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Friday, March 31, 2017

Does Eating the Same Breakfast Every Day Help You Lose Weight?

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Your mother probably told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for energy, and large studies suggest it’s also great for weight loss: Of people who have lost major weight and kept it off, almost all of them eat an a.m. meal religiously. So the question becomes not whether you should eat breakfast, but what exactly should be on your breakfast plate, and how much you need to switch that up every day—or not.

According to award-winning dietitian and regular TV guest Kristin Kirkpatrick, author of Skinny Liver and manager of nutrition for the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, it’s not as black and white as you might think, because it all depends on what you’re eating, and who you are.

Here’s why it could be a bad idea:

If you’re a foodie, eating the same thing every morning might make you bored. And this may lead you to start making poor dietary choices as you crave novel flavors and textures.

It’s also potentially bad news if you’re first meal of the day is a bowl of sugary cereal. “You may just be having the wrong breakfast to begin with, in that it’s a high carb food that’s also high in sugar and low in protein,” Kirkpatrick explains. “Many studies point to the benefits of having a higher protein breakfast in terms of helping with weight control and reducing cravings, so if you’re eating a big bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and dried fruit it may inhibit effective weight loss.”

Here’s why it could be a good idea:

“There is a benefit to automation in breakfast choices, especially if your breakfast is one that is protein-rich, and ideally includes a vegetable—because we get so few, crossing one off the list early in the day is ideal,” Kirkpatrick says. “If it’s a ‘without thinking’ type of thing you have every day, you are also less likely to search for other options that may not help with weight loss (think danish, doughnut, sugary cereal).”

Healthy, high-protein breakfast ideas include Greek yogurt with berries (blueberries are nutritional powerhouses) and a handful of nuts, a breakfast burrito with beans, peanut butter or almond butter on whole grain toast.

Making one meal, like breakfast, the same every day can lead to healthy food choices for the following meal, which can encourage healthy eating and weight maintenance. Just be sure to choose your meal mindfully, steering clear of foods both high in carbs and sugar, and instead opting for a higher protein breakfast. Here are 27 great breakfast ideas to consider.

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There’s a School That Teaches You How to Be a Real Mermaid!

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I’ve tried Salsa, and belly dancing, dragon boat paddling, snowshoeing, and just about every gym-based routine out there—and nothing stuck. But I think have finally cracked it. I have discovered a fun, playful, whimsical workout which is about the most fun you can have, while still calling it exercise.

Last month I attended “Mermaid School” and was surprised to find that not only is being a mermaid quite hard work, it’s also a chance to learn a whole new set of skills.

What Is Mermaid School?

It’s exactly what it sounds like! You don a tale and learn how to twist, spin, and splash like a mermaid. Unfortunately, siren calls are not part of the syllabus.

What is a Class Like?


I arrived at the swimming pool, with my friend, and was asked to select a tail. I chose a turquoise, sparkly tail that matched my bikini perfectly and my friend selected a fetching green number.

Our amazing teacher, Kim, then asked us to put on a pair of flippers before squeezing into our tails.

This turned out to be the worst part of the class, as we self-consciously wiggled into the skin tight tails and pulled them up over our legs. We weren’t exactly as glamorous or graceful as mermaids—yet.

We had to lie down on the cool pool floor and lift our bottoms up in the air to finish getting the tail skin exactly where it should be. At this point I had lost control of my usual appendages and instead was sporting a mermaid tail! Then we had to sort of wiggle over to the edge of the pool and flop into the water.

The moment I hit the water all my discomfort vanished. I immediately felt like a child again, at play, as I lay on my back and flipped my tail this way and that. This is the sort of activity that makes you smile, and my friend and I promptly got a case of the giggles!

Our teacher was incredibly patient and carefully showed us the ropes. They take safety really seriously and ensure all mermaids have the basics down before they are allowed to get their “Ariel” on!

After doing lots of laps where we had to practice different moves and strokes, we were starting to get the hang of the movement. It’s quite different from ordinary swimming and involves a sort of undulating hip movement to move through the water.

My friend enjoyed doing dives down to the bottom of the pool, but this made my nose fizz uncomfortably, so I preferred swimming quickly on my back as my tail powered me along.

Mermaid tail rental is part of your class fee but if you wish, you can purchase your very own mermaid tail.

What Are The Benefits?


I could feel the effects almost immediately. The way you are required to hold your body in order to keep afloat, and propel yourself forward, requires attention be paid to your entire core. You are using virtually every muscle to move and swim like a mermaid.

As we got dressed afterwards, the sides of my legs and even my arms were aching, despite the fact that we laughed almost non-stop, being a mermaid was most certainly exercise. (These are the workouts that burn the most calories.)

The school’s CEO, Marielle Chartier Hénault, explains that this activity offers a multitude of fitness benefits. “AquaMermaid classes offer a total-body workout from toning your glutes, quads, and abs, combined with great cardio exercises working on breath control under water. You develop your swimming grace, dolphin kick fluidity, and propulsion power in low impact sport that benefits from the buoyant effect of the water that takes pressure off joints, alleviating pain and discomfort.”

One of the main benefits for me was an uptick in my happiness quotient!

This activity is just plain fun, and couldn’t we all do with a little more fun in our lives?

For more information, contact

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17 Fascinating Facts You Never Knew About the Kentucky Derby

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1. It has a connection to Lewis and Clark

In 1872, Meriwether Lewis Clark, Jr., the grandson of that Clark, went to the Epson Derby in England. When he got back to the States, he started a racing club called the Louisville Jockey Club and raised enough money to build a permanent racetrack in Louisville.

2. It’s the longest running sporting event in the U.S.

The first Kentucky Derby was held on May 17, 1875. A crowd of 10,000 watched 15 three-year-old Thoroughbred horses race for 1.5 miles. Can you believe these sports used to be in the Olympics?

3. Aristides was the first Derby winner


The three-year-old chestnut Thoroughbred won the race in just over two minutes and 37 seconds. His jockey, Oliver Lewis, was 19 and never raced in the Derby again. Aristides’ trainer was Ansel Williams, a former slave.

4. The racetrack didn’t always have a name

It wasn’t until 1883 that Churchill Downs was first used to mark the racetrack that hosts the Derby. On the other hand, these are objects you never knew actually had names.

5. Its architecture is iconic

We’re talking about the Twin Spires atop the racetrack’s grandstand. As the Derby gained popularity, a new grandstand was constructed in 1894. When it was done, Joseph Dominic Baldez, who designed the structure, thought it still needed something extra to make it stand out, so he added two hexagonal spires to the top. Now people from around the world travel to Kentucky for a photo op with the Twin Spires.

6. The red rose is the race’s official flower


Roses first appeared at the Derby in 1896, when the winner Ben Brush was given a garland made of white and pink roses. In 1904, the red rose became the official flower of the Kentucky Derby. (Do you know the meaning behind each rose color?) Years later, sports columnist Bill Corum accordingly nicknamed the race the “Run for the Roses,” which, of course, stuck.

7. That famous rose garland is quite a sight

It’s made up of more than 400 red roses sewn on green satin, weighing more than 40 pounds. In the center of the garland is rose “crown,” with a single rose pointing up that symbolizes the heart and struggle needed to reach the Kentucky Derby Winner’s Circle. The number of roses in the crown is determined by how many horses compete in the Derby. Use these tips to grow perfect roses, just like the ones featured on the garland.

8. The trophy is pretty nice, too

The Kentucky Derby trophy is made of 14 karat gold and stands on a jade base. It’s 22 inches tall and weighs 3.5 pounds.

9. It’s always on the same day

The Kentucky Derby has been held on the first Saturday in May every year since 1946. While you watch the big race this May, be sure to tell these hilarious horse jokes.

10. The day before the Derby, there’s the Kentucky Oaks

Also founded by Meriwether Lewis Clark, Jr., the Kentucky Oaks is the premier race for three-year-old female horses, called fillies. The first Oaks race took place on May 19, 1875, two days after the first Kentucky Derby. Like the Derby, the winner also receives a garland, but it’s made of lilies instead of roses. It’s appropriately named “lilies for the fillies.” Spectators at the Kentucky Oaks are asked to wear pink to raise money and increase awareness of women’s health issues, specifically ovarian and breast cancers.

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11. Only three fillies have won the Kentucky Derby

They were Regret (1915), Genuine Risk (1980), and Winning Colors (1988).

12. The smallest race was in 1892

Only three horses competed, making it the smallest field ever at the Kentucky Derby.

13. The fastest winner is Secretariat

He won with a time of 1:59.40 in 1973. Only two other horses have finished in under two minutes, according to ESPN. Read the incredible story of how the owner of Secretariat’s granddaughter made horse racing safer.

14. Mint Julep is the drink of choice


Almost 120,000 mint juleps are served every year over the weekend of the Kentucky Oaks and Kentucky Derby. That many drinks requires 1,000 pounds of fresh mint, 60,000 pounds of ice, and 10,000 bottles of Old Forester Mint Julep cocktail. That’s a lot of alcohol. Since alcohol makes you hungry, that explains why Churchill Downs sells 5.5 tons of local products at its concession stands each year. Get the original Mint Julep recipe here.

15. The Derby is known for fashion as much as it is for horses

When Clark founded the Derby, he envisioned it as an event society’s elite attended, just like races in Europe that required attendees to wear full morning dress. He used well-dressed, high-class folks to bring in his target audience for the first race, and it worked. Eventually, the Derby became a place to showcase the latest spring fashion. In the 1960s, women started wearing less traditional outfits, including extravagant hats the Kentucky Derby is known for today. Here’s how you can find the perfect hat for your face shape.

16. Spectators bet millions on the race each year

The 2015 Kentucky Derby set a record with $194.3 million from total wagers on- and off-track.

17. Thousands watch the race live every year

The largest attendance at the Kentucky Derby was in 2015, when over 170,000 people watched from the grandstand. That’s in addition to the millions of people who watch on TV; 16 million viewers saw the Derby 2015. Inspired to put “go to the Kentucky Derby” on your bucket list? Check out our bucket list adventures for the other 49 states.

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15 Everyday Habits That Can Mess with Your Vaginal Health

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Washing it

washNo, you shouldn’t start wearing your underwear in the shower to avoid cleaning your vagina, but you don’t need to scrub it like you would your armpits or your feet—a simple splash of water will do. “I always see folks who think they need to get a strong soap and scrub it, but plain water to rinse is more than enough. Scrubbing that area can make the vulva very raw and a scented soap can irritate it if you’re sensitive,” says Tosin Goje, obstetrician gynecologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. If you do want to use some sort of cleansing agent, look for a mild unscented hypoallergenic soap and just use your hand, never a loofah or washcloth.

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10 Hilarious Product Reviews That Will Have You Cry-Laughing

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Nicolas Cage saves Christmas … sort of

nicolas-cage-pillowHard to tell whether the line on this Nicolas Cage pillow case—”See you in my dreams”—is meant to be a threat or a comfort. Either way, it was the best holiday gift ever for this one reviewer:

“It’s Nicolas freakin’ Cage. Who wouldn’t want this? I bought one for all my loved ones for Christmas. They were at a loss for words. So much in fact, I haven’t heard from any of them since Christmas. Totally worth the money.”

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The 20 Healthiest Foods to Eat in Every Food Group

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Grain: Oats

oatsWhen in doubt, always go for whole grains. Oats fit the bill perfectly. They’re packed with beta glucan, a type of soluble fiber that helps keep your cholesterol in check, according to Vicki Shanta Retelny, RDN, founder of Plus, you can use them to bulk up recipes, like meatballs and meatloaf, to save a few calories. Go for steel cut, slow cooking, or (unsweetened) instant—whatever you prefer. They all deliver on fiber and you’ll eat more of what your schedule allows and you enjoy. These are the tasty oatmeal toppers you haven’t thought to try.

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How Your Skin Ages Through Every Decade of Your Life

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Once you reach your twenties you might think you’ve gotten through the worst of it when it comes to your skin problems. No more breakouts or pesky blackheads, and you get to enjoy the next five or six years with no wrinkles and flawless skin, right? Wrong. Even though your skin is starting to settle down after the hormone upheaval throughout your teen years, it’s still producing oil. During this time, make sure to follow these beauty secrets for oily skin.

Around your mid-20s is when you will start to notice that your skin feels dry. Even though this seems like the blessing you’ve been waiting for, dryness means that fine lines will start to appear on your face. Many people first start to notice wrinkles forming around their mouth and eyes. Try these home remedies to fight dry skin.

The reason this happens to our skin at this time is because our body’s natural antioxidant production starts to decline in our twenties. Just using moisturizers and making sure to apply sunscreen won’t cut it, especially with the amount of stress that most people are put under during this time in their lives. To keep the wrinkles at bay, start using products with antioxidants. That can include things that contain vitamin C and/or E, green tea extract, and fruit acids.

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9 Dermatologist-Approved Homemade Skin Care Treatments

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The risks of homemade products

DIYDIY skin care recipes are all over the Internet, boasting to miraculously transform your skin. Most dermatologists, though, are skeptical of how those claims hold up. “Lots of things that are in our kitchens are likely to break our skin out, and you can be allergic to ingredients,” says board-certified dermatologist Tracy Evans, MD. For instance, the lemon in skin brightening recipes can make your skin extra sensitive to sunlight, leaving you with blisters or a rash, says board-certified dermatologist Esta Kronberg, MD. Even if a homemade product doesn’t do damage, it probably won’t do as much good as you’d hoped, Dr. Evans says. She recommends sticking with products that have been through clinical trials for your big skin problems, but says DIY recipes can be fun and feel good. Before you smear anything on your face, she recommends doing a patch test. Hold a bit of the product to your arm with plastic wrap for a few days. If you don’t get any bad reactions, you’ve got the green light to use these dermatologist-approved recipes on your face. Check out what happened when one writer put homemade skin products to the test.

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What It Means When Your Heart Skips a Beat—and 9 Things That Cause It

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holdingchestWhen your heart “skips a beat” it may feel like a brief flutter or flip-flop in your chest. In fact, that skipped beat feeling is actually an extra beat medically defined as a premature beat. There are two types of premature beats, a premature atrial contraction in the top chamber of the heart and a premature ventricular contraction from the lower heart chamber, which pumps the blood to other parts of your body. Premature beats occur when electrical impulses from your heart misfire earlier than expected. The good news is that most premature beats don’t necessarily mean there’s something wrong with your heart’s structure. But if they do become frequent or are accompanied with shortness of breath or chest pain, visit your doctor to make sure it’s nothing serious. “Neither of these are considered dangerous. Although there are exceptions, these are typically benign,” says Ayman Hussein, MD, a cardiac electrophysiology specialist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. “It comes down to symptoms and quality of life.”

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10 Must-Read Graphic Novels and Memoirs for Your Inner Comic Book Lover

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David Small draws haunting images in this best-selling memoir about childhood illness. His artistry captures the trauma and pain of his experience with cancer. Drawings become a poignant medium to document how the disease took hold of his vocal cords. His artwork is anything but silent as it looks at his middle-class family life in Detroit. It’s a beautiful story about losing and finding your voice that’s hard to put down. You’ll find yourself transplanted into the riveting and emotional world Smalls has drawn for you. These are the signs of cancer that men are likely to ignore.

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Diabetic Snacks: What to Eat and What to Skip

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“Don’t eat between meals.”

snacksThat’s one piece of advice diabetics might want to take with a grain of salt. If you go more than four or five hours between meals, a mid-afternoon snack might be just what the doctor ordered to help you keep your blood sugar steady.

Snacking is also important if you’re taking medication that could cause a blood-sugar low between meals. Discuss with your doctor or a registered dietitian what snacking approach is right for you.

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24 Stay-Young Secrets from Women Who Don’t Age

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Doing something daring


“I love a good adrenaline rush! Nothing makes me feel younger and more alive than doing something a little dangerous. Last year my goal was to learn to do tricks with hula hoops and spin fire poi (sticks you light on fire and do tricks with). This year I’m learning dirt biking.” —Shanna Futral, 42, Layton, UT. For a little daring inspiration: 32 secrets of people who’ve crossed major items off their bucket lists.

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8 Ways Patience Improves Your Health—and Tricks to Keeping It

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It’s easier on your heart


In general, those with “Type A” personality and people who have high levels of hostility are both thought to possess low levels of patience, says Christopher Lootens, PhD, who teaches clinical psychology at High Point University in North Carolina. “Findings have indicated that people in either of those groups have significantly increased risk of heart disease, suggesting a link between patience and decreased heart risks,” Dr. Lootens says.

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The 9 Best Drugstore Mascaras for Your Longest Lashes Ever

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If you need volume:

Maybelline Volum’ Express The Mega Plush Mascara, ($7,

If you’re looking for a mascara that packs serious volume—we’re talking Marilyn Monroe-batting-her eyes potential—look no further than this prized drugstore brand. It delivers an intense, not-too-thick color that clings to each of your lashes without over-clumping for up to eight hours. Just be warned that it will coat every lash, so apply sparingly if you’re not looking for serious fullness. These makeup tricks will make your eyes look bigger.

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9 Sneaky Ways to Use Every Last Drop of Your Favorite Beauty Products

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Finish off an entire tube of lipstick

lipstickWhen you find the perfect lipstick, you’ll want to use it all the way down to the nub. Instead of digging into the bullet with your pinky finger hoping to get one more layer of application out of it, try this trick from celebrity and runway makeup artist Lindsey Williams: Invest in a lip spatula to reach the lipstick and gloss at the bottom of the tube. “It’s worth figuring out how to get to the remaining product out, because there’s usually at least ¼ – ⅓ of lipstick still inside the tube once you are unable to apply the product directly to your lips.” Alternately, you could use a lipstick brush or, in a pinch, the non-fuzzy side of a Q-Tip you broke in half. Find out the lipstick shades every woman must own.

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These Are the Ages You’re Best at Everything, According to Science

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When learning a second language is easiest

girlWe’re at peak ability to learn a foreign language around age 7 or 8, according to an infographic from Business Insider that details our various peak times based on scientific studies and surveys. Xavier Amador, PhD, an internationally renowned clinical psychologist, was skeptical of the infographic’s claims at first, but he supports this point. “There is in fact quite a lot of reliable scientific research that has been replicated indicating things like acquiring the second language is far easier before the age of 8,” he told Reader’s Digest. It’s widely accepted that trying to learn a second language is easier before puberty than after, according to the National Institutes of Health.

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She Was Fighting Cancer—but Her Treatment Triggered a Completely Different Disease

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This-Patient's-Cancer-Diagnosis-Also-Revealed-a-Parasite-Living-in-Her-BodyThe patient: Angeline, a 32-year-old administrative assistant

The symptoms: Chest pain, fever and fatigue

The doctor: Dr. Anne McCarthy, chair of the Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel and professor of medicine at the University of Ottawa, Canada

In 2013, Angeline visited her doctor. She’d had a fever for several days, her chest felt tight, and she was exhausted. The physician noticed that her lymph nodes were swollen and that she’d lost some weight. He decided to refer her to the Ottawa Hospital for a CT scan and biopsy, which led to a diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

The fifth most commonly diagnosed cancer in Canadian adults, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has a good prognosis when it’s caught early—especially if the patient is
under 60. Angeline was given medication to support her immune system, chemotherapy to target the cancer cells and steroids to bolster the treatment. A week later, she became tired and nauseous, and her white blood-cell count dropped dramatically. These can be side effects of chemo, but in this case, they were unusually pronounced.

Within days, Angeline’s fever spiked and she had trouble breathing. Bacteria had entered her bloodstream, and she’d developed an infection in her lungs and abdomen. The patient was admitted to the ICU and given antibiotics, but the drugs didn’t help. Instead, Angeline’s breathing worsened, and she was put on a ventilator.

That’s when Dr. Anne McCarthy was called in. The infectious disease specialist found traces of a rash on Angeline’s abdomen. When she learned the patient had grown up in Haiti and immigrated to Canada eight years earlier, McCarthy immediately thought of strongyloides. (Here’s how to ID your own rash symptoms.)

Strongyloides are a type of roundworm common in Southeast Asia, South Africa and the Caribbean. The larvae are small—about the size of a mustard seed—and are transmitted to humans through contaminated soil. They can penetrate unbroken skin (often through bare feet) and migrate through the body to the small intestine, where they lay eggs.

In this case, the wavy rash on Angeline’s stomach was a clue: it can appear in patients with strongyloides. When McCarthy checked the patient’s stool sample, she says, “the larvae were everywhere.”

Because there are no obvious symptoms, people can be infected for years without knowing they have the parasite. Angeline had experienced mild gastrointestinal issues at times, but was otherwise healthy, apart from her recent cancer diagnosis—until she was given some steroids as part of her treatment. “Strongyloidiasis is a sleeping disease,” McCarthy says. “It can exist in your body and do relatively little harm until you give it an advantage.” Doctors aren’t entirely sure why, but steroids stimulate the parasite to reproduce faster.

Those drugs had indeed unleashed the bug throughout Angeline’s body, a condition known as disseminated strongyloides, which causes death in 50 to 90 percent of cases.

Unfortun­ately, it takes time to get treatment because the two anti-parasite drugs that fight the disease (albendazole and ivermectin) aren’t licensed in this country, though they are used in the United States. McCarthy had to request permission from a special access program through Health Canada. Although she remained in the ICU for almost a month, the patient received the drugs and made a full recovery, at which point she was able to resume treatment for the non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. (Don’t miss these 50 cancer myths that need to debunked for good.)

Like most people, Angeline had no idea she could be at risk for strongyloides. Even physicians often know very little about the parasite. McCarthy, who chairs an advisory committee that’s developing strongyloides guidelines, encourages practitioners to adopt a few key queries into their pre­ventive care routine: Where were you born? Where have you lived? Have you travelled anywhere for six months or longer? “There is treatment for strongyloides, and people can survive it,” she says. “We just need to ask the right questions from the beginning.”

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Gigi Hadid Workout | Women's Health

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Supermodels, they’re just like us!

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Depression Common | Women's Health

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​And not enough people are getting help for it.

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Turmeric Weight Loss: Can Drinking Golden Lattes Help You Lose Weight?

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These turmeric-infused beverages are everywhere right now.

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Florida High School Apologizes For 'Good Girl' Prom Dress Code

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A student shared it on social and it quickly went viral.

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New Ways To Use Honey| Women's Health

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Prepare to drool.

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Can Avoiding Acidic Foods Help You Lose Weight?

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It might involve peeing on a strip...

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What Anxiety Feels Like| Women's Health

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“This is about how sometimes you can’t even face yourself.”

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Strength Training Bulky | Women's Health

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Let’s put this to rest, once and for all.

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Target Adds Four New Nude Underwear Colors

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​From boy shorts to bras!

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Hip Strength Fitness | Women's Health

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It’s basically the secret weapon you never knew about.

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This 60-Second Trick Will Help You Remember Why You Love Your S.O.

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Bust it out next time he leaves his boxers on the floor.

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Alicia Keys Responds To Adam Levine's Makeup Comment

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​Expletives included.

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Yoga Classes Are a Waste—Unless You Follow These 12 Guidelines

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Before you leave for class, mirror-test your pants…

yogapantsAll leggings and yoga pants are not created equal, so do a spot check before you hit class. “Just because pants are black does not mean they are opaque,” says Rebecca Weible, founder of Yo Yoga. “Some leggings are meant to be worn under dresses or tunics, but not for working out. You’re bending, squatting and doing all sort of less-than-flattering movements in yoga so be aware of what you’re showing the person on the mat behind you or the teacher.” Women, to be sure, aren’t the only offenders: while shorts and boxers are a common combination for men on the mat, they’re pretty much the male equivalent of wearing see-through pants with no undies. “Yoga is low-impact, without a lot of jumping around, so workout shorts and boxers may feel very freeing and comfortable, but this combination of clothing can be very exposing for those around you or the teacher,” she says. “Compression shorts or boxer briefs are the way to go here to keep your family jewels in the safe.” (Leggings as pants? We settle the debate.)

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7 Reasons You Should Start Taking Apple Cider Vinegar Baths

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Soak in vitamins


Apple cider vinegar contains vitamin C and B vitamins, which help to nourish your body’s largest organ, your skin. By soaking in an apple cider vinegar bath your body can absorb the vitamins leaving your skin moisturized and feeling soft. Here are many more health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

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10 Dangerous Superbugs the World Health Organization Is Warning Everyone About

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Acinetobacter baumannii

washinghandsThis little bacterium is listed as a “critical” superbug, according to the World Health Organization. It’s most commonly found in hospitals where infections are easy to pass along. The National Institute of Health says its rise is “largely associated with infected combat troops returning from conflict zones,” and an increase in resistant strains. Your plan of action: Always make sure to wash your hands (but not like this) and touch as few things as possible when you’re at a hospital and even a doctor’s office. Remember, even the elevator button could be harboring pathogens!

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Listen Up! 11 Surprising Things That Could Ruin Your Hearing

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Blood-related conditions

bloodtestTypes 1 and 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol affect almost every cell in the body—including the ears. Vibrations from tiny hair cells in your ears send your brain messages about what you’re hearing, but those cells need proper blood flow. “All those hair cells are fed nutrients by tiny little capillaries,” says Craig A. Kasper, AuD, FAAA, chief audiology officer of New York Hearing Doctors. “If there’s any problem with blood flow, you’re not going to get those hair cells to grow.” Diabetics, for instance, are twice as likely to experience hearing loss than the rest of the population is, he says. Don’t miss these science-backed ways to reverse diabetes.

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12 Surprisingly Powerful Health Benefits of Being Nicer to Yourself

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You’ll have less stress


We’re all pretty hard on ourselves, criticizing everything from our thighs to our parking job to our off-hand comments at work. And it’s not without consequences. “Harsh self-criticism activates the sympathetic nervous system—fight or flight—and elevates stress hormones such as cortisol in our bloodstream,” says Emma Seppala, PhD, science director the Stanford University Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, and author of The Happiness Track. Too much cortisol can lead to problems ranging from weight gain to cardiovascular trouble. Enter self-compassion, which means treating yourself the way you’d treat a friend who’s going through a hard time—with support and understanding, instead of criticism. Studies have shown that using self-compassion techniques can reverse the negative trend of criticism and cortisol. “When you practice self-compassion, you reduce the stress hormone cortisol, which takes away the state of stress,” says Deborah Serani, PsyD, award-winning author of Living with Depression and a psychology professor at Adelphi University. “The more you stay with positive thoughts, the more dopamine surges, which floods your body with feel-good hormones.” How can you practice self-compassion? “Instead of saying things like, ‘How could I have done this? I’m such an idiot!’ you might say, ‘I had a moment of absent-mindedness and that’s okay—it could have happened to anyone,'” Dr. Seppala says. Learn 15 five-second strategies for shutting down stress in the moment.

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Had One Too Many Drinks? 10 Ways to Sober Up Fast

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Water is as good at clearing up a boozed-up brain as it is at curing your thirst. “Alcohol dehydrates the body which causes a lot of the side effects of alcohol,” said Zehra Siddiqui, MD, a Manhattan-based family practice physician who specializes in integrative medicine and has been known to enjoy an occasional martini. “Also it does help to dilute the alcohol.” The old adage of downing a healthy glass of H2O per every goblet full of unhealthy hooch actually seems to be true. Check out these other benefits of hydration.

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13 Autism Myths Everyone Needs to Stop Believing

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Why is autism still so confusing?

There’s a reason that a puzzle piece is the symbol of autism. The neurological disorder is still incredibly confusing to caregivers, medical professionals, and even individuals with autism. Since 1999, the puzzle piece ribbon has represented the Autism Society, showing the complexity of the spectrum disorder. Oksana Hagerty, PhD, a developmental psychologist at Beacon College in Leesburg, Florida, explains, “autism may be confusing to both ordinary people and professionals because some of its behavioral characteristics remind those of other, more common and better described conditions, such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder.” Additionally, it wasn’t until more recently that public and scholarly interest has shifted from understanding how the brain works with more concrete concepts, like math and communication, to how it fares with more abstract concepts that affect individuals with autism, like social and emotional intelligence. With more studies, though, comes more confusion and myths, as experts continue to delve further into the mystery that is autism. So in honor of World Autism Awareness Day on April 2, we’re debunking several myths surrounding autism that have been debunked time and time again—and it’s time to finally lay them to rest.

from Reader's Digest

We Now Know How “Frozen” Was Originally Supposed to End—and We’re So Glad They Changed It

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The world just can’t let go of Frozen.

The Disney smash hit first took to the newsstands—and our hearts—when it hit theaters and became the most successful animated film ever made. Then we found out the film was almost a massive failure before it was even finished. Now, in an exclusive interview with Entertainment Weekly, producer Peter Del Vecho reveals the original ending that would have turned it into an entirely different movie.

For starters, Anna and Elsa weren’t even sisters, much less royalty. “So Anna was not a princess. Elsa was a self-proclaimed Snow Queen, but she was a villain and pure evil—much more like the Hans Christian Andersen tale,” Del Vecho spilled. “We started out with an evil female villain and an innocent female heroine, and the ending involved a big epic battle with snow monsters that Elsa had created as her army.”

During the battle, Kristoff channels his inner knight in shining armor to help Anna ward off the snow monsters, but Prince Hans has other plans. He sets off a massive avalanche to stop the evil army, not caring that he just put all of Arendelle in danger too.

To save the kingdom, Anna convinces Elsa to use her snow-controlling powers for good, and everyone realizes Hans is the real cold-hearted villain, metaphorically speaking.

But this ending just wasn’t satisfying for the production team. They wanted something more original and emotional with more relatable characters. That’s when they started reworking the key themes behind the movie. Elsa and Anna became sisters. Instead of a vengeful witch, Elsa evolved into a princess gifted with powers that terrify her.

“That led to making Elsa a much more dimensional sympathetic character,” Del Vecho said, “and instead of the traditional good vs. evil theme we had one that we felt was more relatable: Love vs. fear, and the premise of the movie became that love is stronger than fear.”

And that, of course, led to the movie we know and love today, complete with a picturesque happy ending. For more feel-good films, check out our collection of the best movie happy endings ever.

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10 Smart Tricks to Avoid Getting Sick on Long Flights

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Eat a good meal before flying

eggsIt’s extremely important to eat a good meal before you fly. Getting on a plane with an empty stomach is guaranteed to make you feel nauseous. However, it’s important to watch what you eat. Stay away from greasy, spicy, and salty foods as well as alcohol. Eat a smaller, yet filling, meal that includes things like eggs and whole-wheat toast. Make sure that you aren’t making these other mistakes when traveling on an airplane.

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Watch Out! These 10 Foods Are Probably Expired In Your Fridge Right Now

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Deli meat

deli-meatWhile the plastic packaging might appear to keep your sandwich fixings fresh, as soon as the slices are separated at the deli counter, their freshness begins to wane. Most sliced meat producers, including Boar‘s Head Brand, recommend that their products be consumed within three to five days of purchase, though it should be safe to eat them within 7 to 10 days of the sell-by date. Signs it’s gone bad: If it feels extremely slimy, if it smells remotely of vinegar, ammonia, or yeast, or if there’s any mold or other growth on the meat or the package.




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This Grandfather’s Adorable Gift to His Granddaughter Is Bringing the Internet to Tears

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Girl’s-Touching-Gift-from-Her-GrandfatherSome teens dream of a new car or over-the-top party for their sweet 16, but one grandfather spent years making a way more thoughtful gift for his granddaughter.

When Lauren “Ren” Blank was two years old, her grandpa started taking notes every time they got to spend time together. He kept the habit up until she was five years old, filling up three notebooks over the three years.

On Blank’s 16th birthday, her grandfather decided she was old enough to fully appreciate the meaning behind the books, and gave them to her as a present. When Blank realized what the gift was, she was in total shock. “Then my emotions sunk in, and it really touched me,” she says. The rest of her family was just as surprised because her grandpa hadn’t told anyone about his plan.

Blank posted a picture of the present on Twitter, and the tweet has received more than 600,000 likes.

The notebook entries detailed specific things Blank had said or done, along with her emotions to “really connect my memories to how I was,” she says. Her grandpa recorded his memories of the two of them laughing and playing made-up games. “Throughout the stories he would repeatedly add how much he loved and cared for me,” says Blank.

Blank says she’ll cherish the gift forever—way more than any other materialistic present. “The gift will forever be the greatest gift I’ve received because of how much value and meaning it has behind it,” she says.

MORE: The Heartwarming Reason My Dad’s Favorite Chair Will Never Leave My House

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10 Magical Photos of What Childhood Looked Like Before Technology Took Over

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Marbles was our game

Marbles“We played on the playground everyday before school started in the early 1940s. Our favorite game was school bells: Once the bell rang, the fellow who grabbed the most marbles won. Here, the gang ringing the circle consisted of, from left me, Donald, Henry, Tony and Jackie.” —Dominick Sidoti, Washington, NJ, Reminisce Extra March 2017

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The Notably Unromantic Reason We Have Bridesmaids and Groomsmen at Weddings

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What’s better than marrying your true love? Having your closest family and friends standing by your side when you do, as the couple’s bridesmaids and groomsmen.

But these titles didn’t always have such a deep emotional connection associated with them. It was simply the law. According to the Roman ritual “confarreatio,” 10 witnesses were required to be present at a wedding while the couple recited sacred verses. Though these witnesses were all men, female attendants did escort the bride to the groom’s home for the ceremony. (This is why we get down on one knee to propose.)


The first bridesmaids appeared even before ancient Rome. In the Bible story recounting Jacob’s marriage to Leah and Rachel, each wife brought a female servant to the ceremony; they were literally the brides’ maids.

Groomsmen, however, have a much darker back story. Much of their history revolves around marriages by capture, when a bride was literally captured and abducted from her family. (This practice started as early as Biblical times and unfortunately still continues today in many parts of the world.)


In some traditions, groomsmen were called Bride’s Knights because they helped carry the bride to the wedding. Best-case scenario: They were taking her from her disapproving relatives to be joined with the man she loved, protecting her from would-be kidnappers. The other, more troubling scenario: They were the bride’s kidnappers. It’s believed that the “best man” role originated with 16th century Germanic Goths, as the groomsman who kidnapped the bride. The best man then stood next to the bride during the ceremony to prevent other suitors or family members from taking her—and to make sure she didn’t run away.

Thankfully, the roles bridesmaids and groomsmen have today are much different from that of their ancestors—namely, coordinating bachelor and bachelorette parties, helping organize the wedding, and making sure the bride and groom have the best day possible. And if they happen to catch a bouquet or garter in the process, all the better.

from Reader's Digest

86-Year-Old Man Makes $400,000 Recycling—and Donates Every Single Penny

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recyclingSince 1985, Johnny Jennings, 86, has been selling newspapers and magazines to a recycling center with his son to boost his savings account. By the time Jennings’ only child was 17, he stopped joining his father, but the money they made covered the down payment for his first home years later.

Even though his son is all grown up now, Jennings hasn’t slowed down his efforts. In fact, he’s turned his recycling money into something bigger.

The Ringgold, Georgia native visits local churches and businesses to collect paper, which he brings to a recycling center for money. But instead of putting those earnings in his own bank account, he sends every dollar to Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries. Once a year, he’ll give the organization a check somewhere between $10,000 and $35,000. By 2016, that tallied up to a whopping $400,000.

Jennings dedicated himself to helping Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries after his first visit there was he was 18. “When we went to leave, these three little boys grabbed me by the knees and said, ‘Will you be my daddy?’” Jennings told TODAY. “And I said I’ll do what I can. That took my heart, right there.”

These days, Jennings’ recycling has turned into a community effort. After he’s made his own rounds recycling paper from businesses and churches, he’ll find more items waiting for him at home. Community members drop off other recyclables at his house so he can sell them, along with books, food, clothes, and other items to give away.

Recycling centers typically pay just one-half to three cents per pound of paper, but Jennings’ visits have added up big time. In 2016 alone, he sold more than 400,000 pounds of paper and 51,000 aluminum cans, and collected more than 32,000 pennies. Over the course of 32 years he’s recycled more than 9.8 million pounds of paper, saving an estimated 79,000 trees in the process. (Learn ways to reduce your own carbon footprint.) “He is the last of a dying breed,” wrote Jennings’ friend Shay Drennan-Love in a viral Facebook post. “Our generation and the ones to follow could learn a lot from Mr. Jennings.”

Jennings says he’ll continue raising money for charity as long as his health allows. “If you got it to give, give it away,” he told CNN.

MORE: 12 Heartwarming True Stories That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

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7 True Stories That Will Remind You Why Teachers Are Amazing

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A touching tribute


Years ago, while teaching first grade, I was giving directions for a writing assignment. I described the usual format: capital letters and punctuation. I stated that this particular task would be about a person whom they admired, someone who was important to them. We spoke of moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas. I ended my explanation and told them to begin. Then I saw his hand. I walked over to my student, who could be quite challenging at times. In his quiet voice, he asked, “Can I write about you?” It’s those moments that make me stay. —Melissa O’Connor, Sunrise, Florida These are the things your child’s teacher will never tell you.

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12 of the Most Ridiculous Dating Tips from the 1930s (Number 1 Is Actually Still Good Advice)

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Don’t get drunk


A 1938 article in Click Parade warned women that getting boozed up on a date was a big no-no. Not only will they appear “silly” rather than “clever,” but they’ll also embarrass their date. “The last straw is to pass out from too much liquor. Chances are, your date will never call you again!” writes Click Parade. That’s sound advice for any era, especially when you risk puking on your date’s shoes. Here’s how to cure a hangover naturally.

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My 11 Tips on How to Make the Most of Each Day

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“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.” – Horace

Numeral 11, Eleven, Isolated On White, Natural Limestone, 3D IllThere was a time in my life when every day seemed ominous, disappointment or bad news was expected and dreaded, joy and happiness felt impossible to attain. Rather than make the most of each day, I made poor use of the time. In short, I lived in the shadows, avoiding others except to find solace in the company of those who sought, like me, to eradicate the pain, forget failures, and numb the mind.

How did that all change? It didn’t come easy and it wasn’t fast, yet I did gradually move away from a self-destructive and unproductive way of living and looking at life to the point where I am today: loving life and living each moment to the fullest.

Note that this does not mean self-indulgence to the extreme or the use of alcohol, drugs or other mind-altering substances. What it does include is a blueprint or pattern that I’ve adopted that allows me to see the good and hopeful in everything, to discern the positive hidden in negatives, and the ability to make informed choices after thoughtful deliberation.

Here are my 10 tips on how to make the most of each day.

  1. Be present in what you do. 
    While the recommendation sounds obvious, fully accepting this approach takes practice. What does it mean to be present? Being present requires paying attention to the moment, without allowing distractions to interfere. It’s being mindful in everything you do. For example, when I wash dishes, I am present. I feel the suds of the dish lotion bubble up and caress my hands. Instead of a distasteful task, it’s more involving and satisfying. When I must make a tough decision, instead of shying away from it, imagining all the negative outcomes, I immerse myself in the process, examine my options and arrive at a conclusion based on the evidence. I do this with full recognition and embrace of my actions in the present.
  2. Pay attention to what you eat. 
    Making the most of each day demands sufficient fuel to get started. This requires eating right, getting enough nutrition in food and beverage choices. Just as a car won’t run without a source of power, the body can’t work efficiently when deprived of its fuel source. In addition, while you’re eating, be mindful of the process. Note all the senses involved: savor the taste, smell, touch, sight and sound of eating. Not only will you be more energized, you’ll also be more satisfied.
  3. Get some daily exercise. 
    You don’t need to run to the gym every day, although if that’s part of your healthy routine, do it. Getting exercise daily is important because it’s good for your body and mind, helps you ready yourself for the next task or project, frames the day with positive energy. The endorphins released during vigorous exercise, such as a brisk walk, climbing the stairs, working out, swimming or playing a sport chase away feelings of anxiety, sadness, stress. What better way to add one healthier element to your day?
  4. Make progress toward your goals
    Everyone has some things they want to accomplish. Whether it’s a short-term project you want to finish or a long-term goal to obtain a degree, it’s important to make incremental progress each day. This helps keep you motivated over long stretches and spurs you to completion if it’s more pressing. Knowing that you’ve gotten some work done on goals is both satisfying and productive. This proactive approach also serves to reinforce the point that you can accomplish what you set out to do.
  5. Look for the lesson in mistakes
    No one is perfect, nor should perfection be a goal. Everyone does, however, make mistakes. Most of us make many of them. In my case, I tended to make mistakes more often than necessary. Maybe one reason was that I failed to take away the lesson each one contained. By learning to look for the lesson and taking heed of it, you’ll be less likely to see your actions as failures and more likely to view them as opportunities to grow.
  6. Forgive. 
    Harboring a grudge against a family member, co-worker, neighbor, a merchant or manufacturer, friend or someone you casually know doesn’t bode well for your mental health and overall well-being. In fact, it does long-term damage to your psyche. Find it in your heart to forgive, not just those you feel are responsible, but also yourself. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you condone the behavior, however. It does allow that negativity to be released, allowing you to move forward with your life.
  7. Be generous to others. 
    How does giving make you feel? Hold onto that good feeling, for it’s a key aspect of making the most out of life. Not only does the recipient benefit, so do you. Generosity doesn’t need to be repaid to work its magic. Consider the look of gratitude, the words of thanks as payment enough. Whether cash, donation in kind, helping someone who needs it or just lending support, your generosity to others will boost your self-esteem and add satisfaction to your day.
  8. Do what you love. 
    Love to paint, jog, read, go to movies, dance, ski, spend time with friends? Carve out time each day to do what you love. This time is just for you, to help you relax and unwind, to be happy for the sake of happiness, a little gift you give yourself. By spending time doing what you love you also restore balance and harmony in an otherwise hectic schedule. You come back refreshed and ready to again tackle your to-do list.
  9. Tend to your spirituality. 
    Another key aspect of making the most of each day is tending to your spirituality. Whether you find that involves meditation, prayer, yoga, walking in the woods or something else, nurture your spirit. It’s what makes you a whole person, adding that uniquely human aspect that contributes to the harmony and balance of mind, body and spirit.
  10. Keep a clean, clutter-free space. 
    I intensely dislike clutter, dirty dishes, soiled laundry, a grimy stove, weeds in the yard, paint peeling and other items requiring maintenance left undone. I’m not a perfectionist and don’t claim to have all the answers. Nor am I a clean freak. I do, however, find comfort in keeping a clean and clutter-free space. Besides, those no-longer needed items can serve a useful and much-appreciated purpose when donated to a local charity.
  11. Sleep well. 
    The human body needs sleep to function optimally. Just laying your head on a pillow isn’t enough to guarantee restful sleep. Take the proactive steps of keeping the bedroom cool, making sure there are no distracting blue lights from electronics, that the room is sufficiently dark, no intrusive noises from TV or radio, turn off the cellphone, mute the telephone, and adjust your comfortable pillow. Make your sleeping environment welcoming and then settle in for a good night’s sleep.

To the above I would add the following: Get help if you need it. Psychotherapy helped me sort out things when I was unable to do so on my own. Counseling helped me realize my strengths and gave me the insight to effectively work on my weaknesses. I found purpose and self-worth in the process and learned to overcome stress.

Whatever steps you choose to make the most of each day, look forward to the opportunity to learn and grow and live life to the fullest.

from Psych Central

10 Practically Secret National Parks You’ll Want to Visit This Spring

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Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument, New Mexico

organmountainsOrgan Mountains-Desert Peaks is one of the newest national monuments, established in May of 2014 by presidential proclamation. This monument lies in southeastern New Mexico and is made up of the Organ Mountains, Desert Peaks, Potrillo Mountains, and Doña Ana Mountains. Home to several rare species of plants and animals, ancient Native American petroglyphs, and lava flows, these desert mountains look like nowhere else on Earth. There are excellent opportunities for hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, and nature photography in the 496,330 acre monument, as well as overnight camping. The Aguirre Spring Campground is the only developed campground in the monument, with first-come-first-serve family campsites available for $7 per night. You can also go primitive camping anywhere in the monument for free. Either way, bring plenty of water and sunscreen (there’s very little shade out in the Chihuahuan Desert!), and know your fitness level before attempting any long or strenuous hikes. (Find out unusual facts about every one of the 50 states.)

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9 Ways to Have a Fun Night Out (Even When You’re Broke)

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Hit free dance night


If you live in a big city, most hotels have a music/dance night that offers free admission before a certain hour, usually around 10 p.m. If you carpool to the event, you can save even more money. Total cost to you = $0. And free is a beautiful thing. If you live in a smaller town without big hotels, try going to a local coffee shop or bar that has no cover on a night when there’s a coffeehouse act or live band playing. You’ll enjoy entertainment for the price of a single drink.

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The Most Overweight (and Slimmest) Cities in America

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Little Rock, North/Little Rock, Conway, Arkansas

Little-RockArkansas, the “Natural State” may want to rethink its nickname, since its capital is considered the third “Fattest City in America” according to a recent report by WalletHub. Unfortunately, there is no sugar coating the results when it comes to how dangerous the obesity threat is to the entire state. In 2015, government data revealed that Arkansas had the highest obesity rate in the nation. One local medical professional, Dr. Christopher Pittman, told Little Rock’s KATV that foods in the South tend to be fried, sugary, and overall higher in fat. “There’s that family, the camaraderie—and a lot of our activities are centered around food,” Dr. Pittman told the news station. If you can’t give up fried fare, here’s how to lose weight without dieting.

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10 Times to Never, Ever Use Your Credit Card for Payment

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When a website address does not begin with “HTTPS”

websiteIf you don’t see these five letters in the address bar of the website you are trying to make a payment on, it means the site is not secure. “HTTPS is a protocol for secure communication over a computer network which is widely used on the Internet,” explains Robert McKee, lawyer and certified international privacy professional. “Its main motivation is authentication of the visited website and protection of the privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.” When the URL begins with “HTTPS,” the site is secure, and you are safe to use a credit card. If the site does not include an “s” in this beginning part of the URL, opt out of the online purchase, and try using a third-party payment system like PayPal instead. These sites act as another barrier between an organization and your credit information. If all else fails, try paying in person.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

12 Things You Need to Let Your Kids Do On Their Own

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Take care of pets

walkingdogThe responsibilities accompanying owning a family pet should be equally shared with all members of the family. Laura J. Colker Ed.D, early childhood curriculum developer and consultant, recommends that parents supervise interactions between pets and children, but encourages parents to allow their younger children to provide necessities like food and water for the animals in the family. Dr. Colker says that allowing children to share this responsibility assists in the child’s development of empathy, nurturing. Mommy blogger Anna Jordan says of letting her child share this responsibility, “My son loves to help with our dog. At five and a half, he’s completely capable of letting the dog out each morning and getting her food and water. He loves the sense of responsibility and is so proud of himself in his ability to care for a pet. (He also picks up poop in the yard because…Let’s face it…Five-year-old boys will jump at the chance to talk about poop).” Older kids can help walk the dog during daylight hours. On the fence about adopting a pup? Here are seven reasons big dogs are good for kids.

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12 Things to Know Before Signing Up for a Subscription Service

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 They’re a great way to budget your retail spend

happyWith any subscription service, you can count on spending a set price per delivery. This means that you’ll get your fix of new products to test and enjoy, without ever having to worry that you’ll exceed your budget as you might when shopping at normal stores. For example, boxes from LOVE GOODLY, a service that delivers eco-friendly, vegan, and natural products every other month, will always cost you $29.95, a very reasonable price to pay for a box full of high-value goodies. Knowing that a package of new products is always on its way, you’ll be less likely make unnecessary purchases in the interim. You’ll love these fashion tips to look like you spent a lot on your outfit, even when you didn’t.

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Here's How You Can Get A Free Vibrator Today

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You get a sex toy; you get a sex toy; you get a sex toy!

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Paid Family Leave Policies: Real Women Share Their Experiences

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We asked seven women to share their real-life experiences with parental leave.

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Mom Shares Story Of Alleged Encounter With Human Traffickers

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Here’s what you should know about the dangers of human trafficking.

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'Teen Mom's' Amber Portwood: 'Borderline Personality Disorder Made Me Gain Weight’

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"When I got the diagnosis, I wanted to keep it a secret."

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7 Guys On What It Was Like To Catch Their Girlfriends Masturbating

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"Personally, I found it very sexy.”

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Hard-Boiled Egg Recipes | Women's Health

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Time to get cracking!

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The ONE Butt Move You Need To Add To Your Routine

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It’s the key to bumping up the activation of those booty muscles.

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Is Dairy Bad For You: Can Cutting Out Dairy Really Help You Lose Weight?Can Cutting Out Dairy Really Help You Lose Weight?

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It worked for Khloe Kardashian…

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Your April Sex Horoscope, Revealed

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It's basically raining men.

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‘I Lost 50+ Pounds By Using This Trick At The Grocery Store’

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Seven women share the grocery-store secrets that helped them shed major pounds.

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Kristin Cavallari Posts Nude Photo Of Husband Jay Cutler In Mexico

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It's a pretty cheeky shot.

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What Dermatologists Eat For Better Skin

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Add these to your grocery list, stat.

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6 Things You Should Know About Boob Jobs—From Women Who've Had Them

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"I needed help sitting up, eating, and even getting my pants down to go to the bathroom for about three days.”

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How Your Period Can Change Your Skin

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Prepare to take plenty of selfies.

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8 Things Every Woman Should Know About Addison's Disease

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Some of the symptoms are CRAZY.

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6 Shoes That Are Perfect For Trail Junkies

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Venture off the beaten path with these kicks.

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Interracial Relationship: 8 People In Interracial Relationships Share What It Was Like To Meet The Parents

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"They kept touching my hair."

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3 Foods Good For Your Gut Health

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We've got a gut—uh, good—feeling about these eats.

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Transgender Man Shares "Before And After" Photos Of Transition

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"You sure as hell don't need ANYONE'S approval but your own."

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The Best New Running Shoes

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It's time to upgrade your sneaks.

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Kourtney Kardashian Let Kids Sit On Hood Of Car

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​What do you think?

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Is It Possible to Use Too Many Skincare Products? A Dermatologist Explains

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too-many-skincare-productsWhen it comes to using skincare products to beat wrinkles and combat acne, it seems like if a little is good, more is better. And if you have multiple skin issues, then you probably use many different treatment types. (Have oily skin? Follow this skin-care routine.) But if you’ve tried piling on the products, then you’ve probably run into the problem of pilling, where the products stick to themselves instead of absorbing into your skin and then ball up and peel away. Not a great look—and not great results either. So how can you layer like a boss and end up with a clear wrinkle-free complexion?

The trick to using multiple products is strategic layering. According to Beverly Hills dermatologist Michael Lin, MD, at Dr. Lin Skincare, you want to apply skincare products in order of their viscosity, or thickness, to be sure that they will penetrate. “In general, you apply the products with lower viscosity first, allow to dry, then apply the next layer,” he says. “Applying products in the wrong order may inhibit penetration and absorption. Higher viscosity inhibits penetration of other products.”

Your golden order of application: Serums first, then gels, then lotions, then creams, then ointments. If you’re going to apply toner, do that right after cleansing—actually consider it the last step of washing your face. If you’re into essences (a staple of Korean skincare regimens), apply that next, before your serum. (Find out which beauty products dermatologists want you to stop buying.)

But absorption is not the only potential problem when you’re using a vanity full of products. Applying multiple formulas with different active ingredients can also increase the risk of irritation. “The more products you use, the greater the chance of interactions,” Dr. Lin says. This is especially true when you’re using powerful actives, like alpha and beta hydroxy acids (salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, and mandelic acid) and retinoids. All those ingredients are incredibly effective and usually gentle on the skin, but mixing and matching them incorrectly can cause major irritation, including burning, redness, and swelling. Always read a product’s label to prevent adverse interactions.

Dr. Lin has a super-easy strategy for getting this right: Use products all from the same reputable line, so you know they’ll be compatible. “A well-designed product line will address different skin needs with each product, and all the products together produce the desired result.”

A sample skin regimen all from one line might look like this: Caudalie VINE[ACTIV] Glow Activating Anti-Wrinkle Serum, followed by Caudalie VINE[ACTIVE] Energizing and Soothing Eye Cream, then VINE[ACTIVE] 3-In-1 Moisturizer. At night, repeat the same series of products, adding VINE[ACTIV] Overnight Detox Oil before the moisturizer.

To make life easy on yourself, Dr. Lin suggests: “Find a product line and stick with it. Jumping around or combining products from different lines could cause problems.”

from Reader's Digest

Jackpot! Study Says a Great Night’s Sleep Basically Feels Like Winning the Lottery

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sleepingIf you’re convinced you’ll never win the lottery, you can still get the next best thing: a good night’s sleep.

That’s what a new study out of the University of Warwick in the U.K. is saying. Researchers spent four years studying the sleep patterns of over 30,000 people, and throughout that time, evaluating the participants’ health and well-being. To do this, participants filled out the General Health Questionnaire, a tool used to measure mental health, and parts of the 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey, which tracks health conditions over a multi-year study.

The results of these surveys showed that lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep could actually make preexisting medical conditions worse. Taking sleep medications was also linked to these negative outcomes.

But here’s where the magic is revealed. People who got a full night’s sleep or just had a more restful sleep had much higher survey scores, specifically a 2-point improvement on the GHQ. That score corresponds with the state of well-being people experience after eight weeks of mindful cognitive therapy that helps prevent relapses of depression (read: a serious mood booster).

Oh, and that 2-point increase? That’s about the same increase in well-being that lottery winners experienced two years after winning $250,000.

So how can you feel as good as a jackpot winner? Listen to the advice of sleep doctors, practice clean sleeping, and make sure you get enough hours of sleep for you. (That may not necessarily be eight hours!)

These findings don’t prove a causal link between sleep and being happy (meaning sleep isn’t necessarily the sole reason for a person’s happiness) but it definitely gives us a good reason to prioritize sleep. Which is basically the news every working adult has been waiting to hear.

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How to Beat the Mid-Afternoon Slump Without Caffeine—According to Yoga Instructors

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Try “Yogic coffee”

breathingInstead of a cup of java, try this breathing technique that’s so energizing it earned the nickname “yogic coffee.” A study in the International Journal of Yoga found that this particular breathing technique, also called Bhastrika or “bellow’s breath” perks up your central nervous system, waking you up and simultaneously calming you. Ready to try it yourself? Here’s how from Jessica Matthews, MS, professor of yoga studies at MiraCosta College in San Diego, California. From a comfortable seated position, bend elbows to 90 degrees, raise arms to shoulder height, and creating loose fists with your hands. Take two to three deep diaphragmatic breaths in and out through your nose, maintaining good posture. On the next inhalation, forcefully inhale through the nose while extending arms overhead, outstretching fingers. On the exhalation, forcefully breathe out through the nose while lowering arms back to starting position, once again creating loose fists. Complete a total of ten even cycles of breaths, then rest, placing hands on thighs with palms facing up as you breathe comfortably in and out through your nose. If time permits, repeat for a total of two to three rounds. Have 10 minutes? Try this quick yoga workout.

from Reader's Digest

10 Small But Significant Romantic Gestures That Can Improve Any Relationship Almost Immediately

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Morning tea ritual


Massachusetts resident and architectural designer Lily Piper Worth appreciates how her husband makes tea for her every morning. She’s a health-conscious person who enjoys yoga and acupuncture, so it’s a meaningful gesture. “He makes tea that includes local honey, a lemon, and hot water in a BPA-free bottle he bought me,” she says. Lisa Bahar, MA, a licensed psychotherapist in Newport Beach, California, explains that small thoughtful gestures are “reassuring indicators that communicate commitment and love and most of all, respect.” Whether it’s putting dirty socks in the hamper instead of leaving them on the floor or getting gas for her car and anything in between, Bahar adds, “the cliché ‘the little things matter’ is true.” Here’s how to match your tea to your mood.

from Reader's Digest