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Monday, May 11, 2015

Guys Explain Once and for All What It's Like to Get Hit in the Balls

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You'll want to show his package some extra love after you read these stories. If you've watched any bro-based comedy movie shenanigans , you're probably familiar with this scene: guy gets hit in the crotch, lets out a long, rasping groan, then folds in upon himself while trying to deal with the pain. You may even have seen this go down in real life and been shocked by how much truth there is to that ball-busting portrayal. We went to real guys to find out what it actually feels like to get hit right in their manhood, and their quotes will make you even happier you don't have a set of fragile family jewels hanging between your legs."The one time that really stands out in my mind is when I was playing tennis with my cousin in my junior year of high school. I'm decidedly not a tennis player. In fact, I completely suck at tennis. In contrast, he was the best serve on his his tennis team. He tossed the ball up and sent a ringer that hit me square in the balls without even bouncing first. I collapsed instantly. The initial power of the blow just knocked me down as if somebody had tripped me. I remember feeling a sharp pain that went all the way up to my stomach and made me want to vomit. Each time it throbbed, it was like a white-hot knife stabbing me. In lesser hits that goes away quickly, but this time it stuck around, and I just stayed on the ground, moaning. My cousin rushed over to see if I was okay, but I couldn't register what was happening. The pain was almost worse because it didn't come from the balls themselves, which made me worry they'd been knocked clean off. It was my whole pelvis, my d*ck, and my stomach." —Brandon S.RELATED: 5 Ways He Wants You to Play with His Crown Jewels"You know that feeling when you're on a roller coaster and your stomach goes up? It's like that, plus pain. It's not comparable to anything other kind of punch, although I don't get punched often. For me, it's always gone away surprisingly fast, although that probably depends on how hard you get hit. It's not like when you get a scrape that hurts for a long time." —Luke B."Kids at [my school growing up] would hit each other in the balls all the time. It was called nut-checking. It was terrible. And it's happened in sports all the time by accident. There's this extremely sharp pain that lingers and incapacitates your whole body for a bit. It's like someone's pressing on a bruise in a sensitive area for a while. I don't always fall, though. Sometimes it's really bad and I can't help it. If I'm playing sports, sometimes adrenaline gets me through. The pain is really its own animal. It has its own category of terrible. Have you ever been Charley Horsed? In sports, it's when someone's knee collides with your thigh. It hurts a lot, but getting hit in the balls is worse. Imagine having a bruise on your outer thigh, someone's knee colliding with it, then multiplying it by five. That's in the ballpark." —Zach A."It's like a deep, sudden bout of nausea, but in your groin. Like the pain you get in your crotch area when you've thrown up a lot and the PC muscles are cramping, just not as sharp." —Brice P.D."Getting hit in the balls is difficult to describe because the pain doesn't exactly come from the balls. Instead of a localized pain, it's more of a general pain somewhere in the pit of the stomach or the 'core' of the body. Maybe the pain is actually coming from the soul, now that I think of it. All jokes aside, the pain being in the pit of the stomach gives the urge to kind of curl up into a ball. An interesting side note: Apparently since all the nerves are connected, one way to alleviate the pain is to lie down on your back and have someone hit the bottom of both of your feet. I learned that from a karate instructor." —Andrew M.RELATED: 5 Things You Should Know About Testicles "At first, I was like, 'It's not that bad.' The first thing that pops into my head is when you drop a glass bowl or something and you wince as it shatters when it hits the floor. It's like that mental feeling manifested physically. But I just slapped my balls a bit to be able to describe it better, and it hurts more than I remembered. It's a sharp, sudden pain that creates a surprise much like dropping something glass, but it's physical. It forces the body to recoil and try to protect the sensitive area. If they're just dangling innocently when hit, it's more painful because when you anticipate the hit, the muscles in the area contract and tighten your scrotum so it gets it less." —Bobby S.M."Nuts are very sensitive, and you feel the different ways they're supposed to bring pleasure. It's like they aren't even supposed to have pain releases or a pain response. It's just a hellish physiological confusion. Just this stunning pain that extends to your torso. There's no other pain on the body that matches it. I don't always fall down, and it doesn't always hurt that bad. But bottom of the balls with some force is brutal. I'm cringing a little just talking about it." —Will J.'RELATED: Watch Guys Explain Why They Can't Keep Their Legs Closed"You know how women always talk about how 'indescribable' birth pain is? This is our indescribable pain, but it's worse than [giving birth] because you don't have nine months to prepare. I've vomited and peed blood simultaneously after a hit from a soccer ball. Just imagine the pain accompanies such symptoms. I had to go to the hospital. Peeing blood is just one of those things that you skip the home remedies and being on hold with the doctors' office for." —Mauricio S.

from Rss http://ift.tt/1K2KM5S

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