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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Why You Should Travel With Someone in the First 6 Months of Dating

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When you meet someone who could be the someone, there’s a special kind of magic that comes with those initial first weeks and months. And hey, if you’re lucky, even the first year. Much like the season of spring, a part of your spirit feels awakened, your spirits, your senses are heightened and your thirst of curiosity grows insatiable with every text message, phone call and date. And though constant bantering can lead to stimulating conversations that help you determine your shared goals, passions and perspectives, romantic date evenings don’t always teach you the true essence of who a person is at their core, or how they handle tricky situations.

From how they deal when they’re under pressure or when a planned experienced goes awry to how well they handle themselves in unpredictable moments, traveling with your new partner is an essential learning experience. Here are some reasons why you should book a getaway – to the beach or to a city you’ve both never sat foot on – within the first six months of a budding relationship:

How do they journey?

Do you start packing a week before your flight boards? Or the few hours before you need to leave for the airport? When you’re going through security, are you anxiously awaiting your turn, or relaxed? During a long car ride, do you prefer silence, listening to an e-book or podcast or singing along to jams? Do you pass out the second you plop down in your window, middle or aisle seat, or are you alert and reading? Everyone has a variety of travel styles, all at different levels of structured and chaotic. When you make the choice to trek from point A to point B together, you will notice different idiosyncrasies that either mesh well with your personality or not. Since travel is utilized through life both as an escape and an immersion, having a compatible travel partner might be a deal breaker.

Wandering or planning?

While you might be the type of passport holder who prefers to have your entire trip planned from top to bottom, booking museums, transportation, hop-on and hop-off buses for every pinpoint of your journey, your partner might be more of a fly-by-tailwinds of travel type of person. Or, if you get up ASAP every day of your travel so you can stay active for 12 hours, and your new bae would rather sleep in and order in breakfast, you might have a conflict of interest with your morning romps or pillow talk. Since everyone digests a new place in a way that makes them the happiest, having conversations and learning to compromise can improve your connection, or if you’re not meant to be, break it.

How do they battle language barriers?

Though the majority of the world has learned at least another language – especially English – if you and your new partner are from the United States, you might stumble over attempting various words and phrases abroad. But if you have the perspective that trying is more courteous than being silent, and your partner imposes their own language on locals, you might find yourself turned off. The same goes if they’re rude to waitstaff abroad or don’t follow the customary tipping recommendations.

How happy are you?

It’s easy to find a shared interest and plenty of laughs when you’re in the town you both know like the back of your hand. It’s also natural to fall into routines faster because you’ve both been seeking a partner to share your lives with. But, when you travel, you quickly figure out your happiness level when more things are out of your control and up to the universe. If you can make it together through a trip, still as happy (or happier!) and in love than you were before you left? Then, congrats. You’re onto something that can – literally – go the distance.

Lindsay Tigar is a freelance travel and lifestyle writer currently traveling the world for a year via Remote Year. She contributes to a myriad of publications including Vogue, Travel + Leisure, USA Today, Glamour and countless others.

The post Why You Should Travel With Someone in the First 6 Months of Dating appeared first on eHarmony Advice.

from eHarmony Advice http://ift.tt/2yuD5CE

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