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Sunday, January 31, 2021

Who Is In Charge of Policing Mask Mandates?

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You've probably seen at least one video of someone berating a store employee about why they don't have to wear a mask. So how much can retail stores do to police the mask mandates?

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Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Amazing, and Alarming, Science Behind Red Snow

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Red snow? Yes. It totally exists. And while it might look cool, it's not exactly what you want to see from Mother Nature.

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Friday, January 29, 2021

The Nebra Sky Disc: Early Calendar, Ancient Astronomical Art or Simply a Fake?

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Since its discovery, the Nebra Sky Disc has been known as the oldest artifact in the world depicting cosmic phenomena. But is the 3,600-year-old disc actually 1,000 years younger than previously thought or is it a fake altogether?

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Do Smartphones Really Charge Faster in Airplane Mode?

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Smartphones stop talking to satellites and cell phone networks when put in airplane mode. Does that make a difference when loading up the battery?

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Mimetoliths: The Faces We See in Rock Formations

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Erosion and weather can combine to make rock formations look like all kinds of things, from human faces to animals. They're called mimetoliths and we've taken a look at four of the most famous.

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Thursday, January 28, 2021

How Escargot Evolved From Snail Snack to Treat for the Elite

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Escargot is a delicacy of snails that's common in many European countries like France, Spain and Portugal. But what do snails even taste like and how are they prepared?

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If You Hear a Scream in a Movie, It's Probably the Wilhelm Scream

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You may not know it, but you've probably heard it hundreds of times. It's the same scream of agony that's been used over and over in films since 1977.

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How a Filibuster Works

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If you think filibusters have been in the news more lately, you're right. In the 1950s, the Senate averaged fewer than one per session. The 116th Congress (2019-2020), however, threatened filibuster 270 times. Why the big increase?

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Wile E. Coyote Never Had a Chance Against Roadrunner

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The cartoon Roadrunner beep-beeped his way through the desert, outfoxing Wile E. Coyote every time, but the real bird can run up to 27 mph and, in some Native American traditions, offers protection from evil spirits.

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5 Times People Rejected Their Grammy and Oscar Nominations

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Celebrities usually gush that "it's an honor just to be nominated" for an Oscar or a Grammy. But the folks on our list didn't see it that way.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Can You Watch the Sunset and Moonrise at Same Time?

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Surely you've watched tons of sunsets in your lifetime. But have you ever seen the sunset and the moonrise simultaneously? Is that even possible?

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The Stoned Ape Hypothesis: Did Magic Mushrooms Influence Human Evolution?

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Do we owe the emergence of language and self-reflection to the ancient and sustained consumption of psilocybin mushrooms?

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Why You Should Get Fired Up About Dragon Fruit

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This pretty pink fruit is part of the flower of a climbing cactus. The plant likely originated in Central America but you can find the fruit almost anywhere today.

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Noted Scholar Wants More Stories of Hope in Holocaust Teachings

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Is graphically recounting the horrors of the Holocaust the only way to honor the dead and educate the living about this tragedy? Sociologist Arthur Shostak says no.

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The Biewer Terrier Just Became the AKC's Latest Breed

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As the 197th breed to be recognized by the AKC, the Biewer terrier is popping up on the radar of dog lovers everywhere.

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Arkansas State Park Lets You Dig for Diamonds

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Crater of Diamonds State Park is the only public diamond mining site in the U.S. Thousands of people have dug up their own gems over the years. Some even struck it rich.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Why Plato Considered the Poet Sappho the Tenth Muse

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We have just a fraction of Sappho's works, but what we have reveal her personal voice in Greek lyric poetry. Just who was this woman that so inspired even Plato?

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Conquistadors, Gold and Charlemagne: How California Got Its Name

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Surfboards, huarache sandals and endless sunshine? Yes. But throw in some Conquistadors, a trashy Spanish novel, Black Amazons, mythological creatures and, of course, Charlemagne and — voilà — the name "California" is born.

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How to Put Chains On Tires

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The roads are covered in snow, and you need to put chains on your tires. But how in the world do you do that? Thankfully it's not that hard, and we'll tell you how.

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Spotted Horses Aren't All Appaloosas, and All Appaloosas Aren't Spotted

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It's not the spots, but the mutation of a certain gene, discovered in 2013 by the Appaloosa Project, that makes a horse an Appaloosa.

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How the Dawes Act Stole 90 Million Acres of Native American Land

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An alliance between well-meaning social reformers and land-hungry farmers resulted in a federal act that caused Native Americans to lose millions of acres of land they had once owned. Here's what happened.

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Monday, January 25, 2021

Taro Gives the Potato a Run for Its Nutritional Buck

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Taro is a starchy root tuber that looks a lot like a potato, but it's rich in polyphenols, giving it a bigger bang as a healthy alternative.

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Why Boudin Is Cajun Country's Most Famous Sausage

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Food writer Calvin Trillin once estimated that 80 percent of boudin bought in Louisiana doesn't make it home — it's eaten right in the parking lot. Why are people so passionate about this sausage?

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The American Red Squirrel Is Small, Territorial and Aggressive

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Red squirrels have a big attitude, which might have to due with their small size. They have to act big. And they do so with noisy and aggressive behavior.

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What's the Difference Between a Duke and an Earl?

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They both sound prestigious, but one ranks higher than the other. So, which is it and how do you get your hands on one of these British titles, anyway?

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6 Red-Hot Facts About the Red Giant Star Arcturus

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Arcturus is 113 times brighter than our sun, even though it's only a little bigger. What else should we know about this red giant?

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Sunday, January 24, 2021

9 Heavy-hitting Facts About the Greatest, Muhammad Ali

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He was cocky when it came to his boxing career but charitable when it came to his heart. We're talking of course about Muhammad Ali, whose legacy shines as brightly today as his left jab once stung opponents in the ring.

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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Mark Your Calendars for These 2021 Space Events, Astronomy Fans

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Whether it's a solar eclipse, a meteor shower or the launch of the long-awaited James Webb Space Telescope, 2021 has a lot to offer.

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Friday, January 22, 2021

Is the Dream of Cold Fusion Still a Possibility?

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Though a highly publicized 1989 cold fusion breakthrough was subsequently discredited, research is still being conducted in hopes of future success.

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How Do Astronauts Shower in Space?

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Showering every day is likely something you take for granted. But for astronauts on the International Space Station, it's not an easy task.

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How the Super Bowl Works

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Super Bowl Sunday is a football fan's nirvana: the game of games, in which the season's champion is decided once and for all. Read all about the biggest football game of the year.

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How Are Lawsuit Settlements Taxed?

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Don't spend all the money you received in a settlement just yet; you probably have to pay taxes on it.

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Thursday, January 21, 2021

How Nuclear Fusion Reactors Work

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Fusion reactors will use abundant sources of fuel, will not leak radiation above normal background levels, and will produce less radioactive waste than current fission reactors. Learn about this promising power source.

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How Impeachment Works

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The United States has impeached three presidents so far, including Donald Trump, who is the only president to be impeached twice. Find out how this constitutional mandate works in the U.S. and other countries.

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Why Do We Fall in Love?

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Despite the heartache that often accompanies love, we can't help wanting it and rejoicing when it works. Are we hard-wired to fall in love or are we just responding to societal pressure?

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Are Some People Really Exempt From Paying Taxes?

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There's a popular myth that the IRS says paying taxes is voluntary, so no one has to do so. While that's untrue, certain wage earners are exempt from paying taxes. Who are these folks?

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5 Things You Didn't Know About Squirrels

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If you look outside your window right now, you'll probably see one running up a tree or checking you out. How did the squirrel get so commonplace?

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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Worm, Strawberry, Blue: Every Full Moon Has a Name

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Everyone's heard of the blue moon and the harvest moon, but did you know every full moon of the year has a name? What are the names and when do the moons occur?

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How to Fake a GPS Location on Your Phone

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Want to throw someone off your tracks? A GPS spoofing app is the best way to do it. Here's how it works for both android and iPhone.

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Kamala Harris Becomes the First Black Female Vice President in U.S. History

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Kamala Harris is the first woman in U.S. history (and first Black woman and first Asian American woman) to become vice president. But she's used to being a groundbreaker.

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It's Inauguration Day: And It's a Palindrome!

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Palindromes are words, phrases or even dates that are spelled the same forward and backward. They don't always make tons of sense, but they're still fun.

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How Joe Biden Works

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Joe Biden won the 2020 U.S. presidential election, securing the most votes ever. How did he get there and what are his goals as president?

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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

How to See and Delete Your Google History

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Some browsers make it easier than others to delete your search history. We've got step-by-step instructions for removing your Google search history from your laptop and mobile devices for all major browsers.

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How to Get Super Bowl Tickets

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Want to see the big game in person? It won't be easy, especially in the year of COVID-19. But we'll show you how to get into the best position to catch a Hail Mary.

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The Dirty Truth About How Often You Need Your Oil Changed

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Think you need to have your oil changed every 3,000 miles? Think again.

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Toddler Skeleton Indicates Neanderthals Buried Their Dead

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Archaeologists have long debated whether Neanderthals buried their dead. Newly interpreted evidence indicates they did.

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The Life and Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe

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Edgar Allan Poe was the master of the macabre, but the story of his life and mysterious death is as fascinating as his most suspenseful work of fiction.

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Why the Massive Maginot Line Failed to Stop Hitler

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After WWI, the French built a fortress of bunkers known as the Maginot Line to stop another German invasion. But now it's come to stand for a defense strategy that inspires a false sense of security. What did they get wrong?

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Monday, January 18, 2021

How Leonard Bernstein Opposed Richard Nixon With 1973 'Anti-inaugural' Concert

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The iconic American composer and conductor's "Concert for Peace" offered a direct alternative to the festivities of Richard Nixon's second swearing-in.

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The Misunderstood Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

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Today, Martin Luther King is revered for his nonviolent struggle for civil rights in the United States. But most Americans didn't approve of him before his death, or many years after.

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Sunday, January 17, 2021

Was the White House Really Trashed at Andrew Jackson's First Inauguration?

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For almost two centuries, Andrew Jackson's inauguration blowout has been cited as the wildest party ever thrown at the White House. But should we take that depiction with a grain of salt?

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Saturday, January 16, 2021

Ridiculous History: How MLK Influenced the Direction of 'Star Trek'

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We know Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights activist and world-changer. But did you know he was also a Trekkie?

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Friday, January 15, 2021

How Did Elisa Lam End Up Dead in a Hotel Water Tank?

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Canadian student Elisa Lam went missing in 2013 and the mystery surrounding her death captured national attention. So what really happened to this 21-year-old?

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What's the Difference Between Burrata and Mozzarella?

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These two Italian cheeses may look similar on the outside. But it's what's revealed on the inside that makes them so deliciously different.

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Why Did the U.S. Experience a Coin Shortage?

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Just when America seemed to be getting over the great toilet paper shortage, the next thing in short supply was coins. But why?

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Does Reopening Schools Cause COVID-19 to Spread?

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Reopening schools is at the top of everyone's wish list, but does reopening them cause COVID-19 to spread? Well, it's complicated.

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Who's Behind the Mysterious Mojave Desert Megaphone?

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This huge hunk of metal has been perched on a hilltop in the Mojave Desert for decades. No one knows who put it there nor why. Was it the U.S. Air Force, pranksters — or aliens?

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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Whiteout Warning! Why Snow Squalls Can Be So Deadly

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These intense snowstorms can come out of nowhere. They may not last long, but their rapid snowfall and whipping winds can make them disastrous.

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Why Does the Secret Service Protect a President's Adult Children?

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The United States Secret Service provides 24/7 protection for the wives and kids of the U.S. president and vice president, including their adult children. But why do a president's children get protection?

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What's the Difference Between a National Park and National Monument?

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There are 20 different types of "national parks" that fall under the protection of the National Park Service, including national monuments and actual parks. But what makes them different?

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How Did Benedict Arnold Become America's Most Infamous Traitor?

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Revolutionary War turncoat Benedict Arnold is one of the most reviled figures in American history. But what did he do to deserve this ignominious fate?

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How to Fill Out a Money Order

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Sometimes a money order is the best way to conduct a financial transaction, but knowing how to successfully fill one out is key.

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Placebo Surgeries Are Effective, But Are They Ethical?

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Some clinical trials subject volunteers to fake surgeries to determine whether a surgical procedure has any real value. But does the long-term benefit to society outweigh the risks to patients?

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Rambutan Is the 'Hairier' Cousin of the Lychee Fruit

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Its name is a derivative of a Mayan word for "hair" and by the looks of it you can see why. But how do you eat a rambutan and what does it taste like?

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Convergent Evolution: When a Good Idea Moves Between Species

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Organisms not related to each other can develop similar physical attributes without even exchanging notes.

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How Solenoids Work

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You use solenoids every day without ever knowing it. So what exactly are they and how do they work?

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How to Delete a Gmail Account

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Deleting a Gmail account is pretty easy. The hard part is making the decision and deciding what data to download.

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Many Animals Have a Cloaca, But Humans Should Not

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It's the organ commonly found in animals where multiple body systems come together into one opening for both defecation and reproduction. But in humans, having a cloaca causes huge problems.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

'One Small Step' Act Encourages Protection of Human Heritage in Space

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The law is the first of its kind by any nation, but how much weight it has is yet to be seen. It is perhaps just one small step to preserve human heritage in space.

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The Slow Loris Is a Cuddly-looking Primate With a Toxic Bite

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When threatened, the slow loris licks venom secreted from a gland under its arm. Licked and loaded, the loris is ready to poison an attacker with a bite.

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The Black Mouth Cur: The Sensitive but Strong Hunting Dog

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The black mouth cur may look like a basic dog, but it's actually powerful, protective and sensitive. We'll tell you everything about them, including tips on training and how big they get.

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What Is the Tax Rate for Lottery Winnings?

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Mega Millions and the Powerball lotteries have collectively hit over $1 billion. But if you happen to win one (or both) how much will Uncle Sam want?

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Capicola: The Italian Dried Meat Tony Soprano Called 'Gabagool'

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Capicola is an Italian cured meat that comes from a pig's shoulder. It's thinly sliced like prosciutto, but has its own distinct flavor.

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Can Ghost Peppers Kill You?

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Ghost peppers were once used to make grenades. Is something like that even safe to eat?

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Monday, January 11, 2021

What's the Difference Between Caster Sugar and Regular Sugar?

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Caster sugar is a term you may have come across in a British baking book or website. But what does it mean really? And what sugar can you substitute for it?

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Do People Who Protest in Public Have an Expectation of Online Privacy?

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Some say that publishing someone's personal information online for the purpose of harassment is bad, even if that person spouts hate speech. Do you agree?

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Bacon's Rebellion: America's First Armed Insurrection

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Nathaniel Bacon led an armed rebellion in 17th century Colonial America against Gov. William Berkeley. The rebellion was brief but its ramifications changed the course of American history.

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Gallium Boils at 4,044 Degrees F, But Will Also Melt in Your Hand

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More than fodder for melt-in-your-hand YouTube videos, gallium is a key component in LED lights and the powerful microchips in your smartphone.

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The Story of Adam and Eve is Not Unique to the Bible

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The first man and woman are formed from clay to live in paradise until they are forced to leave because of deceit. It's a biblical story but also one found in many other cultures.

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Sunday, January 10, 2021

Are Men or Women Better Navigators?

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Researchers at the University of California finally have a scientific answer to this ages-old battle.

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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Is Dry January a Recipe for Binge February?

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During 'Dry January,' you give up alcohol for the month in order to detox and start the new year off right. But does it typically lead to binge drinking in February?

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Friday, January 8, 2021

Hunting Bigfoot and Other Beasts: Explore the World of Cryptozoology

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Cryptozoology is the study of creatures that are rumored to exist. But for true believers, these "cryptids" are alive and well and lurking among us. Who are some of the most famous creatures people are looking for?

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5 Strategies for Cultivating Hope in 2021

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How do we find hope when times are bleak? It's not always easy, but it is possible.

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How to Connect AirPods to a Mac

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Connecting your AirPods to your Mac is a simple process. Here's how to do it.

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Thursday, January 7, 2021

Why Breathing Through Your Nose Is Best

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We've probably all been breathing wrong our entire lives. Why is that? Experts suggest we should focus on breathing through our noses and most of us don't.

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Why the Stamp Act Was Reviled in the American Colonies

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The British imposition of the Stamp Act in 1765 drew street demonstrations against the new law in the American colonies, resulting in its eventual repeal.

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The 25th Amendment: The Other Constitutional Way to Remove a President

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It's been invoked in the past, but never to remove a U.S. president from office. How does it work and when — if ever — should it be used?

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How to Clean a Microwave

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Is your crusted-up, dirty microwave about to make you lose your lunch? Here's how to clean it.

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Pareidolia: Why We See Faces in Almost Everything

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We see faces in clouds, on buildings — heck, in grilled cheese sandwiches. But why is that? And how is this a help to our survival?

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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Static Electricity Can Cause Way More Than a Bad Hair Day

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Static electricity happens when there's an imbalance between negative and positive charges in an object. It's when those charges get released that we feel that infamous spark.

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How to Make a Milkshake

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With some ice cream and a little know-how, you can make a delicious milkshake right in your own kitchen.

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How Deinonychus Upended the Way We Look at Dinosaurs

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The 1964 discovery of Deinonychus in southern Montana was groundbreaking for many reasons, mostly because it helped prove that birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs.

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Langurs Are Tree Dwellers That Love to Monkey Around

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There are over 60 species of langur in the world, all of which eat a plant-based diet and most of which burp a lot.

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Mark Your Calendars for These 2021 Space Events, Astronomy Fans

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Whether it's a solar eclipse, a meteor shower or the launch of the long-awaited James Webb Space Telescope, 2021 has a lot to offer.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

How the Necco Wafer Has Lasted This Long

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These colorful, chalk-like wafers hit the market in 1847. But they certainly aren't the most flavorful of treats. So why are they the classic candy we love to hate?

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The Cute Crested Gecko, Once Thought Extinct, Is Now Bred by the Thousands

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These lizards love to climb and can thrive on a diet that doesn't include live insects.

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Is Vantablack Really the Blackest Black?

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Vantablack is one of the darkest substances known, able to absorb up to 99.965 percent of visible light. But is it the blackest of blacks on the planet?

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Flemish Giant Rabbits Are Docile Snuggle Bunnies

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Flemish giants, also known as "Flemmies," make great pets, but the question is, how did they get so big?

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Alkali Metals: Facts About the Elements on the First Column of the Periodic Table

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Although the term might be unfamiliar, you know all about alkali metals. Ever used salt or eaten a banana? So, what special properties do these elements have?

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Monday, January 4, 2021

Winter Tires Really Do Make a Difference in the White Stuff

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Winter tires are very different from all-season and snow tires. So who needs them?

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Was the White House Really Trashed at Andrew Jackson's First Inauguration?

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For almost two centuries, Andrew Jackson's inauguration blowout has been cited as the wildest party ever thrown at the White House. But should we take that depiction with a grain of salt?

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Kohlrabi Is Cabbage's Sweet Cousin You Need to Try

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Kohlrabi is a cruciferous vegetable, just like cabbage, with a slightly sweeter flavor. It's also known as a German turnip and can be eaten raw or cooked.

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How to Store Potatoes

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Potatoes can be stored for a long period of time if they are stored correctly. Here's how to lengthen the shelf life of your spuds.

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How to Clean an Oven

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A clean oven not only looks nice; it can also mean fewer harmful fumes in your kitchen. Here's how to do it easily.

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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Why Penguin Feet Don't Freeze

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Penguins stand for months on the coldest ice in the world without their feet freezing, thanks to special blood circulation.

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Friday, January 1, 2021

Why Are New Year's Resolutions So Easy to Break?

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Only 20 percent of the people who make resolutions will see them through. Why does our resolve vanish, and what can we do about it?

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8 Pretty Awesome Facts About the Pacific Ocean

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It covers more than 30 percent of the planet, and is home to all kinds of sea creatures. What other facts make the Pacific Ocean so amazing?

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How to Make Scrambled Eggs

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Scrambled eggs can't be beat for a quick and easy breakfast, lunch or even dinner.

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