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Saturday, March 31, 2018

10 Tiny Tricks That Can Make You Smarter

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Use brighter light

It’s true! Bumping up your smartness factor can be as simple as turning on the lights. In a recent study from Michigan State University, rodents exposed to bright lights showed significant improvement on tasks, while those exposed to dim lights lost 30 percent of capacity in the hippocampus, a brain region for learning and memory. “Many people don’t realize the actual physical impact that light can have on their bodies,” says Ute Besenecker, PhD, Director of HealthE Lighting, Senior Scientist, Lighting Science Group, maker of the GoodDay and GoodNight bulbs. “By exposing yourself to specific lighting spectrums you can actually enhance your mental alertness, focus, and cognitive performance.” Here are more ways to get smarter in your spare time.

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This Artificial Sweetener Can Literally Lead to Diabetes

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sugar packets in restaurant

Trying to lose weight? Think about steering clear of “diet” foods sweetened with artificial sweeteners like sucralose: Not only are you setting yourself up for failure—check out how diet soda can make you fat—but new research from George Washington University suggests you’re also putting yourself at risk for metabolic syndrome, a precursor to diabetes and heart disease.

Metabolic syndrome is a scary cluster of conditions that include high blood pressure, high blood sugar, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and abdominal fat. Each condition is bad enough on its own, but when you have at least three of them, you’re looking at twice the risk of heart disease and three to five times the risk of diabetes. And if you’re already battling obesity, the risk is even higher, warns senior study author, Sabyasachi Sen, MD, an associate professor of medicine at George Washington University and author of the research (which was presented at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society).

Dr. Sen’s report was the culmination of several studies he and colleagues conducted, which included:

  • Stem cell research: These demonstrated that artificial sweeteners promote fat accumulation within cells, probably as a result of increased activity of genes called “glucose transporters;” the more artificial sweetener the cells were exposed to, the more fat they accumulated.
  • Human fat samples: They collected samples from 18 regular sucralose users, 14 of whom were obese. The researchers noted that sucralose stimulated sugar consumption by the fat cells while encouraging fat-producing genes—an effect that was much more pronounced in the obese volunteers. This confirmed earlier findings that the artificial sweetener promotes diabetic risk factors: “We have much more confidence that low-calorie sweeteners are causing metabolic dysfunction,” Dr. Sen said in a press release.

In an interview with MedPage Today, Dr. Sen expressed concern that artificial sweeteners are “promoted for use in weight loss,” when their negative effects are markedly worse in those who actually need to lose weight. Currently, he’s researching the metabolic effects of other types of artificial sweeteners—beyond sucralose. That said, the solution is not to go back to consuming sugar, Dr. Sen advised: He hopes health-care providers will steer patients away from both sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverages.

Think your sweet tooth might be out of control? Watch for these signs, and follow this advice from dietitians on breaking your addiction to sweets.

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Book Review: Be The Parent Please

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There is no arguing that parents today face considerable challenges. From safety in schools to bullying, lack of connection, and lack of empathy among kids. However, there remains one large problem that has crept in rather ominously.

“There are so many forces pushing us to give our kids technology, including the technology companies themselves, our schools, our friends, and the culture at large. It’s all happening so fast. One day we are wondering about whether an hour of Sesame Street is a good habit for a two year old and the next minute it seems we have adolescents who won’t look up from their phone for long enough to have a conversation with us” writes Naomi Schaefer Riley.

In her new book, Be The Parent Please: Strategies for Solving the REAL Parenting Problems, Riley explores what might be one of the most overlooked, and potentially insidious problems parents’ face today – screen time.

“A 2015 survey commissioned by Common Sense Media found that tweens (ages eight to twelve) are spending five hours and twelve minutes per day consuming digital media (not including listening to music and using screens at school or for homework). Teens (ages thirteen to eighteen) meanwhile, are spending eight hours and twenty minutes on digital media each day,” writes Riley.

While specialists see the trend shifting upward, parents feel it spiraling out of control. Riley quotes Jenny Pedeski, a pediatrician specializing in child development who recently ran a focus group to see how parents were using technology with their kids:

“The parents treated this as a support group instead. They thought it was so good to talk to other parents about this. They would say, ‘I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know how to deal with this,’” Pedeski said.

Yet the problem also works both ways. Riley points to the work of Jenny Radesky, who, after studying the interaction of parents and children in fast-food restaurants, found that when parents were on their phones more often they were not only more distracted and less likely to interact with their children, they were also more likely to be short-tempered.

Compared to years past, parents are investing more into their children — but perhaps in ways that don’t lead to desired returns. Riley notes the work of Jennifer Senior, the author of All Joy and No Fun, who describes the state of parenting today:

“Today parents pour more capital – both emotional and literal – into their children than ever before, and their spending longer, more concentrated hours with their children than they did when the workday ended at five o’clock and the vast majority of women still stayed home,” writes Senior.

On the other hand, children today are not expected to contribute economically.

“The twentieth century marked the first time in human history that having children didn’t increase your economic standing,” writes Riley.

Children today have become the receptacles of parents hopes and dreams.

“Perhaps without noticing, our parenting strategies evolved to be more geared toward ensuring that our children are never bored, uncomfortable, or at the slightest disadvantage when compared with their peers. By other measures, though, we are failing to prepare them for life as independent adults,” writes Riley.

What has occurred is a dramatic increase in attentional disorders, or what Dimitri A. Christakis of Seattle Children’s Hospital calls an “epidemic” of ADHD. He notes that an increase of one standard deviation in the number of hours of television watched at age one “is associated with a 28 percent increase in the probability of having attentional problems at age 7.”

Even in the case of educational software designed to increase readiness for school or enhance learning, there are unintended negative consequences.

“While it may seem as though our children can gain more academic skills through educational software, it is also possible that these touchscreen and button-pushing activities are inhibiting them socially and intellectually,” writes Riley.

Cell phones can also be misinterpreted by parents as necessary safety nets for their children. Riley notes the experience of one mother whose child feel asleep on the school bus with his cell phone battery dead. It wasn’t his cell phone, but the response of another concerned mother that saved him.

Riley also points to the question posed by Christine Rosen, who writes about technology and culture for the New Atlantis: “Shouldn’t we try to preserve some spaces at school for the cultivation of other valuable skills, such as face-to-face communication and socializing?”

One skill that is largely getting missed according to Riley is the ability to tolerate boredom. Children need to be constantly stimulated and the result is not just an inability to cope with distress, but a lack of creativity and imagination.

Technology is also not the economic equalizer that it is often argued to be by politicians and educators.

“What is more likely is that too much access to technology is actually exacerbating the inequality that already exists,” writes Riley.

Instead of simply removing or limiting technology, however, what parents should be doing is spending time with their children outside, exploring the natural world and engaging in human interaction. Kids learn better and become better adjusted through human interaction.

Drawing on the work of numerous research studies, Riley makes a compelling argument for rethinking our children’s relationship with screens – but perhaps more importantly, rethinking our relationship with our children.

Be The Parent Please: Strategies for Solving the REAL Parenting Problems
Naomi Schaefer Riley
Templeton press
January 2018
Softcover, 223 Pages

from Psych Central

94% of American Dogs Report They’re Happiest in Monogamous Relationships

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We are happy to announce the “Happiness Index: Love and Canine Relationships in America” report, a new groundbreaking national research initiative revealing that canines are some of the most intuitive and happiest animals on the planet. The new report utilized a proprietary bark and tail wag measurement scale to determine levels of relationship satisfaction for eharmony users’ dogs’. This study follows the significant praise for the company’s recent “Happiness Index: Love and Relationships in America” report.

Following these new insights about the health and happiness of canines, eharmony will be offering new features to make meeting suitable mates easier and less stressful. Based on the algorithms eharmony uses to create highly compatible relationships for humans, the new “Furever Love” Canine Compatibility Companion Service helps users create robust profiles for their pups based on key dimensions of personality that predict the most compatible, highly successful, long-term relationships.

“For nearly 20 years, we’ve been mastering how to create lasting relationships for humans,” says Grant Langston, chief executive officer for eharmony. “We didn’t want our most trusted four-legged friends to feel left out, especially since they often seem to know more about love and happiness than we do.”

eharmony users can log on and use the new “Furever Love” feature to create a profile for their furry companions. The service will automatically find and suggest highly-compatible matches based on responses to questions about a dog’s personality, activity level, and other key relationship success indicators. Users can then set up doggie dates or playtimes. eharmony canine experts will be available to assist with any questions or translation needs as they arise throughout the process.

The Canine Happiness Index: What does the self-described “perfectly happy” canine couple look like?

● Personality traits: smart, social, adaptable, joyful, loving
● Activity level: medium-high (best when it matches)
● Social skills: outgoing/extraverted, friendly, gets along well with cats/children
● Geography: tend to live in cities with dog-friendly parks, cafes, shops
● Human factor: tend to live with happy humans in long-term relationships
● Behavior turn-offs: stubbornness, slobberiness, lack of bathing, inability to share toys


Other interesting key takeaways from the recent canine study include: How happy are American dogs in their relationships? Like their human counterparts, love is a huge factor in American dogs’ overall happiness. A sense of commitment/loyalty, having lots of healthy play time, and feeling secure about the number of treats/bones available at any given time are also key factors that directly correlate with happiness.
● Dogs living in cities with large parks tend to be happier in their relationships
● Being “in love” correlates most with happiness: much more than relationship satisfaction
● Almost 8 out of 10 reported high barks for shared activities, such as swimming, long walks, and car rides
● Happiness peaks among those in committed relationships of any type including: those who have been in a relationship for 5 years or less
● Happiness is greater among those who are employed as assistance animals or those who consider themselves to be the main household watchdog
● As might be expected, high levels of happiness correlate with top marks for signs of affection, such as tummy rubs, bedtime stories, and kisses
● As dogs get older, they tend to rank long naps as more important than play/activity compatibility, though the seniors tend to also enjoy computer games and dog sudoku

Why are puppies most positive about relationships?

While the recent Happiness Index: Love and Relationships in America revealed that millennial humans ages 25 to 34 are the happiest in their human relationships, puppies ages 10 weeks to 12 months also barked highest when it came to playfulness and willingness to try new activities.

● Young dogs are 2x more likely to prize personality over looks when seeking companions
● Male pups were likely to seek out a friend for comfort if they were lonely
● More than a quarter of all puppies have already sought professional help, whether it was through a trainer, dog whisperer, therapist, dog walker, or YouTube

Do dogs care about romance & affection like we do? Yes! Studies show that dogs’ brains have a striking similarity to humans in the caudate nucleus. That means their “feel good” dopamine receptors light up when they see or experience something they like. As such, our canine respondents reported high barks for signs of affection from their canine and human companions alike.

eharmony will be expanding the new offering in coming months to other animals, such as cats, rabbits, horses, sea lions, and dolphins.

PS … This announcement is not factual and is intended as a spoof release for April Fools’.


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from eHarmony Advice

Friday, March 30, 2018

5 Things You Can Do This Sunday to Change the World

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Do the dirty work for someone else

Suction grey carpet cleaning with vacuum cleaner

Everyone has tasks that they absolutely dread doing, but, as life has it, those tasks need to get done either way. Think of a task that your loved one hates, and do it for them! As you can imagine, there’s nothing like having your bathroom unexpectedly cleaned for you (or your laundry folded, your house vacuumed, or your grocery shopping completed). Making the world a better place can be that easy. Anyone can do it!

Don’t miss these 21 acts of kindness that changes people’s lives.  

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Is Technology Driving a New Era of Cults?

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Bentinho Massaro, aka the Tech Bro Guru, has more than 300,000 followers. But is he preaching the truth or are his believers just being duped?

from HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!

TDZ Footnotes 3.30.18

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Footnotes for episode 116 of The Daily Zeitgeist which aired on 3.30.18.

from HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!

12 States That Were Almost Part of the United States

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There was a lot of debate that went on when the United States was being formed. If any of these proposed states had been approved, there may have been a few more than 50 stars sewn into the American flag. One of the proposed states that didn’t make the final 50 was the state of Westsylvania. The idea came up in 1776 during the American Revolution. The state would have been created from parts of modern-day Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky. Unfortunately for all of the hopeful Westylvanians, their bid was ignored by Congress and never went up for a vote. Congress chose to ignore the bid because they didn’t want to raise tensions between Pennsylvania and Virginia during the Revolutionary War when it was vital that the country remained united against Great Britain.

Don’t miss the dumbest laws in every state.

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11 of the Most Expensive Things That Have Ever Been Stolen

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The Mona Lisa

PARIS, FRANCE - FEBRUARY 06, 2016: Visitors take photo of Leonardo DaVinci's "Mona Lisa" at the Louvre MuseumEver heard of it? The answer is most likely yes, considering it is the most famous painting in the world. The criminal, Vincenzo Perugia, was a handyman working at the Louvre, where the painting is displayed. In 1911, he hid in a closet until the museum closed and then took off with it with two other handymen. It was finally recovered and returned to the Louvre in 1913 after Perugia attempted to sell it to an art dealer in Italy. This painting tops the list of the most expensive things ever stolen with a price tag of at least $2 billion.

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11 Inedible Food Parts That Are Still Surprisingly Useful

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Watermelon rind as a sex booster


Watermelon rind has nutritional benefits too: Not only does it contain vitamins C and B6 (skin, immunity, and nervous system boosters), but it could also sweeten your sex life. In a 2008 study, Texas A&M University researchers found that watermelon rind has high concentrations of the compound citrulline, which your body converts into an amino acid that helps improve circulation and relax blood vessels—even down there. To salvage rinds, blend them into a fruit smoothie, or try sautéing and adding to a stir-fry. They’ll contribute a zucchini-like texture and a slightly sweet flavor. Here are some more foods you may not know are aphrodisiacs.

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11 Storage Tricks to Make Your Foods Last Longer

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Olive oil

Olive oil and olive branch on the wooden table

Stick to small bottles unless you’re heavy-handed. Once opened, olive oil can go rancid in as little as three months (even though the bottle might say it will last longer). Fresh olive oil smells like green, ripe olives and has a bright, peppery taste with a kick; be wary of a crayon- or putty-like odor, which indicates spoilage. Here are some more foods that might expire sooner than you think.

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Viagra May Help Prevent Colorectal Cancer

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Viagra may be known mainly for treating erectile dysfunction, but it could also help prevent a deadly form of cancer.

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Book Review: Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours

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While most parents likely find themselves doing the tasks that they have already asked their kids to do many times, the idea that they are being masterfully manipulated might seem like a stretch. Kids, after all, are hedonistic by nature, says psychologist Kevin Leman, the author of Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours. But Leman also has a secret: Good parenting isn’t easy, but it’s simple, and doable.

The first thing parents need to know is that the world has changed. After shootings like the one in Colorado, or the recent one in Parkland, Florida, the fact that children can be gunned down in their own school yard has become a disturbing reality for most parents.

“Today’s kids are growing up faster, and they’re living in a tumultuous, dangerous jungle,” writes Leman.

He also notes that while social media gives us all access to a vast range of information, the result is that more kids are aware of sexting, cutting, and even where to score some heroin.

“Today’s kids don’t consider sexting wrong. They think nothing of taking a selfie of a body part and sending it to a boy or girl they like,” writes Leman.

To make matters worse, while most kids are media savvy, they lack discernment; they don’t realize that those pictures and statements they post remain there forever, and often with unintended consequences. In such a world, how can we create kids who make wise decisions and take responsibility for their actions?

According to Leman, it all starts with the parents. What most parents might not realize – or want to admit – is that how they were treated as kids directly influences their style of parenting. Parents often fall into two extremes: They are either authoritarian, reverting to strict rules, tight control, and dire consequences, or permissive, giving in to their children’s every desire.

“Clearly, the authoritarian parenting style — giving out edicts, controlling every aspect of your kid’s life, and barking orders about when, where, and how high to jump – doesn’t work long term,” writes Leman.

Yet clearing the path for children and never saying “no” leads to children that are incapable of making decisions for themselves or doing their own work.

“Neither parenting extreme provides what children crave — order. That desire is so strong in children that if they’re given the opportunity to do anything they want, I’ll believe they’ll eventually come back to dead center – just as the pendulum of a clock does when it winds down,” writes Leman.

A better way is to allow children to make decisions and experience real-life consequences in the safe environment of the home. This is what Leman describes as authoritative parenting.

“Authoritative parents aren’t afraid of failure. They welcome failure as part of the learning experience of life. Their self-worth isn’t based on whether their children fail or succeed in a certain area. They give their children the freedom to explore their interests, instead of controlling the direction they feel the kids should go,” writes Leman.

“Remember you are a Leman,” he reminded each of his five children before they would go out on a date. When one of his children asked what that meant, he responded, “It means that we’ve reared you with certain standards and morals, and we trust you to act within those.”

By giving children the opportunity to live up to morals and values, authoritative parents allow their children to develop a sense of confidence, and the inner radar needed to detect unscrupulous behavior. And sometimes, parents will also fail.

Parents can give their kids too much too soon, fail to follow through on consequences, make all the decisions for their kids, rescue them from their mistakes, and do everything for them.

“There’s nothing wrong with a kid being miserable for a while when she’s done wrong. It’s a good life lesson,” writes Leman.

Parents can get their children involved in giving back to the family, limit their activities to a doable amount, and allow quality time that is free from distractions and devices.

“The simple truth is what your kids want most is you. They want your time,” writes Leman.

For a parent at the end of their rope, that message likely feels tremendously reassuring. And while it may not be easy to accomplish — in Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours, Leman offers the wisdom, reassurance, and common sense strategies that have made him an internationally sought after speaker, educator and radio personality.

Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours – Revised Edition
Kevin Leman
August 2017
Softcover, 313 Pages

from Psych Central

10 Iconic Characters You Never Knew Were Based on Real People

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Mary (the schoolgirl with the lamb)

'Mary Had A Little Lamb Its Fleece Was White As Snow and Everywhere That Mary Went the Lamb Was Sure to Go 'Mary had a little lamb (whose fleece was white as snow, as you know) and it followed her to school one day. That actually happened! Real-life youngster Mary Sawyer tried to hide the lamb in a basket at her feet during class, but the teacher discovered the ruse when the animal bleated. That lamb was kicked out of the classroom. The famous nursery rhyme was first written by a kid who witnessed the whole event. Years later, another poet revised the rhyme and it became the famous refrain known by kids everywhere.

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10 Things You Really Should Be Buying at Restaurant Supply Stores

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When it comes to kitchen gear, I’m all about combining form and function. After all, who doesn’t love practical but pretty tea towels or adorable recipe cards? However, when it comes to kitchen workhorses—you know, the products you use every day—pretty doesn’t always pay. For those heavy rotation items, I turn to my local restaurant supply store.

I know what you’re thinking: those are for restaurants. You’re not wrong, but these suppliers are often open to the public, and they have a lot to offer home cooks.

According to Jamie Little, marketing director at Fein Brothers, a Milwaukee restaurant supplier, “The big advantage to shopping here is that everything is commercial grade. These products are made to be used over and over again—to really take a beating.”

With that in mind, here’s what you should be buying at your local restaurant supply store.

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This Is When It’s OK to Take Expired Medication

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Packaging of Expired pills and tablets on white background, Medicines.Here’s news that can save you money: You can ignore the expiration date on many of your medications—for years. According to several reports, including this one just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), drugs may retain their potency for up to four decades!

What does the expiration date mean?

The expiration date is a legal requirement imposed by the FDA since 1979, according to the Harvard Health Letter. The expiration date is supposed to be the date at which the “manufacturer can still guarantee the full potency and safety of the drug.” But research conducted by the FDA demonstrates that 90 percent of more than 100 drugs—both prescription and over-the-counter—are perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date. A report from Medscape states that the expiration date doesn’t indicate how long the drug in question “is actually ‘good’ or safe to use.” Rather, medical authorities uniformly say it is safe to take most drugs well past their expiration date.

How long past?

The study in JAMA went well beyond 15 years: The researchers analyzed eight different drugs with 14 different active ingredients that expired anywhere from 28 to 40 years ago. Most of the active ingredients were still 90 percent effective (the minimum acceptable potency). The only substances that fell just below 90 percent potency were amphetamine (for ADHD and narcolepsy), phenacetin (a painkiller), and aspirin.

Francis Flaherty, former director of the FDA’s testing program, told Pharmacology Today that “expiration dates put on by manufacturers typically have no bearing on whether a drug is usable for longer” and that these dates are for “marketing, rather than scientific, reasons… It’s not profitable for them to have products on a shelf for 10 years. They want turnover.”

The exceptions

The meds you don’t want to use past their expiration dates include:

  • Tetracycline (this antibiotic loses its effectiveness after expiration, though scientists are still researching this)
  • Nitroglycerin (taken as heart medication)
  • Insulin
  • Liquid antibiotics

How to decide whether to take an expired drug

“Given that Americans currently spend more than $300 billion annually on prescription medications,” the JAMA report states, “extending drug expiration dates could yield enormous health-care expenditure savings.” If the expiration date has passed—even years ago—you should consider what the drug is and what you’re taking it for. If the drug is one of the exceptions—or if your life depends on the drug being 100 percent effective—get an unexpired version. Otherwise, you should be fine, and if you have further questions, check with your pharmacist.

By the way, when it is time to toss old meds make sure you know how to safely dispose of them.

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This Is How the Whole30 Diet Helped Me Lose 36 Pounds

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Take it a week at a time

Measurement tape is twisted around the calendar. Weight management concept.It may feel really daunting to start Whole30. For one thing, it seems really restrictive on paper: There’s no sugar, legumes, dairy (oh, but the cheese!), bread, grains, or my beloved alcohol. You have to be mentally ready to make the sacrifices. I told myself to start with seven days—just seven—to see how I felt. And that’s the advice I now give to people when they start the Whole30: Be in it 100 percent for seven full days. If you don’t see a difference or feel a difference, by all means, stop. I have coached six people and counting through this program now. None of them have stopped after seven days. Here’s why most fad diets don’t work.

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10 Uber Scams You Need to Watch Out For

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Faking an app glitch

Some riders have reported a driver announcing midway through the trip that their app has gone offline, which means they need to receive payment in cash. After paying the driver, riders find their credit card on file has also been charged, meaning they have paid double, notes Jennifer McDermott, consumer advocate for personal finance website, “A driver should never ask you to pay cash if you are traveling on a non-cash ride. Let them know you will not pay outside of the app, terminate the ride, and then report them if they insist or make you feel uncomfortable.” See how hackers are targeting Uber users with a new scam.

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19 “Healthy” Food Rules Nutrition Experts Ignore All the Time

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You have to count calories to lose weight

Man counting calories on tableA lot of people swear by the “calories in, calories out” method of weight loss, but if this rule were true, deprivation diets would work, says Rebecca Cafiero, an integrative nutritionist. “My motto is don’t count calories, count nutrition. I’d rather learn to eat the right foods if that means not having to spend all my time tracking calories and macros in My Fitness Pal,” she says. Eating nutrient dense foods are just one of the 50 things your doctor wishes you knew about weight loss.

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11 Fascinating Facts About the FBI You Won’t Believe are True

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The Bureau detested ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’

James Capra’s 1947 Christmas classic starring Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed must be one of the least controversial movies of all time, right? Not so fast. In the heyday of FBI chief J.Edgar Hoover’s crackdown on communist sympathizers, no threat, real or implied, went unnoticed. In a memo to “The Director,” Hoover’s assistant D.M. Ladd wrote that “the film represented rather obvious attempts to discredit bankers by casting Lionel Barrymore as a ‘scrooge-type’ so that he would be the most hated man in the picture.” According to the memo, this kind of veiled anti-capitalist portrayal is a “common trick used by Communists [to]…malign the upper class.” Here are other secrets the FBI doesn’t want you to know.

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Interstellar Asteroid 'Oumuamua Has Loads More to Tell Us

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Yep, 'Oumuamua was probably kicked out of its own star system by an overbearing gas giant like Jupiter.

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15 Surprising Ways to Prevent Colds and Flu

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Go for a fist bump

Success Business Partners Giving Fist Bump after Complete a Deal. Successful Teamwork with Hands Gesture Communication. Businessman with Team Agreement in Corporate. Partnership Business ConceptThe next time someone approaches you with palm outstretched, try a fist bump or air kiss instead. “Shaking hands may be a social expectation, but it is also an excellent method of transferring germs from one person to another,” says J.D. Zipkin, MD, at GoHealth Urgent Care. That’s why Harvard Medical School alternately suggests a fist bump, which in a study transferred 90 percent fewer germs than a handshake.”While avoiding a handshake is not always socially feasible, hand-washing afterward will kill any germs you picked up,” Dr. Zipkin says. In addition, if you can’t avoid the handshake, don’t touch your face afterward to prevent germs on your hands from migrating to your nose and mouth. Find out the clear signs a cold is coming.

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12 Things You Should Never, Ever Buy Used

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It’s hard to determine how well TVs, DVD players, and other electronic devices have been cared for by their previous owners. If your plasma screen dies, it can cost thousands of dollars to fix or replace—sometimes almost as much as it would cost to buy a new TV. These are the things you should absolutely never buy at garage sales.

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The 11 Most Clever Secret Service Code Names for U.S. Presidents

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code names

This Secret Service code name belonged to the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan. The code name was a result of his love of ranching and his appearance as an actor in numerous westerners before he got involved in politics. (You probably didn’t know these surprising talents of U.S. presidents.)

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10 Commonly Misused Words You Need to Stop Getting Wrong

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You think it means: Clearly true or real; clearly stated

Incorrect use:
My boss gave a definitive no to my idea for a start-up centered around the Sprocket—a Spring Roll/Hot Pocket hybrid.

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7 People Share the Simple Diet Tweak That Improved Their Health

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“Eliminating dairy, gluten and processed-sugar solved my tummy woes.”

avi loren foxWhile it might be a popular choice these days, going gluten-free isn’t for everyone. However, Avi Loren Fox, the founder of Wild Mantle, had a compelling reason: When she was in her early 20s, she got a stomach parasite—probably from drinking well water. “It was like a bus hit me. All of a sudden, everything I ate made me sick. I lost weight and couldn’t eat anything at first, and then only really plain foods like rice and chicken with no salt or pepper,” she explained. Once they figured out her diagnosis, antibiotics cleared up the infection, but her gut never fully digested food in the same way it did before. “Foods that used to be fine started to make me sick. I would feel lethargic and tired when I ate certain things. I started to have other issues like acne flare-ups, indigestion, and inflammation,” she shares.

In fact, a 2014 study published in the National Journal confirmed the direct connection between consuming dairy and processed foods and lower immune system function. As Jim Curtis, author and president of Remedy Health Media, explains, “Often we fail to recognize that the food we ‘take’ has an even bigger, long-term effect. We literally are what we eat, despite a cute mascot or funny commercial. The science shows fresh, organic foods, free from pesticides, corn syrup and aspartame, will simply make you happier and more energetic.”

To determine what was shifting in her body, Fox started seeking the expertise of various dietitians, doctors, and acupuncturists, but everyone had a different solution. Frustrated, Fox decided to become her own health advocate by paying close attention to her body and reading a bunch of books to locate the source of her issues. Finally, via an elimination diet, she discovered that dairy, gluten, and processed sugar were all triggers.

She decided to gradually cut these items out and keep track of the progress. The outcome wasn’t overnight, but it was impactful. “This shift changed a lot for me. I still slip up and eat things that aren’t great for me every now and then, and when I do, my body immediately reminds me that wasn’t a good choice,” she says. “I think I’m a lot healthier now because I don’t eat a lot of inflammation-producing foods. The challenge is to get to know your body and listen to what it is telling you. Even if it means a lifestyle shift, you’ll be happier. Your health is worth it.”

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15 of the Most Outrageous World Records Ever Broken

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World’s biggest barbeque             

In 2017, the small city of Minas in Uruguay won the world record for hosting the largest barbeque. BBC News reports that 200 cooks came together and grilled over 36,000 pounds of meat for a total of 14 hours. Their main goal in doing this was to steal the world record back from Argentina, who has taken it from them in 2011. However, not even that crew could make the biggest burger in the world. (We challenge you to finish it on your own.)

Largest handwritten Quran

Saad Mohammed copied the entire Quran by hand onto a paper scroll that was 2,300 feet long. According to The Independent, he self-funded the project and it took him three full years to complete.

Longest fingernails

Ayanna Williams of Houston holds the world record for longest fingernails at a total length of 18 feet 10.9 inches. She has been growing them for 20 years, reports Fox News. Her left thumb is her longest individual nail measuring 2 feet 2.7 inches.

Largest gathering of people dressed as Mahatma Gandhi

In 2015, a group of 4,605 students in India dressed up as Mahatma Gandhi for a peace march held on his birthday.

Longest parade float

This world record was broken at the Lantern Festival in Gutian, China. They presented a parade float that consisted of 345 sections and measured 2,596 feet long. The float was of a dragon and was made out of paper and bamboo.

Longest wedding dress train

The longest wedding dress chain measures 26,559.71 feet. That’s almost enough lace to cover Mount Everest! The record was broken in Caudry, France, a town famous for their production of lace. Construction company Dynamic Projects, along with 15 volunteers, spent two months stitching the whole garment together.

Being covered in the largest number of bees

Ruan Liangming of China set this terrifying record. Liangming set the record by covering himself with over 140 lbs of bees. That’s 637,000 individual insects! This carnival act known as “bee bearding” is done by placing a queen bee on your body to attract more bees. Liangming had a total of 60 queens on his body to attract the other insects.

World’s largest pillow fight

The largest pillow fight ever recorded took place in St. Paul, Minnesota, and had 6,261 participants. It was during a baseball game on July 21, 2015. The teams took a break from playing ball and the crowd started hitting each other with pillows that had been passed out. Think that’s ridiculous? These are the most outrageous laws in every state.

Largest sushi mosaic

The largest sushi mosaic, spanning a ridiculous 608.16 square feet, was built in Norway for the 100th anniversary of the Bodo Glimt football club. Four chefs who run a sushi bar in Sweden created the masterpiece using 1,764 pounds of salmon and 882 pounds of rice.

Most steps walked up by a dog balancing water on its head

The fearless pup that broke this record was Sweet Pea, an Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix. Sweet Pea walked up 10 steps while balancing a five-ounce glass of water on her head. She also holds the record for most steps (also 10) walked down while balancing a glass of water on your head. (This is the highest number anyone has ever counted to. Can you guess it?)

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Largest gathering of people dressed as penguins

Surprisingly, this wasn’t a gathering for March of the Penguin fans. The largest gathering of people dressed as penguins consisted of 624 people. It was achieved by the Richard House Children’s Hospice in the U.K. This gathering actually helps sponsor the Richard House Children’s Hospice cause, which supports children and young adults with terminal health conditions.

Largest number of people simultaneously hula hooping

In Bangkok, Thailand, 4,183 members of the Department of Health and the Ministry of Public Health came together to hula-hoop for a world record. All of the participants’ hula-hoops remained in motion for two consecutive minutes. Pretty impressive. (Check out these bizarre facts everyone has always believed that are actually false.)

Largest number of people eating breakfast in bed

people eating in bedYou probably wish you were one of the people that helped break this record; 418 people ate breakfast in bed at the Sheraton Langfang Chaobai River Hotel in China on August 16, 2015. Many children also ate breakfast in bed with their parents, but they were not counted in the total number.

Longest golf club in the world                

The longest “usable” golf club in the world measured a whopping 30 feet 6 inches. You won’t be hitting any shots like Tiger Woods with this club. It was created by Michael Furrh of Texas in 2017. This was his fourth time breaking the record, creating a club that was two feet longer than the last time he broke it.

Highest mohawk

The world record for the highest mohawk goes to Kazuhiro Watanabe. Huffington Post reported that his hairdo measured over 3 feet high. It took him 15 years to grow out his hair and creating the Mohawk took three cans of hairspray and one very large bottle of gel.

You won’t want to miss the craziest world records made in each state.

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11 Foods You’re Throwing Out Too Soon

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Dried pasta

Photo of the yellow raw pasta background

If you cook and eat it after a decade, for instance, it may lose a bit of flavor, but unopened dried pasta is edible indefinitely. Here are some tips that’ll help you keep your groceries fresh longer.

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13 Things Urgent Care Center Docs Won’t Tell You

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Make sure you’re in the right place


ER or urgent care? Always head to the ER for chest pain, severe bleeding, difficulty breathing, a neurological issue such as a seizure, or a serious head trauma with loss of consciousness. Here are the things ER doctors wish they could tell you.

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Scientists Record Volcanic Thunder for the First Time

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Volcanic eruptions are loud. Very loud. But nobody's ever been able to capture the roar of the thunder they create. Until now.

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15 Craziest Requests Shoppers Have Made in Stores

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Wait, self-checkouts don’t have spell check?

self-checkout_crazy customer requests

“I was working the self-checkout lane when a customer asked me why his onions weren’t scanning through properly. I walked over and saw that he had typed in the word ‘ONIINS.’ He went on to insist that our machine was the problem, and that his ‘ONIINS’ should have been free because they weren’t scanning.” —a former Reddit user (These are the funniest typos that have ever been published.)

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12 Normal Daily Habits That Secretly Mess Up Your Life

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Stop: Jumping out of bed and into the shower

Before getting out of bed tomorrow morning, do this: strike a pose. By assuming a pose of strength, like the “V for Victory” position with arms up, for just two minutes, “a person can instantly become more powerful,” says Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy in her book, Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges. “Let your body tell you you’re powerful and deserving, and you become more present, enthusiastic and authentically yourself.” In other words, “Fake it till you become it.” Learn more about power poses and how they can help you start your day off right.

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Worm, Strawberry, Blue: Every Moon Has a Name

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Everyone's heard of the blue moon and the harvest moon, but did you know every single moon of the year has a name? Who named them and what do the names mean?

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

13 April Fool’s Pranks That Went Horribly Wrong

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The very first April Fool’s Day

Some historians believe the day originated in 1582 when France switched over to the Gregorian calendar, which changed New Year’s Day from April 1 to January 1. Back in those days, the news took a little longer to reach everyone, and those who were a bit slow on the uptake (celebrating New Year’s Day on April 1, for example) became the butt of pranks, including having paper fish glued onto their backs—because fish are easy to catch. People still refer to easily fooled people as “fish” to this day. They would call them “gullible,” except that word isn’t in the dictionary.

Here are easy ways to be less gullible—which you should try if you just went looking for the word “gullible” in the dictionary.

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The 5 Top Vacation Spots for Singles

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It’s not only spring that’s in the airit could also be love. Or, at least a fling that gives you something to dish about over happy hour drinks once you return from your travels. Though sadly, you might not be able to take a full week off like you did when you were in school, even a long weekend at one of these sought-after hot spots for singles is worth the trip.

From the west to the east coast and across the Atlantic, if you’re hoping to meet and mingle with other eligibles, strategize your itinerary to include one of these destinations. Here, a look at the top vacation spots for singles in the world (and bonus: where to stay while you’re there!):

New York, New York

There’s a reason New York City has a rep as a sleepless town: events, parties, festivals, and bars are often bustling until sunrise. The Big Apple has no shortage of singlesespecially if you’re in the mood for a one-weekend wonderas the town is notorious for a fear of commitment. While you’re visiting, spend some time eating your way through Chinatown and the West Village before grooving with locals (and transplants and tourists) in the East Village or Lower East Side. No matter which neighborhood you choose though, remember New Yorkers are receptive to conversations, even though you might have to strike it up by offering up a free drink.

TravelZoo Deal – $149-$169 — NYC Hotel near Bryant Park w/Breakfast, 50% Off


Los Cabos, Mexico

So, you want to have a vacation made for the single crowd—but also one that allows you to exercise your passport and collect a new stamp. For a shorter flight that gets you far enough away, consider heading to Los Cabos, Mexico. Right on the border of California and featuring a much different scene than the college-aged bashes in Cancun, Los Cabos is ideal for 30-something singles. When you’re not busy experiencing the ocean and soaking up that vitamin D, you can sample cocktails at many upscale eateries and cocktail lounges, all with a side of sunshine.

TravelZoo Deal – $360 ($180 pp) — 4.5-Star Resort in Cabo w/Resort Credit, 55% Off

Amsterdam, Netherlands

As one of the most liberal cities, not only in Europe, but in the world, for an adventure that takes you far from what you know, Amsterdam is a must-visit for singles. The town attracts, bachelor parties, backpackers, and professionals from all over the world, meaning one thing’s for sure: you certainly won’t be bored while you visit. While you’re here, you can visit the infamous Red Light District, sample legal marijuana, take a bike tour, and even venture through history at the Van Gogh Museum or Anne Frank House. At night, there are countless nightclubs to pick from, making for a vacation that offers little sleep, but plenty of play.

TravelZoo Deal – $1499 — Amsterdam, Brussels, Bruges & Paris Tour incl. Air


Havana, Cuba

From the vintage vehicles tooling around to the vibrant architecture, the spirit of Havana and its lively locals, known as Habaneros, should really be experienced at least once in a lifetime. Known for its rum and tobacco, Havana is an amazing spot for singles looking for a true adventure. The famed home of author Ernest Hemingway, who lived in the nearby town of  Cojimar, the capital of Cuba is also a hot spot for book collectors. Who knew!? Many travelers recommend visiting the Cafe Paris or La Bodeguita Del Medio restaurant (Hemingway’s fave spot), where the mojito was born, and renting a bike to get around the capital city.

TravelZoo Deal – $799 & up — 4-Day Roundtrip Cuba Cruises w/Havana Overnight


Myrtle Beach

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, is well-known as being a place to enjoy some fun in the sun all year long. With over 60 miles of gorgeous beaches, what is known as the Grand Strand also houses some amazing bars and nightlife. Visit the Liberty Brewery and Grill, or Bubba’s Love Shak, for a good time with like-minded singles. If you are into the beach and water sports – this is your dream vacay. It’s also known as the capital of mini-golf, and is home to over 90 golf courses. Just bring some serious sunscreen.

TravelZoo Deal – Save up to 45% – Spring & Summer Deals




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