. But it also will include priceless pieces of the royal crown jewels.

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Why Did Junko Furuta's Murderers Get Such Light Sentences?

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Junko Furuta was a Japanese schoolgirl, brutally raped and killed by four young men, who received shockingly light sentences. How did they get off so easily?

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Rhubarb: The Poisonous Veggie You Can Totally Eat

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What vegetable is often mistaken for a fruit, has poisonous leaves but is still edible and is often harvested by candlelight? Yep, that would be rhubarb.

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5 Reasons You Should Grow a Butterfly Bush

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Providing a great backdrop for any sunny garden, the butterfly bush comes in many colors and attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and bees galore.

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Monday, May 1, 2023

Trovants Are Stones That Seem to Grow, Move and Reproduce

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Trovants, found only in a small town in Romania, are stones that actually seem to move and grow. But are they alive?

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5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Cleopatra

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Today she is widely known for her beauty and her seductive ways, but scholars say we've been hoodwinked by propaganda written by her enemies. So what was the real Cleopatra like? And do we know her ethnicity?

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What Happens to My Money if My Bank Closes Down?

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You've prudently pinched pennies to build your nest egg. But with the recent failures of First Republic and Silicon Valley banks, should you worry about losing your money if your bank goes bust?

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Why Is AAPI Heritage Month Celebrated in May?

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AAPI Month commemorates two important dates in Asian American history, but it wouldn't have become a reality without the efforts of one determined woman with some Congressional backing.

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