Focus on the positive
It’s all too easy to focus on our family members’ negative traits, especially as your sibling’s quirks that drove you up the wall when you were a kid likely still push your buttons now. But while it might have felt impossible to ignore their loud chewing or penchant for creating drama when you shared a bedroom now, as an adult, it’s much easier to choose to forget the negative and focus on the positive. (After all, do you really care if they chew loudly if you only have to eat with them once a month?) “You can always find positive attributes in someone. Think of something you’ve always admired or enjoyed about them,” says Wendy Patrick, JD, PhD, attorney, Psychology Today online columnist, and author of Red Flags: How to Spot Frenemies, Underminers, and Other Toxic People in Every Area of Your Life. “Find these positive attributes and incorporate them into your invitation to reconnect.” (Hint: Looking for the positive improves more than just your relationships!)
from Reader's Digest
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